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Takin the boy fishing tomorrow - Update with some pics!


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So my son is only 8 months old. But he loves getting packed in the snugly and going for walks in the woods. I know a few local places with a good solid shoreline. Gunna head out in the afternoon weather dependant. Cast a few spinners. See what happens.! Have any of you guys done this before? Any last minute pointers / comments?

Edited by N.A.W
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bring bubbas, and a cozy blanket to lay him on when he falls asleep...


and he will!


Ohhh diapers for him and wipes for him and perhaps you as well.... when you gotta go you gotta go!


have a good time man, my opener starts tomorrow with my son as well.



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I made it out with my son for a few hours today. He was a champ. Just the best little guy I could possibly ask for. He didn't make a peep the entire time out.


I had a nice report written up... But I accidentally closed the webpage, and lost it all. (flipping back and forth between PB)..


I don't have time to write it up again SO.. Here's a pile of pictures. I hope you enjoy. I sure did!! This was his first time going fishing with Dad!


The fish count sucked... Lost 3 at the shore. Landed Zero. :wallbash:








Looks YUMMY!!!



Oh Ya.. That's GOOD!!!!



Mouth Watering!



Back for seconds..





He was interest in my reel.





Nap Time..





Some promo shots for Roy!






He's a cute kid!


Edited by N.A.W
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Dam he's cute. Must get that from his mom Nick.

He has a striking resemblance to his mother. Thank God!!!


looks like a future fisherman to me

I am pushing it as on option, there's no doubt about that!!


That's what it's all about. Just like our kids brainwash them into the fishing world.

Fresh air is good for them!

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BEST report I've seen in a while! I have some of those exact same pictures - it won't be long before he's driving the boat...

Thanks man! Gotta get him an infant life jacket. Hopefully before Walleye opener.!!

Awww what a little cutie. Love the camo outfit :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

Giant Tiger has awesome jumpers! Cheap too!

What a wonderful report. He'll be telling fishing stories before you know it. You're a good dad, Nick.

Thanks Roy. I'm very happy that he enjoys the out doors. Our relationship it starting off very very well!

Awesme report, looks like one happy newbie, pretty soon your son will be posting his own threads here.


Time spent with your kids priceless, the rewards unmeasureable. :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Thanks Blizz. I am sure once he learns how to type on a keyboard, he'll have an account on OFC!! Edited by N.A.W
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