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eastern huntshow bans assault weapons


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One of the things I have see in this 'debate' since Newtown are people who are scared that they might not be able to go hunting. Okay, legitimate worry. I see people who are scared that they may not be able to practise their skills on a range. Yep, legitimate worry. There are people who are scared that they may have a constitutional right abridged. Again, legitimate. I personally don't think that any of those things are in danger at all, but I will grant that some could. But I also see a hell of a lot of people who seem to be scared simply because they will be without a gun. If you are scared because you don't have a gun, there is something seriously wrong with you, and/or your society. And more guns will not solve those problems.

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...only those weren't assault rifles. The guns used in those shootings are what the media refers to as assault rifles.

Actually, they were assault rifles. As in, assault rifles as defined by US law, in the previous Assault Weapons Ban, and the NY laws. They are defined as semi-auto weapons with 'tactical' combat features such as flash suppressors, detachable mags, etc. These are the types of weapons used in Newton and Aurora. To my knowledge, the media, nor anyone here have confused semi-auto and full auto, or .22 with .30...

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I guess you never were involved with Ontario's spring bear hunt then. :whistling:

Look what political pressure put on some Southern Ontario politicians by some antis did for it.

It did a lot of damage to a lot of Northerm Ontario businesses and created a lot of nuisance bear issues.

Some true points


Never any evidence it was P3TA that changed the MNR's mind though directly though----Just P3TA gets dropped for a fav excuse from gun control to shore lunch


That spring bear is a difficult discussion---if your only after furs---maybe should go to the trappers


Me--no never been a bear hunter

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I always thought P3TA were more bluster and pr than anything. Most right thinking people can make up their own minds without them tossing paint on people or telling people a cute animal is just that and not food for the table.


Basically we give them more credit than they deserve tbh. and yes, they do seem to be able to generate headlines with aplomb.

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Didn't we have this exact same discussion, almost word for word, only a month ago ??

Your right Lew

There talking about banning assault weapons ( machine guns), not hunting Rifles. You can't use assault weapons to hunt. Leave them to the military or police. Those wackos get off on assault weapons.

Edited by Fish Farmer
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P3TA is now 30 years into the game and has had zero impact on what I do or how I do it


Continuing to use them as a threat is tiring and ubstantiated--although I would like to meet Pam Anderson


The current talks on assault weapons has obviously come about because of the horrifying incidents at Newtown and Colo etc..etc...etc


Those high capacity mags are the target---if your fumbling to change clips----even a few lives may be saved---or loons may be overtaken

They completely changed all of Germany to catch and keep only, as it was deemed "cruel" to catch and release for sport. That's a pretty substantial threat.

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They completely changed all of Germany to catch and keep only, as it was deemed "cruel" to catch and release for sport. That's a pretty substantial threat.

Sorry Rich


That does not affect what we do here one bit----and after 30 years of ads---still has'nt


Would'nt lose any sleep about P3TA harming your fishing


Now overfishing and pollution----different story

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They completely changed all of Germany to catch and keep only, as it was deemed "cruel" to catch and release for sport. That's a pretty substantial threat.


Then I would say that 'our side' didn't do a good enough job putting our case across. Germany, last time checked, is a democracy. I dislike P3TA as much as anyone, as a tree-hugging nature lover they give me a bad name, but the best way to combat a bad argument (theirs) is with a better argument. If we can't put one before the people, parliament, or a court, the other side wins.

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I agree with ch312


I have an assault weapon, I bought it because it was cheap and fun to play around with, there's no way to mount a scope, although it would be fine for hunting big game


it may look nasty but there's not much difference between it and a 308 or 30-06 semi-auto hunting rifle with a similar magazine

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I also believe P3TA is a pain in the pants


In well over 50 years---I have'nt had Martians stop my fishing/hunting and I also have not had P3TA stop me


So I"ll take 50 plus years Alex----Not worryin about either


Just seems like the last straw some make to instill fear with their so called gun control message is to cry--P3TA is gonna tell the gov't to stop hunting/fishing


Talk to the ministry---not happ'n

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Canada has there own gun laws that the citizens voted and approved. The US has a set of gun laws that they voted and approved. It is 2 entirely different mind sets here. You did not have a cultural background that allowed you to grow up with certain types of weapons so they seem evil to you. Examples are pistols and semi automatic weapons that resemble military arms. The M16 was the first rifle I was trained on in the SeaBees along with the M60 both are Full Automatic rifles that are ILLEGAL for any civilian to own without a very special and hard to obtain license. The AR 15 is a semi auto rifle that a trained gunsmith can alter to go full auto how ever he has committed a FELONY and risks some serious jail time. We are not trying to get full auto rifles into civilian hands but we are trying to keep the CHOICE of what we can have. I can't tell you why a gun collector needs an AR15 in his collection but I defend his right to have that. Realize that no one has ever been killed by a gun they have been killed by the person who aimed the gun. Better background checks will be ineffective some of the worst subhumans in history went undiscovered. I really don't know how to convince any of the Canadians why this is an important fight but it is. While nothing is black and white nor cut and dry but here on OFC it will continue to be debated both in wisdom and ignorance with the end result of a few smiles and a few hurt feelings. The final votes will still be cast by the people that it affects the citizens of the United States. Which if passed I hope it is not contagious and inflicts itself on Canada.




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assult weapons were developed for war not hunting....

at no point would any resonsable hunter fill its prey full of bullets to the piont of hamberger....


Do you have the right to own guns


Doo you have the right to own GUNS desighned for millitary use??



Just my 2cents. and yes I did read through the 4 pages...

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assult weapons were developed for war not hunting....

at no point would any resonsable hunter fill its prey full of bullets to the piont of hamberger....


Do you have the right to own guns


Doo you have the right to own GUNS desighned for millitary use??



Just my 2cents. and yes I did read through the 4 pages...

I'd suggest you not get in the habit of avoiding things that were designed for war, just because of the origin. The list is long, and USEFUL!


Here are just a few:




helicopter medivac




steel ships

personal computers,


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