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first winter storm on its way....


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I haven't seen a proper winter storm in years. :wallbash:


So its going to snow a little, maybe a bit of rain, and worst case, freezing rain. No big deal. :dunno:


What is with the weather guys.....they hype up all these minor systems to make people think its going to be the storm of the century. Drives me NUTS!!


Kinda like Sandy. So we got a bit of wind, and some rain.....wow....that was scary. Good thing everyone went out and bought generators and stocked up on food for a week. What a joke!!


I'll believe the weather when I see it. Until then, I can only use it as a guideline on where I'm going to hunt or fish that particualar day.



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I haven't seen a proper winter storm in years. :wallbash:


So its going to snow a little, maybe a bit of rain, and worst case, freezing rain. No big deal. :dunno:


What is with the weather guys.....they hype up all these minor systems to make people think its going to be the storm of the century. Drives me NUTS!!


Kinda like Sandy. So we got a bit of wind, and some rain.....wow....that was scary. Good thing everyone went out and bought generators and stocked up on food for a week. What a joke!!


I'll believe the weather when I see it. Until then, I can only use it as a guideline on where I'm going to hunt or fish that particualar day.




They have to do that, make a big deal of the forecasted storms, or the people who aren't prepared and can't cope well will let themselves get into deep trouble.

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They have to do that, make a big deal of the forecasted storms, or the people who aren't prepared and can't cope well will let themselves get into deep trouble.


Too bad for them!! Suck it up buttercups! Maybe if they had to suffer a little, they would toughen up and learn how to cope with a bit of snow. I mean, we all managed to survive somehow all this time........ :wallbash:


I will bite my tongue now. This drives me NUTS!!



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Be safe back there on the roads.




Minus 37 c this morning. Have had snow since before Halloween.


No sloppy messy stuff here, beats the crappy stuff we had do deal with in Barrie for 18 years. :rofl2::rofl2:


Awesome winters, awesome summers. :good: Been ice fishing for 4 weeks.

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Too bad for them!! Suck it up buttercups! Maybe if they had to suffer a little, they would toughen up and learn how to cope with a bit of snow. I mean, we all managed to survive somehow all this time........ :wallbash:


I will bite my tongue now. This drives me NUTS!!





Who pooped in your cornflakes this morning Shayne :P Just ribbing you buddy. I think you need an extended hunting or fishing intervention.

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Who pooped in your cornflakes this morning Shayne :P Just ribbing you buddy. I think you need an extended hunting or fishing intervention.


I'm just sick of the hyped up weather forcasts. They never hype up the nice weather, but if there is even a chance of rain or snow, its the end of the world :wallbash:



When you can see just the tip of the roof,THATS A SNOW STORM. Right Shane. :w00t:


Now your talking! Bring it on! I have photos of my dad standing on top of the cab of his pick up reaching for the top of the snowbanks. He couldn't reach :thumbsup_anim: Now THATS a snow storm!! Remember we used to measure snow in feet.....not cm's.


Bring it on I say! The more the better!! Colder that a witches bra and snow by the foot! We'll see who's complaining then!! It won't be me!! :clapping:



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I was on the road during Sandy in southern Ontario. I saw downed trees, broken traffic lights, power outages. Someone died in Toronto from falling materials due to high wind. Sandy was a horrific storm.


The upcoming system is going to be the first of the season for millions of Ontarians. The more warning people get, the less accidents. I'm all for weather warnings, they can save lives.

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Just a heads up to anyone on the road today.... Please take it easy!


Now that would be the last thing I'd do, heads up and you get a snotbox full of snow and ice pellets. :rofl2:

But like a few of the others said, I think everyone north of #7 is getting tired of the weather nets yodeling and yammering of what's coming. It's Canada and borderline winter so get with the program, get winter tires and learn how to drive. If ya can't do that, then either stay home, get into the ditch right away or take transit.

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*note to self* never give my peers a heads up if they are heading out and freezing rain is being called for and they did not know....


My bad.


No worries Gerrit. I'd be willing to bet everyone knows about the weather that's "supposed" to come though. Its all over the TV, radio, and internet. Unless they're living in a cave somewhere, they had to of heard about "the first winter storm" of the year.


My bet is we get nothing worth worrying about.



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Twice in the last couple weeks I've heard the weather dood on Global saying this winter will be quite cold with plenty of snow for our little corner of the world.


Then last week I saw David Philips on the TV saying he expects another rather mild winter for Ontario.


These forecasters are always good for a chuckle.

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