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A Wee Rant #2

Guest chase4chrome

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I'll get right on that Dan.It seems that if you mention Chrome or to some extent Muskie and where they are caught you will get people complaining.Carp and catfish...not so much.Just because you dont hear from some of the old posters does not mean they have left.


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Guest chase4chrome

I dont know what to make of it sometimesdunno.gif Perhaps its an effort to reduce the chance of elevateing heated discussions. Perhaps its an effort to maintain civility in the tone of certain threads Who knowsdunno.gif

I do feel that lately, the forum is over moderated, but i guess thats an effort to control the winternet phenomena.

They just have to realize, that we are not children,and shouldnt be treated like one.


Yup: and we choose to engage or not. Just thought to post this concern--I see that I am not the only one to have experienced this.


nuff said, thanks for your input.

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Seems pretty straight forward to me, there are forum rules to follow, post within them and you'll never have an issue.... If you need them explained to you, well check with a mod for clarification....






I think we can end this one after that, seems logical to me.


Gerritt, what is the name of that tactic for catching fat Quinte 'eyes again? :whistling:

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Seems pretty straight forward to me, there are forum rules to follow, post within them and you'll never have an issue.... If you need them explained to you, well check with a mod for clarification....




some people have changed.........



but I do love it when I write something that can be taken two different way and only a person with a dirty mind would find it dirty..and it disappears...it's not me with the dirty mind is it

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I think we can end this one after that, seems logical to me.


Gerritt, what is the name of that tactic for catching fat Quinte 'eyes again? :whistling:



Ohhh trust me... I am far from perfect.... and I have been edited probably more then 100 members combined on here... but I take it for what it is... the betterment of the community.. not to mention the kids that also visit the forums hich for some reason I seem to occasionally forget about. I akin OFC to talking to by buddies in a hut on Simcoe.. or a boat on Nipissing... and I sometimes forget this is public :) I thank the mods for saving me from embarrassment ... from time to time.. have I been upset I have been edited? I sure have. Have I talked to a mod about it? you bethcha!... were my eyes opened to a different way of seeing things? MORE THEN ONCE..


Sometime we get so wrapped up in our own thoughts we forget about who is paying attention..


anyways, yes even us VETERAN posters get edited.. including those of us that have been around for 10+ years.. SO to those of you with a couple hundred posts... it is not personal.. it is the cost of doing business ;)



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Seems pretty straight forward to me, there are forum rules to follow, post within them and you'll never have an issue.... If you need them explained to you, well check with a mod for clarification....





Not always true Gerritt,if you would like to PM me, i can share with you a private story of this member.I'm sure you have one side of the story already.

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Perhaps we should all put our big-boy pants on and realize that we agreed to have our opinions moderated by others. It has happened to me as well, no big deal. After all, this is merely an internet forum that does not have near the amount of sniping and whining that is seen on other forums that I visit.

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With the rest of the world going to hell in a hand basket , i find it rather refeshing that there is some good old fashion order being maintain here , Now one of the nice things about it will be once you reach old age you'll be able to look back at it and say it did'nt hurt me and i like the way i turn out . Nobody here at ofc has gotten slaped by the mods more then i have and look at how nice i am turning out ................ Be cool and go with the flow if you can .

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Here for 77 days and 161 posts and you're trying to reinvent the wheel.... get serious!


I've been edited, deleted, and threatened with ModQ on numerous occasions... . just part of the deal if you don't stay between the lines! Get use to it, or proof read your entry before hitting post ! :tease:


.. and Gerritt... what happened to you??? :D:jerry::jerry:

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Here for 77 days and 161 posts and you're trying to reinvent the wheel.... get serious!


I've been edited, deleted, and threatened with ModQ on numerous occasions... . just part of the deal if you don't stay between the lines! Get use to it, or proof read your entry before hitting post ! :tease:


.. and Gerritt... what happened to you??? :D:jerry::jerry:



LOL!! growing older and wiser? trying to prevent others from walking down my path?... I dunno... perhaps I do have a brain cell or to left... damn.... someone pass me a beer.. I am starting to believe my own drivel ...



anyways newbie's you can get out of OFC what you put into it... trust me.



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Please stop using big words

We just gotta break out the webster every sentence.


I think we all had our share of not thinking and just hitting post...as a few members have already pointed out careful wording would get your point across with good results, if not better, hey even better gain a friend or two.And the bonus...you don't even have to use big words for it. :santa:

Edited by spinnerdoc
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I tend to agree with the OP on this one.


If someone breaks the rules and their post is edited or deleted they need to know why, so they don't repeat the bahaviour.


I belong to another much larger board with the same number of mods/admins and my posts have been edited in the past there. I always receive a PM from the mod that made the change and at least a copy of the rule I broke - guess what, I understood why and I don't repeat the same behaviour. It's like training a dog or dealing with a child - no feedback, no change.


Mods would have an easier job if they told people why they got edited, that would lead to less people making the mistake in the first place on future posts. If there are repeat offenders - put them on modQ and if that doesn't work, lower the ban hammer.

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Here for 77 days and 161 posts and you're trying to reinvent the wheel.... get serious!


I've been edited, deleted, and threatened with ModQ on numerous occasions... . just part of the deal if you don't stay between the lines! Get use to it, or proof read your entry before hitting post ! :tease:



That's exactly what I was thinking.


Chase, I don't mean to be an :asshat: , but get with the program..

Edited by N.A.W
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Maybe a "Contact a Mod" Icon in the edited post.... :dunno:


I don't think there needs to be any notification that the post was edited, like a before and after. What I've seen is the post will be edited, like it normally would, but a mod PM's the offender and puts "your post in the following topic was modified due to rule #X" If the poster has any issues with it, they can PM the mod back for explanation. Ususally though it is very apparent from the quoted rule what the infraction was.


Obviously it is against the rules to start topics quetioning why a post was modified and those posts are deleted without explanation.


After 3-5 of these, put 'em on modQ.

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anyways newbie's you can get out of OFC what you put into it... trust me.



Yup! or is that YUUUPPP!


I always receive a PM from the mod that made the change and at least a copy of the rule I broke - guess what, I understood why and I don't repeat the same behaviour. It's like training a dog or dealing with a child - no feedback, no change.


Mods would have an easier job if they told people why they got edited, that would lead to less people making the mistake in the first place on future posts. If there are repeat offenders - put them on modQ and if that doesn't work, lower the ban hammer.

It would be nice to know.


Judge the merit of the complaint, not the post count or the length of tenure.

YUUUPPP or is it YUP?


Either way, there are many a person here I never would have met and or fished with if it wasn't for this board.


keep it clean and watch for a double entendre and you are good to go.

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Just to add a view here but the rules are very plain and their are no big words used in it's writing. If your post is edited/deleted or moved it is because you have broken a rule. The time to read this board daily mind you not just the ones we like is very time consuming. Now add in a full time job plus family and other obligations we run out of time. To then include sending notes to tell people they are breaking a rule just isn't possible. We all as moderators are here for the love of the site. We are not here for glory or monitory compensation it is simply a place we have come to value as a place for friends to meet. If you are here to find friends and share your good and bad spots in life in a manner that is inside the rules WELCOME. If you are here to express your world outside of the rules then your stay will be short. OFC is not about how many hits we get or how many members we have those are important only to sites that are for profit. We have members here who will give you the shirt off their back go outside of the rules and they get adjusted just like the people with 10 posts. I personally have edited posts countless times for mock cussing and after the person sees the @$&/ disappear from their posts do they really need me to send them a note? We are a board that has both young and old here reading if you can not express your point without breaking our simple rules then we will help you by editing it. This is my opinion to this rant.



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