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What I did this year


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Well another year has come and gone my friends. Doesn't it seem like Y2k was just a couple years ago? Damn! That was 12 years ago. Here's a summary of my year. All photos have been posted previously.


As usual I was very busy and only got out fishing a hand full of times. Perhaps the biggest change in my life was that I started working for a new company. All good there. With my previous employer, I was working in Red Lake Ontario last January, February and March. It's not fun working outdoors in - 30 and 40 F temps, but I was paid well.




Using those yellow power tools won me a nation wide contest and a trip to Toronto to a Leafs game and to hang out with Phaneuf after the game. I'm sure that you guys know the story, but here's a few reminders.


Schenn goal.




The captain.




Dion in a scrap with Horton.




My new buddy and I.




Typically, my first fishing out of the year is May long weekend. My buddy and I decided to hit a Brook Trout lake on the Saturday, grab a motel for the night and hit a Steelhead river the next day.


Brookies from Saturday.












Was a fun day.


Sunday pics.








Couple for the bbq.




August Brookies. A very warm July made for a challenging trip, but I had the solunar tables on my side. Of the 6 Brook Trout that I caught that weekend, 5 were caught during the 2 hour peak time of the full moon(or maybe it was the new moon)of the month. I'm a firm believer of the solunar tables, for Trout anyways.






And I had some fun playing with the camera that weekend too.






September was my last time fishing this year. That made it a grand total of 3 times out for the entire year. I have to stop working so much. But then again, in 4 years, 1 month, and 27 days, I'll never have to work ever again.


Brook Trout again. In my mind no other fish exists.


Ran into this guy strolling around my lake. It was my old buddy Moosebunk. It was just great to see him. We shared a few beers, stories and scotch that night. I'm sure we'll do it again sometime soon.




Fishing was not great for us. Until I had to head home and my buds stayed for a few more days. That's when the fish turned on. A couple of pics from when I was there.










Finally, one of the highlights of the year is my fall trip to Kansas City for the NASCAR race. This was my 9th straight year for this. What a great time this is. :thumbsup_anim:









Happy new year gang. I hope that your 2011 was as at least as much fun as mine was. Hopefully more. All the best to each and every one of you in 2012. :good:

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Definately have to get out and hook up with you guys Bill. I just never know where I'll be for work and what time I have to spare. I'll make you a deal though. You show me your Pike spot and I'll show you mine. Or we could just meet in the middle. 50 yards from yours and 50 yards from mine. :thumbsup_anim:

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Awesome brookies Dan. :thumbsup_anim: The scenery looks all to familiar,its almost like I was there with you this summer on "your lake"..or the week or so after...lol.

Pound for pound brookies are the best fighting fish yet,and most satisfying to catch.

P.S You and bunkster look like father/son...wow.

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Nice recap Dan. Hopefully you'll get out more than 3X next year.


That picture of you and Drew....I'll go out on a limb and say Bunk was standing on either a log or a rock. :D


He was standing on my shoulders, Mike.

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Cool recap Dan. Many WICKED shots in that post. Crabby Colin makes me laugh when I see photos of him now. Dunno why..? He's not really that Crabby afterall.


Good seeing you too and sharing some time with all of yas. You know full well it won't be the last of it.



That picture of you and Drew....I'll go out on a limb and say Bunk was standing on either a log or a rock. :D


Now Mikey... COME ON MAN! lol. 5' 11" gots the average beat by 2". Roy was somewhere under a toe though... lol.

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Dan...every time I see those Brookies I look up flight prices to your area! It's hard to believe it will cost me more to fly there than it did for me to fly to Edmonton!! Fishing with you in your neck of the woods is on my bucket list. Great pictures of a great year it seems. :thumbsup_anim:

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