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port hope stinks


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PORT HOPE - There's a bit of a fishy smell in downtown Port Hope, says Parks, Recreation and Culture director Karen Sharpe, and it's been an ongoing concern.


"As we know, running salmon die in the fall," Sharpe said.


But with the water levels in the Ganaraska River being very low, the carcasses aren't washing out to the lake the way they usually do.


This year the problem is exacerbated by anglers catching the salmon, cutting them open and taking the eggs, then leaving the carcasses to rot on the shore.


"I've been in touch with the GRCA (Ganaraska Regional Conservation Authority) and the MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources)," Sharpe said.


Staff has been monitoring the situation and planning to put a volunteer training program in place to help lessen the problem in the future.


"It's certainly a big job collecting these carcasses," Sharpe said.


Resident Gord Walter said that there are large flocks of turkey vultures that feed on these fish, so he suggested piling the fish on the shores of the lake.


However, local lawyer John Morand said that if the municipality did not allow using eggs as bait, these fisherfolk would not be gutting the salmon.


Jason Whyte, who spends a lot of time on the Ganny, says he's disgusted with what is going on.


"I have no problem with the fish dying naturally, because that's what they do (at this time of year), but this is not all natural," Whyte said, pointing to several carcasses lying in the water below the Rotary bridge.


He said he watched people snag the salmon, fight to bring them in, then release them without giving them a chance to recuperate.


This practice has resulted in hordes of dead fish found all along the shores and sandbars, and in shallow areas — and some fish have been gutted or filleted and thrown back into the river.


And if there were garbage cans along the park areas beside the river, many of the carcasses might be disposed of properly, he said, adding that there are only two garbage cans on the west side and one on the east.


A fisherman was observed Wednesday as he caught a salmon and grabbed it by the gills, reaching inside the mouth with pliers to remove the hook, causing it to bleed profusely.


He then put it back in the river and kicked it into deeper water where it soon was washed over the rocks on its side.


"That fish is probably going to die" as a result of its treatment, Whyte said.


He said it's so important that the fish are revived before being released.


Whyte has photos of people using nets to catch the fish, and claims to have seen people gutting the fish and taking the eggs.


He said he called the Port Hope Police Service as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources and got nowhere.


Police Chief Kevin McAlpine said that enforcement is the responsibility of the MNR, but that the police are doing everything they can to be proactive.


They've fielded many complaints, and while they are "not equipped nor trained" to enforce the laws, they do "warn people and discourage people" from breaking the law, McAlpine said in a telephone interview.


He added that his officers are being proactive and walking the river's shorelines to help discourage lawbreakers.


MNR's Peterborough District acting enforcement officer, Craig Smith, said Thursday that he had responded to questions asked by Northumberland Today on Wednesday, but they were being vetted by his supervisor, and no responses were forthcoming by deadline.


Edited by chessy
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This was actually the first time (didn't fish the credit much last year) that I saw fish being actively snagged, and people would just admit to their crime, saying that if they didnt keep it they would HAVE to snag another! Disgusting, I know that this is far from uncommon but what are you supposed to do when you see this? There's no easoning with them and not enough time to call a co, so what should you do? Sorry for the rant.

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Welcome to another salmon run. Same crap every time.


Agreed Craig. It's funny how when man can decide when a non native species should be introduced into a a water body, then thats ok. But God forbid that an non native unwanted species gets into our Great lakes. But now you can catch Pacific Salmon all over Ontario and there's a lake or two in BC that brags about the size of the Nipigon strain Brook Trout that you can catch there. My opinion? You want to catch a Pacific Salmon, go west. You want to catch a Nipigon Brookie, come to Nipigon. Too late for that now though. We'll bring the trophy fishing to your front door. Let's just transplant fish all over the place to please the anglers. But lets keep those unwanted fish out.

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Had a run in with a pair of snaggers who we video taped dragging fish (tail first) towards the shore. We pointed out to them MANY times that they have to put the fish in the water. They just shrugged their shoulders and continued. I joined along and took videos of these clowns trying to snag fish with their 2oz egg sinkers. Another angler had placed a call to MNR and we were told it would take about an hour for a CO to get there and we decided to wait it out. I knew what car they were driving, so I walked to their car, took photos of the license plate and model of the car.


After speaking to the MNR operator a second time, another angler spoke in the snagger's language and tipped them off that we called the COs on them. Within 5 minutes, they were packing their stuff and I video taped them getting into their car. About 10 minutes later, a CO shows up and we provided EVERYTHING! Photos, videos, license plate number, model/make of their car, the whole 9 yards. Sure, it prevented me fishing for a good 1.5 hrs, but it was totally worth it. It took the team work of a few anglers, who have never met before, to gather all this evidence to provide to the CO. The CO was happy and he told us that there should be enough evidence to charge these idiots.


I know sometimes we get caught up with the fishing aspect, but do take the time required to gather evidence to provide our COs. Sometimes, just a video or picture will not hold in courtroom. You have to have absolute proof that the clowns are fishing illegally. I would gladly put aside 2 hours of fishing (or however long it takes) in getting snaggers/poachers off our rivers.

