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A short report


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My last Brook Trout outing of the year was a tough one. Bright sunny skies, 80f temperatures, barely a breath of wind, and water temps near 70f are all great for a lot of things, but not for Brook Trout fishing. In three days my two buddies and I had landed only 8 Trout. It was, however, great weather for watching Eagles. We saw about a dozen Balds around the lake in our outings.






Here's a few shots of some of the fish that we caught. Some pretty colors for sure.











And I found this guy wandering around the boat launch one day. It was my old buddy Moosebunk. I hadn't seen him for about 3 years now and we had a great reunion. Unfortunately timing didn't permit us to share a boat this weekend but he and his buddy Keith made it over to our campsite each evening for a few cocktails and some story telling. It was really great to see him once again.



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I always enjoy and look forward to your reports, Dan. This one is no exception. Such brilliant colours in your pics too. I'm sure lots of guys would trade any of their multi fish weekends for just one of those beauty specs. Thanks.

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Great report Dan. I also ran into Moosebunk on the water but didn't get a chance to meet and chat as I had to leave to deal with my dad's estate. Will be going back for the last few days of the brookie season though. I also ran into the hot weather and flat, warm water. Great photos, especially the eagles. How is that "old bird" sitting at the back of the boat?

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Thanks all for the comments guys.


Wayne. It wasn't a planned meeting. If it was you would have been the first to know. We knew each other would be there at the 11th hour. Next year sound good??


Rod Caster. My original plan was to fish through the full moon period. Saturday until Tuesday. I started work with a new company 2 months ago and couldn't swing the right days off. I like the way you think though.


TennesseeGuy. Can't wait for Kansas. I'm leaving 3 weeks from tomorrow.


Bucktail. I rarely target either. We can't help catching incidental Pike though. We landed a few, and lost a bunch. Biggest was about 15 lbs. We might have lost a few bigger ones but never got a look at them.


Roy. Thanks Bud. You put what I have up here into perspective.


Solo. No late month Laker fishing for me. I'm not sure if they'll be up in the shallows by then with the weather we've been having lately anyways. Besides, I'll be either in Red Lake, Dryden or Kansas during the next 10 months or so. I just don't have the time.


Guidofisherman. The "old bird" is just fine. He ages just like a tree, except instead of getting a new ring in his trunk each year, he gets a new chin. They're starting to add up now. :unsure:


Spiel. Thanks Bud. Next year though c'mon down and get your own photos. You know where I live.


MichaelAngelo. I used an Olympus E-620 with a 14-42mm lens for the fish shots and a 70-300mm lens for the bird shots. Thanks!!


And thanks again to the rest of you guys for the nice comments.

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Well bud, the weather did change and we got cut short two days this year because of 25-30 knot winds, all day rains, thunderstorms forecasted and a plumetting temps. But the five days we did get... GREAT. Couldn't complain about the blue skies, high heat, nada winds and hot water for living with... but it did mean extra work for specks.


It was fantastic seeing ya again, and meeting the guys was a real treat. What a bunch of fun you all are, and SERIOUS about specks too. It was our pleasure stopping in a few times to share a laugh and some malt with ya'll. Solid short report Dan. Incredible pics as always.


Condolences to you as well Al.

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Another year gone by. Nice photo ops Dan. I didn't make it up this Fall for the closing of the season, seemed like it would have been similar to what we had last year weather wise. (90 km winds = not fun and broken tents).


We found this Spring to be colder than normal making it difficult to locate the larger Brookies. We had no problem finding the small guys (>22 inches) but only managed 2 over the magic mark.


Cheers, Ron...

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