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Coca cola on strike (nf)


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Everybody coca cola brampton is on strike boycott all coca cola products. http://www.coca-colacompany.com/brands/all#TCCC http://www.coca-colacompany.com/brands/all#TCCC


How can a company that profits in the billions (yes with a B ) be so arrogant as to expect us to take concessions on our pensions and benefits. This kind of greed is good for no one and makes me sick to even be affiliated with a corporation that has no respect for the employees that help make them this obscene amount of money............thank you everyone for your support.

Edited by lickmyarmpit
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The problem is that a strike will probably not hurt Coca-Cola in the least. They're already in 10 Provinces with 6,300 employees. Hell, we have 2500 more members than that :D <---- That was supposed to be a funny. My feeling is that the membership should have negotiated...but hey, that's just my opinion.

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The problem is that a strike will probably not hurt Coca-Cola in the least. They're already in 10 Provinces with 6,300 employees. Hell, we have 2500 more members than that :D <---- That was supposed to be a funny. My feeling is that the membership should have negotiated...but hey, that's just my opinion.

Roy, can we negotiate a pension/benefit plan? The OFC POST mortum plan!

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Is it corporate greed.... expanding legacy costs.... or a combination of both? I couldn't support either side unless I knew all the facts.


Legacy costs will be the ruin of many pension plans in the next 20 years. We lost our pension last March...but us "old timers" have our time accumulated pensions grandfathered.

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To support a union or a corporation without knowing what is on the table and why it is needed is to blindly chose a side without logical reasons. Without both sides presenting facts it falls into an us against them mentality that will either cause the union to make unfair demands or the corporation to pull out of a viable area. Both sides need to bend to find the common ground or both sides will lose with the corporation taking the least amount of damage. The economy is changing and we as the consumers are demanding more product for less money and that is putting a lot of pressure on the corporations. We as a race have embarked down a path that is a dead end you can not have your bread buttered on both sides anymore. You either pay the price that keeps rising because of the overhead and get paid more ( our plight of the last 50 years) or you cut the prices and trim the budget to match. There will not be an easy answer while we as a society make this change but it is a change that is needed or a loaf of bread will be $10.00 and that is a scary future to think about as you prepare for our golden years of retirement.




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Well said plummer, a locked thread isn't what I was going for. Just wanted to make a voice heard and with the age of technology we live in this is one of the many outlets to use. Things aren't going to change unless we all stand up for what we believe in. Its only a matter of time before the big guy gets so big you can't stand up to them anymore. What we negotiate in brampton has the ripple down effect to all that happens with further negotiations with this company in this country. Brampton is the biggest plant in canada and a flag ship plant for the company. The gta is one of the most populus areas in north america with a world wide voice. If not now, when can people say enough is enough! Corporate greed is killing the way of life for too many, when will the middle class cease to exist?


Thanks again for all support

Edited by lickmyarmpit
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I'm a warehouse employee

Thanks for the support guys

I know a lifer there, a former union rep that stepped down over the politics inside. You probably know who I'm referring to and his reasoning.

Companies enter negotiations with long term forecasts and profitability in mind, not past results. Unions enter negotiations with the intent to better current and future remuneration. Sometimes these expectations can not be met, it happened to me. My previous employer was asleep at the switch and the cuts came too late, as deep as they were. I sustained a 20% cut over three years. I too was ashamed to work for such a company so I left after 18 years service and senior man in the region. I rode the gravy train about three years too long.

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When profits soar the last thing on the table should be concessions... Its a race to the bottom... Soon there will be no middle class or decent paying jobs... One thing the rich haven't realized is who is going to buy there products when we all work at Walmart...


Good luck with your negotiations...

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Everybody coca cola brampton is on strike boycott all coca cola products. http://www.coca-colacompany.com/brands/all#TCCC http://www.coca-colacompany.com/brands/all#TCCC


How can a company that profits in the billions (yes with a B ) be so arrogant as to expect us to take concessions on our pensions and benefits. This kind of greed is good for no one and makes me sick to even be affiliated with a corporation that has no respect for the employees that help make them this obscene amount of money............thank you everyone for your support.



I am assuming that you work for Coke, for how long?, i assume you also make a decent wage, with excellent benefits, if you dont like your job, and are digraced to work for a successful company that makes a profit which assures you job security, quit quit quit, then work 2 to 3 jobs at minimum wage, to make ends meet, or you can go on welfare like millions of Canadian White Trash do and expect the Canadian taxpayer to provide them with accomadation, food, spending money, health care, dental, and legal aid, i would think you have it pretty good at Coke. Thanx for letting me blow off some steam before the long weekend, Happy Canada Day to all hard working Canadians, im off to Loblaws to by a case of Coke for my Canadian Whisky.

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