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Ice Hut Build


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No disrespect Kyle, yah my hut/ tarp thingy is close to the price of 1 of your windows! Actually U can view my set up at the M&G on Callandar this past week end. Had a lotta fun! Only problem, the fish were not co operating for me! Others did well

Edited by wormdunker
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Kyle, is tomorrow D-DAY......Jan 31st......need to have my nephew in the USA Air Force tweak the spy sattelite to cover this event.... :whistling:


Let's.............. "Get 'R Done"



Tomorrow IS the day.


I just got off the phone with the tilt-and-load guy. He's committed to being at the build site for 10 am. My buddy who owns the marina is expecting me around noon, and has a couple of sleds ready. My Jeep is loaded with fishing gear and tools and the Father-in-law's truck has his quad in it. The rest of the materials I need are in the shack, and I pulled the stove and whatever else I don't want bouncing around in there out. It's ready for transport. This is finally happening.


We moved the shack from the spot on the lawn we built it onto the driveway where the tilt-and-load can pick it up. We jacked it up to pull out the milk crates it was resting on, but they were frozen solid to the lawn, so I busted them with a sledge hammer instead. Using the winch on my Jeep I attached it to the far corner and easily spun the shack (which was resting directly on the lawn, not the snow) about 30 degrees so it was facing the driveway, then put the winch in the middle and pulled it straight out onto the driveway, at one point through about a foot of snow. Then I slowly backed up, pulling it to the end of the driveway. When I put my foot on the brake, the shack continued to slide for about six inches. That's the first time I've moved the completed shack, and it went really well...better than I'd hoped even. Hopefully things go just as smoothly tomorrow.


I just emptied my memory card on my camera so I'll have lots of room for pics and maybe a vid or two. I should have something for you guys in a few days. Wish me luck...with the move and with the fish. Tomorrow will be the first time this season I wet a line. I'm looking forward to that almost as much as getting the shack out.

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My nephew stated the U.S.A. Air Force Satellite picked up a strange slow moving object across a open ice field near Sudbury, Ontario around high noon on January 31st.....because of low cloud conditions no pics were available from above....but it was said to look like a small Canadian Resort with one single chimney and no communication hook ups at the time observation...nothing further has been reported since.... :whistling:

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My nephew stated the U.S.A. Air Force Satellite picked up a strange slow moving object across a open ice field near Sudbury, Ontario around high noon on January 31st.....because of low cloud conditions no pics were available from above....but it was said to look like a small Canadian Resort with one single chimney and no communication hook ups at the time observation...nothing further has been reported since.... whistling.gif


Roger, Bob. (or is that Bob,Rogerdunno.gif )Keep us posted. Mission control on standby for confirmation of bogey.

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My nephew stated the U.S.A. Air Force Satellite picked up a strange slow moving object across a open ice field near Sudbury, Ontario around high noon on January 31st.....because of low cloud conditions no pics were available from above....but it was said to look like a small Canadian Resort with one single chimney and no communication hook ups at the time observation...nothing further has been reported since.... :whistling:


There was however a report from a Russian nuclear sub in the area that reported a similar object at the 42' level.

Seems the ice was unable to support the transport vehicle and 128,000 pound structure it was towing. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Edited by DRIFTER_016
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Well...I did it.


The shack is on the ice, I fished from it and spent the night. Pretty much everything went really well.


The day started off not so great...I jumped in the loaded Jeep and headed down the street to pick up bait before heading to my Father-in-law's to meet the tilt-and-load guy. Part way there I heard a funny, "tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk" and then it stopped. When I hopped out at the bait shop I heard a hissing, felt around on my tire and discovered a puncture. I immediately jumped back in and flew the two blocks home while I still could. My spare was at my Dad's and he couldn't bring it to me, so I put a plug in, pumped it up and threw soapy water on it...no bubbles, good to go. Whew! I figured if that was the worse thing that happened to me that day, I'd be golden.




I got to my Father-in-law's just before 10 am, the time when the tilt-and-load guy was expected. I was worried about the long trip on a freshly plugged tire, so I sent my Father-in-law to my Dad's place to pick up the spare, and I waited for the tilt-and-load. I found myself feeling somewhat nervous, and had to drink a beer to calm myself down.


When the tow-guy got there, he and his partner looked the thing over and said it shouldn't be a problem. He asked about the weight, and all I said was, "A lot lighter than most cars you've had up there." Then they went to work.




I've never posted a video...I hope it works. You have to click on it I think. If you didn't catch it, after the kid shoves the shack so it's square on the deck, he says "It's pretty light!" or something like that. The actual loading went great. They chained and strapped it down and we were on our way.






