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Well you can't say we didn't try.


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CCMT and I decided to give it one more attempt for some open water fishing. It would be a short trip as we both had some things to do given it's Christmas Eve and all. Being a shorter day we figured the Nuke plant would do us just fine. However when we got to the launch are hopes of launching were diminished as everything was locked down with ice.






We threw a few rocks and none of them broke through the ice, not a good sign. We looked at a few other spots to put in and ice was everywhere. There was small strip of open water that we hoped might open up enough if the winds picked up a bit. So we went for breakfast and hoped for the best. While eating Cliff comes up with the idea of throwing the anchor to break up the ice. Seems like a good plan so back we go. The water had opened up further and things looked somewhat promising. After several minutes of trying this we had pretty much agreed that we were not getting on the water do to time issues. Ice was pretty thick.




Here's a video clip of Cliff doing his best to get us out there.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid105.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fm240%2FFishnsled%2FDec%252024%2520Fishing%2F2011122411074112.mp4">


We figured we'd need another hour or more to get the ice freed up to the open water, time we just didn't have. We'll see how this next warm spell goes, +8 for next Saturday - believe it when I see it, and maybe get the boat in sometime in January.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. May 2012 be your best fishing season yet. :Gonefishing:

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Hey Will, wanna head out there now? Lol


We gave it a try....who knows....we may get out in a week or so :thumbsup_anim:


I swear, I could have broken enough ice to get out there!!


Anyhow, with fishing out of the question, I decided to attempt to make my mom's cream pie. It's always been a dessert item at many special occasions, and with her not here any longer, I wanted it part of this year's Christmas. Here it is....the meringue didn't peel back or crack....I impressed even myself!



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throwing the anchor to break up the ice

bingo...thats how we did it a couple of weeks ago. Took us about 45 minutes to go about 150 feet to open water. Ice was around 1.25" thick at that time. After chucking the anchor 45 minutes my buddy was too tired to fish but it worked out well for me (except the smashed tail light from backing in)

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Ah Will, I believe I saw 0 ice whatsoever there just days prior! It's too bad, but hopefully it melts again because softwater in the new year interests me more than ice fishing in the new year :P


Anyways, Merry Christmas Cliff and Will! Have a great time with friends and family!

Edited by EC1
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I had a friend go fishing after "Southern Ice up" and he busted the ice up to get the boat into the water then set the motor in idle forward and layed over the bow with a 4 lb maul till he got to the channel. His reward was one of the best days of perching he has had in a long time.




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