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Someone Fishing Out Of Season


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Ya i hear you....It was crazy.....Most had no cluewallbash.gif But they DO NOWdevil.gif .

The whole place has been cleared up, and now the members know the regs and police themselves.

My work is doneangel.png


That's really interesing I seem to remember getting alot of grief awhile back when I made the comment that taking pictures of out of season fish was wrong..Now your on the band wagoon. I guess better late than never..

Edited by UglyBug
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Quickly!?? It's been going on for two days! People see red and don't fully read someone else's post, misinterpret it and go off on the other person.


I don't like seeing people break the rules just as much as the next guy but you can't just show up on this board to yell and scream and go off on other board members.


Here's an idea to all those who are (overly) passionate about the sport they love and are getting upset with others who love the sport as well -


Volunteer with your local conservation authority so you can educate those "bad people" you see on the local waterways in an official and honourable way rather than as a vigilante civilian.


And stop screaming at other members of a message board while you're at it.

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And what about the person who cuts open hens takes their skiens and leaves then to die? Why can't there be more conservation officers? I've had to put down two hens this year that I walked up on that we're alive with their gut sliced open so the a hole angler can keep ALL her roe,,, and not even cut her gills open, so they were just trying to swim, I'm sure it must be hard with no functioning internals and a gaping hole in your belly... Where are the Co's?

I might start taking legalities in my own hands, I.e break poachers rods. Find the fish slasher and slash him and leave him to swim for as long as they can before a good person comes and puts them outta their misery, where are the CO's?..... If there is a CO on here come out and talk about the lack of you people esp on the weekends when the majority of the goof offs come out and play\poach does any one read these posts? Does any one care? Maybe fishing should be banned in ontario maybe just southern ontario because we have all these arse hole poacher snaggers flashlight fishers gut slashing murderers and roe stealers so they can snag another....... If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll squirt eggs! Don't cut her skein out nd leave her alive cut her gills and take her meat too......... Cut off prt of your fat ass fisherman belly and see how you feel! "Every bad word in the world" :devil:


I'm not sure I'd be mouthing off about taking things into your own hands & slashing someone & leaving them to swim for as long as they can, try educating them or Take Pictures & report them or Shut Up, it wouldn't fair to good for you if you thought someone was doing something wrong & you walked up to them & broke their Fishing Rod lol

Tight Lines SBKGonefishing.gif

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I'm not sure I'd be mouthing off about taking things into your own hands & slashing someone & leaving them to swim for as long as they can, try educating them or Take Pictures & report them or Shut Up, it wouldn't fair to good for you if you thought someone was doing something wrong & you walked up to them & broke their Fishing Rod lol

Tight Lines SBKGonefishing.gif


SBK is right, just educate them using your crusher! :D

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Reproduction on the US side is not as good as here, but, being among the most adaptable fish, those trout do reproduce AND as any smart person knows trout spawn multiple times not just once like Pacific Salmon. So by killing them you eliminate their life and the opportunity to be caught multiple times on multiple runs, all so the angler has free bait. In addition the collection of roe becomes the basis for virtually all the loogan behavior you see on the river.


Every bait angler has their own particular spin on why it's ethical for them to collect hens for the eggs but everyone else is a jerk for the way they collect their stringer of fish for food, trophies whatever. Bottom line is that roe fishing is part of the traditional methodologies like trot lines, jug fishing, spearing, snatching, bleaching etc. They are all very effective at getting the stringer filled up but are also unsustainable and unsporting. They are also methods that are illegal in all of Canada except Ontario.


Good god man, you continue to ignore facts and just spout off useless drivel over and over again.


I think the funniest part of your argument is turning your own opinion into facts, then arguing them! (You ever see a fish successfully reproduce at Burt dam? LOL!!!!) Have you actually fished any of the southern shore Lake O tribs? Maybe the southern shore Lake E tribs? If you actually spent time on the rivers, you'd realize 90% of those idiots netting, snagging, ripping fish are doing it for the meat. I can't count the number of times I've been way up stream on a Gbay trib and seeing guys fill their backpacks with nice fresh nasty boot fillets with the 5 of Diamonds still sticking out of their backs. You're holier then thou attitude gets really old, really fast.