I followed behind until we got near the turnoff and then I passed and he followed me the rest of the way. He told me he had the peddle flat down and we rarely went faster than 80km...on hills we sometimes we barely breaking 60. The tow-truck guy said it was like towing a parachute. Each time we came to a section on the highway with a passing lane about a million truckers would give us dirty looks as they blew by.



Going through town.



The speedo



On the highway.


When we got to the marina, the tow guy backed up to the boat launch, and tipped 'er down.






Then he used his winch to ease the shack down the launch. When it got to a flat spot near the bottom he unhooked it, I paid him the $200 we agreed on (I also shot $20 to his helper) thanked him and he was on his way. I can think of a lot worse ways I've blown 220 bucks...I consider it money well spent.


I was too busy for the next little while to take any pics. But I can tell you that I was (sort of) able to tow the shack with my quad. At the bottom of the ramp where the shack was resting, there was nice packed snow where I could get half-decent traction. With my chum at the back of the shack using a 2x4 as a pry, the shack slowly started to budge and after a second or two I was towing it (as fast as I'd want to) down the lake. I stopped to let my buddy and Father-in-law catch up, but once on the near glare-ice of the lake, couldn't get it moving again...my worn, stock tires just spun. I had to resort to the Jeep, which I had always suspected I would. It moves the thing no problem. It even turns OK.


So here is the pic I've been wanting to post for a couple of months now. The shack ON THE ICE!




You'll notice I didn't say the "completed" shack on the ice. I still have a couple of things to do. The metal for the roof has been ordered, but until I get it up, I'll make due with a tarp. The stove and stove pipe need to be installed. I'm waiting on my neighbour who is making me a metal box to feed the pipe through and insulate it from any combustibles. There's a couple other things too. I'm hoping to finish during my two weeks off in February.


The shack is quite usable though. I spend the night in there using propane heat. I had a digital CO monitor, and it's a good thing, because it went off at one point, and I had to leave the door open for 20 minutes while I sat outside and let it air out. Once the reading was back to zero I went back in, but turned the heater down and opened the windows up some more. Things were OK after that, but being able to check and knowing an alarm would sound was comforting. You'd be taking a big chance without one.


So in addition to getting my shack on the ice and spending time in there...I also did a bit of fishing. With more work to do on it and this being just the maiden voyage, I situated the shack fairly close to the launch. The fishing there is hit and miss (at best) with little chance of a walleye bite...just a few crappie and the occasional pike. That's pretty much what happened. I got kind of a mixed bag of junk. It was fun though. Here is the first fish ever "hauled" through a hole in the floor of my shack.




I think I might print it off, frame it and hang it up in the shack. Like how businesses do that with their first dollar earned.


I didn't get much in the shack. There was that first perch, a rock-bass...




and then my Father-in-law landed this beauty...




I got a couple of crappie and pike outside the shack. This crappie was the only one worth getting the camera out for...




I also got some pike...a couple hammer handles and three that were slightly better...like this.




I released everything but one pike that was bleeding bad, one little crappie and that first perch because their air bladders were in their mouths and they wouldn't swim down the hole.


Here's a few random pics...








I've still got a few things to do, so an update or two will yet be forthcoming. Thanks for checking out my ice hut build.

Edited by fishNwire
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Good to see the chalet on the ice.. Hope the fishing gets better through out the season.. Those are some expensive perch thus far!!


Looks like you have exactly the same jeep as one of my Co-workers.. And I mean exactly... Color, lift, small winter tires etc..

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Good to see the chalet on the ice.. Hope the fishing gets better through out the season.. Those are some expensive perch thus far!!


Looks like you have exactly the same jeep as one of my Co-workers.. And I mean exactly... Color, lift, small winter tires etc..



That Jeep was for sale and I looked at it around the time I bought mine. Ask your buddy if the previous owner told him that he rolled it...because he did. Do you work on Maley Drive? I see it parked there sometimes.

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Nice to see it on the ice fNw. Gotta like it when a plan comes together. Tough going bout the tire but at least it didn't put a major kink into your plans.


I'm liking the idea of getting your first fish framed and planting it up in the hut. I can see many more photos going up along with it too!


Cheers, Ron...

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Best part of the story right here... don't ever forget that!




I'm one of those "rarities" that gets along better with my father-in-law than I do with anyone else.



My Father-in-law is my best friend. I guess that's kind of weird.


All I know is that seeing him happy makes me happy.

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Glad to see the "Palace" out on the ice and you both having a good time; especially your father-in-law. Nice to see hydro did not have to drop any overhead wires during transport. lol Enjoy.


The tilt-and-load guy said I was about 6 inches away from being over-height. I will admit only now that when I designed the shack I never thought to check what the maximum was...I'd have been totally screwed if I was over, with nothing short of complete disassemble being the only way to get it down. I looked into it about a month ago, so I knew I was OK...but even back then I had the walls up and roof on, and would have been in a bad spot.

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