Edited by FrankTheRabbit
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Unfortunately after they pay their 200 dollar fine they'll be back with a bit of sponge on their hook instead


The fine may be $200, but the fact that they are on the MNR's list is worth its weight in gold. Apparently, the snagger we reported has never been fined or charged with anything at all. I'm very certain that it was not his first time out trying to snag salmon and more so that no one took the time to report this clown. Now this snagger is on file and it can only get better from here. I would definitely call that progress.

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The seagulls down there must be having a field day. It's too bad that a few bad apples paints the rest of anglers the wrong shade. I saw a die off like this at Duffins Creek back in 2000. The dead salmon lined the riverbank and the smell was god awful. It was one of the least pleasureable rounds of golf I've ever played. I hope the CO's nail a few of these guys just to keep them wondering if they will be nailed next.

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The fine may be $200, but the fact that they are on the MNR's list is worth its weight in gold. Apparently, the snagger we reported has never been fined or charged with anything at all. I'm very certain that it was not his first time out trying to snag salmon and more so that no one took the time to report this clown. Now this snagger is on file and it can only get better from here. I would definitely call that progress.


i don't have much faith in the MNR anymore. 2 years ago i found a fresh rifle killed deer and the poachers showed up within minutes. i had my camo on so i sat within 40 yards of the deer and watched the 3 clueless men as they smoked a joint before gutting the doe they just shot in an area where only bows (only archery was open at the time), shotguns, and muzzleloaders are permitted, NEVER rifles. after 15 minutes they smoked another joint before walking off with the two deer they poached.


i called the OPP first as i figured they'd show up because of 3 guys walking around with rifles smoking joints. nope. then i called the MNR with exact descriptions of the guys and their rifles, vehicle description and plate #, GPS coordinates of where it happened. i called the CO a month later and a whole lot of nothing happened :rolleyes:



the moral of my story? i'm not even going to bother wasting my time reporting poachers next time

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I was at the ganny yesterday.... me and a bud were fishing and all of a sudden an old man came and had taken my net walked up the river and started to scoop fish out of the water !!! lol I was not amused and told him about the MNR.... he replied with "they were here yesterday... and back in the 70s we were allowed to do it". I asked for the net back but we did let him try and net one of our catches (he missed and knocked the hook out lol) The amount of snagging is crazy down there... the US is the only other spot that puts it to shame. :whistling:

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Only difference being it's legal to snag in some states.

Not any more, at least not for salmon. It's still a complete gong show, of course, but now they try to make it look more or less legit as they rake huge hooks across the heads of chinook siting in four inches of water.


You know, like they do at Port Hope. And Bronte. And the Credit. And everywhere else.


Salmon run = good time to go fish in lakes.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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I thought that was the normal smell of Port Hope?



No Bill port hope does not smell , but the Radium GLOW in the night cant be good , its like a southern , northern lights THING , as the sun goes down the RADIUM in the plants , soil , I guess its in the air ,AND ALL THE PEOPLE THAT DRINK THE WATER , glows a bright green , just like the watch dials etc. that were made there ,in a time when you could just dump anywhere , THE WHOLE PLACE should be dug up and sent out into space the only place safe for humans to deal with the soil from this place ... PORT Despair not HOPE , check out the cancer rates ... DO DO DO DUE glow , Knew a girl from port hope once , loved her three arms but the one eye in the middle of her fore head was hard to take , but the money we saved on night lights , made up for it .

Edited by capt bruce
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No Bill port hope does not smell , but the Radium GLOW in the night cant be good , its like a southern , northern lights THING , as the sun goes down the RADIUM in the plants , soil , I guess its in the air ,AND ALL THE PEOPLE THAT DRINK THE WATER , glows a bright green , just like the watch dials etc. that were made there ,in a time when you could just dump anywhere , THE WHOLE PLACE should be dug up and sent out into space the only place safe for humans to deal with the soil from this place ... PORT Despair not HOPE , check out the cancer rates ... DO DO DO DUE glow , Knew a girl from port hope once , loved her three arms but the one eye in the middle of her fore head was hard to take , but the money we saved on night lights , made up for it .

Class act,

Can't even imagine how many people you've just offended.


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No Bill port hope does not smell , but the Radium GLOW in the night cant be good , its like a southern , northern lights THING , as the sun goes down the RADIUM in the plants , soil , I guess its in the air ,AND ALL THE PEOPLE THAT DRINK THE WATER , glows a bright green , just like the watch dials etc. that were made there ,in a time when you could just dump anywhere , THE WHOLE PLACE should be dug up and sent out into space the only place safe for humans to deal with the soil from this place ... PORT Despair not HOPE , check out the cancer rates ... DO DO DO DUE glow , Knew a girl from port hope once , loved her three arms but the one eye in the middle of her fore head was hard to take , but the money we saved on night lights , made up for it .



Your right,


Best for people as ignorant as you are, might better stay away. Then again, maybe you should move here and if we're lucky you will catch some of that stuff your talking about. Would be a nice way of culling the gene pool.

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