Edited by BillM
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That's really interesing I seem to remember getting alot of grief awhile back when I made the comment that taking pictures of out of season fish was wrong..Now your on the band wagoon. I guess better late than never..



Educate, thats all we can dowhistling.gif I think i pointed that out earlier on.One is never too old to learn either.And once we have been educated, we must pass that education on to others.angel.png

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Good god man, you continue to ignore facts and just spout off useless drivel over and over again.


I think the funniest part of your argument is turning your own opinion into facts, then arguing them! (You ever see a fish successfully reproduce at Burt dam? LOL!!!!) Have you actually fished any of the southern shore Lake O tribs? Maybe the southern shore Lake E tribs? If you actually spent time on the rivers, you'd realize 90% of those idiots netting, snagging, ripping fish are doing it for the meat. I can't count the number of times I've been way up stream on a Gbay trib and seeing guys fill their backpacks with nice fresh nasty boot fillets with the 5 of Diamonds still sticking out of their backs. You're holier then thou attitude gets really old, really fast.


"Fish on! Coming DOWN!"


I watched a guy fillet two big hens streamside last week on GBay, the skiens got pitched right into the river along with the guts. There is a serious white-bucket brigade mentality up there. Less general looganism, but for some reason a whole lot more bow leave the river on a rope.


Again, assuming that person is within their limit it's for none of us to judge. It's the crew of guys that hang out at the Beaver and rope a limit every single day for the entire season that irks me...

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Reproduction on the US side is not as good as here, but, being among the most adaptable fish, those trout do reproduce AND as any smart person knows trout spawn multiple times not just once like Pacific Salmon. So by killing them you eliminate their life and the opportunity to be caught multiple times on multiple runs, all so the angler has free bait. In addition the collection of roe becomes the basis for virtually all the loogan behavior you see on the river.


Every bait angler has their own particular spin on why it's ethical for them to collect hens for the eggs but everyone else is a jerk for the way they collect their stringer of fish for food, trophies whatever. Bottom line is that roe fishing is part of the traditional methodologies like trot lines, jug fishing, spearing, snatching, bleaching etc. They are all very effective at getting the stringer filled up but are also unsustainable and unsporting. They are also methods that are illegal in all of Canada except Ontario.


I suspect the single-night piles of 40-50 slit boots at Port Hope aren't due to roe anglers, but those who make a good buck selling the eggs for another purpose. Prepared correctly, that stuff is worth a lot of money - lake Ontario boot quality or not.

Edited by kemper
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ethics has nothing to do with it if one is fishing with in the law


ethics is a personal opinion and nothing more, as every single person has their own opinion there for has their own set of ethics

only a self rightest blow hard would try to push their ethics on others...the law is there to make sure the ontario standard ethics are being followed, it's called the 2012 fishing regs......


it's fine to state your ethics, but to beat someone with them makes you a moron....you opinion is just not that important..the world does not revolve around you

Edited by Terry
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I didn't catch any female salmon so bought a pound of roe for $20. I was told it was from farm raised fish. Seemed like a good solution to me.


I've also gone that route with decent results. Can be had cheaper if you buy in bulk.


NOTE: make sure you are actually buying this foe from a farm/hatchery and not from the idiot that left 10 carcasses at the side of the river last night...

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I've also gone that route with decent results. Can be had cheaper if you buy in bulk.


NOTE: make sure you are actually buying this foe from a farm/hatchery and not from the idiot that left 10 carcasses at the side of the river last night...


How would you know for sure?,Word of mouth maybe?'

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I guess you guys missed my point. Roe retained is no different than fillets retained but it is usually kept for much longer AND guys do not view that freezer full of roe as part of their possession limit like they might with actual fillets. That's were the ethics come into it. It's illegal but you won't get caught. So what do you do. My bet is the guys that advocate roe fishing keep taking fish. That's unethical as well as lame and illegal.

