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Talk about a roller coaster day


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Now that I have time to ubsorb and think of what today brought our family.I feel the need to tell the days events.


There was news this morning of a bridge jumper this mornng in Barrie. It was the talk around the plant. My thoughts were,not again,what are we,the bridge jumping capital of Ontario. Why people feel the need to impose their sacraligous death onto others, is beyond me.


Anyways on to the story.


I get a call this morning from the mrs,s saying it was my youngest sons girlfriends father.I was floored. My first thought was for the girlfriend. She has had enough in her life, and didnt need this.The next call was the mrs,s again,she was taking them to identify. When they arrived,they were asked why they were there? This is where the ride starts.


They tell the police officer that a cab driver (one that drives her father everywhere)had seen him jump and reported it to his girlfriend. They say they had not heard from any cabby.As they tell the officer more,the officer is dumb founded and angry.After waiting for 3 hours or so,they tell my son and g/f to go home til they have more info. This all started at 4:30 AM this morning. At 2:15,the g/f finally gets a hold of her father on the phone.It wasnt him. Praise above.


Why,why, why, would someone say this? Why would this cabby do what he did, to a young couple?Why would the cabby not call the police first? The police are now looking for this cabby.(wait to see what the news has to say of course)Apparently,9 people showed up aswell to identify the body.This is very sad.


It,s a crazy story,but true.


Whom ever did jump.I feel sorry for the family and the trucker that ran over the person. I can pretty much feel their pain. :( :( :( :(


Now this Saturdays 1st birthday party for Lilly, will be a happier one then ever with both grandfathers. :D

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Ya, that takes a bit of tongue biting. People sometimes say things believing what they are saying are the true and unadulterated facts. Unless you see it with your own eyes or have it from a reputable source, it's known as "hearsay", or bulldoodle.

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Wow, there are no words for that...other than I'm happy for your son's girlfriend and everyone in both families. As for the taxi driver...I hope they find him, and are able to charge him with something....that's just plain cruel...Sad say for the family of the man who jumped....



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Truth is, they just died from the Illness they had.


Truth is they are being selfish. If you want to end your life, then fine, by all means go do it. Don't ruin the life of someone else because you feel like stepping out in front of some innocent trucker driver on the 400.

Edited by BillM
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Truth is they are being selfish. If you want to end your life, then fine, by all means go do it. Don't ruin the life of someone else because you feel like stepping out in front of some innocent trucker driver on the 400.



Bill what i think nofish4me was saying is that these people who committ such acts have mental health issues and as a person who has worked several years in mental health i can tell you such individuals have lost all rational thought and do not think of the consequences of their actions and sometimes involve other innocent people in their actions with little or no thought of the circumstances,it is almost always not intended to be a malicious act.

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Truth is they are being selfish. If you want to end your life, then fine, by all means go do it. Don't ruin the life of someone else because you feel like stepping out in front of some innocent trucker driver on the 400.

A lot of times these people actually leave a note apologizing to first responders, sad really. But yes I agree, truckers and subway car conductors are innocent victims of another persons illness when tragic events like this unfold. Hopefully the truck driver gets the appropriate help if needed in the months following.

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