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Insane... Bad day to be a marathon runner... Possible bombing


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If it was in fact an attack and regardless of whether it was carried out by dissidents or foreign I think it might be time to bring back public executions. Eye for an eye instead of this hug a thug and throw them back into society bulls#!t. Hope of a kinder gentler world is becoming a scarce commodity. As blessed as we are to live in this part of the world it saddens me to know that I will have to one day have to leave my children behind.

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I'm with ya moxie. Whack 'em! Nobody who could do something like that deserves to live.


That may sound harsh, but just imagine if it was your mother, father, brother, sister that was just killed by these pieces of garbage!


Get rid of them. They won't be missed.



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You'd rather these types walk?


Maybe that's what kids are missing nowadays?



No one wants them to 'walk'. You are being very disingenuous with that type of argument. If you want to have a reasonable discussion on the matter, then you must proceed with at least a little bit of intellectual honesty. Giving choices of one extreme or the other is, for a lack of a better word, dumb.....

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It would get some attention alright. I know a few places where public executions take place all the time. The same places where terrorism is rampant and theocratic fascism is king. I can not even believe that I am entertaining this argument.


Be honest just for a few seconds, do you want to live in a society where you gather around the town square and watch the executions with your family? Give your head a shake....

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Watching the news this morning and their talking about the 8 year old boy that was killed. Their saying now that his mother is in grave condition with a brain injury and his 6 year old sister had her leg blown off.

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This false dichotomy is rediculous. Public executions vs. "letting them walk",?? I seriously doubt some of you have anything past an eight grade education.


Let reason prevail. Let the invesigators investigate. Save the fear-mongering and speculation for a forum that endorses that kind of tripe. Some of what has been said here makes me sick.

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Let reason prevail? Its bleeding hearts like you that think these people deserve rights.


Someone set a bomb, with the intention of killing innocent, harmless people. Women and children!! So far we have an 8 year old boy dead, his mother seriously injured, and his sister with her leg blown off......and you want to talk reasoning??


Give Your head a shake.


The person that did this deserves far worse than a simple execution. I know there are many others that agree, but won't write it here. Speak up. Its coculd be your mother, son, or daughter next!


You call this fear mongering?? Innocent people were slaughtered for no reason! If you don't fear that, dare I ask what you do fear?



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A kinder gentler world via public execution? Sounds like a brilliant idea there Chief. Nothing quite like a good old fashioned hanging or be-heading to warm the heart.

Thank you. I knew I'd catch a at least one Lib. There cannot be an intelligent conversation with a Lib cause they always think their way is the only way.


Maybe kids are missing public executions?


I would hope this is just hyperbole.



No one wants them to 'walk'. You are being very disingenuous with that type of argument. If you want to have a reasonable discussion on the matter, then you must proceed with at least a little bit of intellectual honesty. Giving choices of one extreme or the other is, for a lack of a better word, dumb.....



It would get some attention alright. I know a few places where public executions take place all the time. The same places where terrorism is rampant and theocratic fascism is king. I can not even believe that I am entertaining this argument.


Be honest just for a few seconds, do you want to live in a society where you gather around the town square and watch the executions with your family? Give your head a shake....





Edited cause I've never been trained in the art of Liberal Warfare. I appreciate the education Grimace. :rofl2:

Edited by moxie
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