The slaughter up north is a disgrace plain and simple and I agree locals as well as many visitors keep much more than their limit. That's why in BC, where these animals come from, you not only can't use bait or scent but as part of your salmon/steelhead tag you must write down all retained fish immediately and you are limited to an annual catch limit(that gets smaller every year). To compensate fishing clubs and the natural resources ministry designate lakes where anglers can go and catch keepers that are triploid rainbows that do not breed at all and are there for sport and food(but obviously not for eggs)

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I guess you guys missed my point. Roe retained is no different than fillets retained but it is usually kept for much longer AND guys do not view that freezer full of roe as part of their possession limit like they might with actual fillets. That's were the ethics come into it. It's illegal but you won't get caught. So what do you do. My bet is the guys that advocate roe fishing keep taking fish. That's unethical as well as lame and illegal.

The slaughter up north is a disgrace plain and simple and I agree locals as well as many visitors keep much more than their limit. That's why in BC, where these animals come from, you not only can't use bait or scent but as part of your salmon/steelhead tag you must write down all retained fish immediately and you are limited to an annual catch limit(that gets smaller every year). To compensate fishing clubs and the natural resources ministry designate lakes where anglers can go and catch keepers that are triploid rainbows that do not breed at all and are there for sport and food(but obviously not for eggs)


Can you direct me towards the section of the regs that states roe retained is the same as fillets? I'm not trying to stir the pot, I would honestly like to read it myself.


I'm thinking if I catch a fish and eat it the guts are a by-product and go in the garbage. If you aren't a roe fisherman and the skiens go into the trash, how is that different from bagging the eggs and putting them into the freezer?


In my opinion, its MORE ethical to use that roe rather than toss it in the can. The native population that called this great country home before we swindled it from them were masters at using every part of the animal and wasting nothing. I'm not advocating for a freezer full of roe, in fact I never have more than a ziplock or two anyway, just putting it out there that there are lots of "ethical" roe anglers that keep the odd fish and use the roe instead of trashing it.

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I just have to make one trip during the height of the salmon run to either Port Hope or Port Credit, go to the fish cleaning station. and grab 2 skeins out of the trash barrel, take 'em home treat 'em & freeze 'em up. There must be literally TONS of the salmon roe just tossed in the garbage, and it's so much easier than having to compete with the great unwashed, flossing or even (gasp) snagging one of those ol' brown boots. Try it . . . you'll like it!

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I guess you guys missed my point. Roe retained is no different than fillets retained but it is usually kept for much longer AND guys do not view that freezer full of roe as part of their possession limit like they might with actual fillets. That's were the ethics come into it. It's illegal but you won't get caught. So what do you do. My bet is the guys that advocate roe fishing keep taking fish. That's unethical as well as lame and illegal.

The slaughter up north is a disgrace plain and simple and I agree locals as well as many visitors keep much more than their limit. That's why in BC, where these animals come from, you not only can't use bait or scent but as part of your salmon/steelhead tag you must write down all retained fish immediately and you are limited to an annual catch limit(that gets smaller every year). To compensate fishing clubs and the natural resources ministry designate lakes where anglers can go and catch keepers that are triploid rainbows that do not breed at all and are there for sport and food(but obviously not for eggs)


How much roe do you think one person actually needs for a season of steelheading? You're a former roe user aren't you? (I find your holier then thou attitude even funnier now, lol ironic) You should know it's not a lot.

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I just have to make one trip during the height of the salmon run to either Port Hope or Port Credit, go to the fish cleaning station. and grab 2 skeins out of the trash barrel, take 'em home treat 'em & freeze 'em up. There must be literally TONS of the salmon roe just tossed in the garbage, and it's so much easier than having to compete with the great unwashed, flossing or even (gasp) snagging one of those ol' brown boots. Try it . . . you'll like it!


would it still be like that now?

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I still have roe in my freezer from many years past, all harvested legally along with meals well enjoyed.

It's rare for me to keep more than 2 or 3 fish a season of any species but I'll be damned if someone tells me I have to throw the roe away from legally caught and retained fish that were wonderfully consumed by me and my children, who by the way enjoy fresh steelhead over any other fish. To point I rarely bring any fish home but they love steelhead and given that I'll selectively harvest a few each fall and if the roe is there I'll take it and use it. My choice, my right!


Snidley, lose the attitude or be gone!

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