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Lord I hope not........


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Let me hear 20. Craziness. There is a link after that video of Bow fishing and "Attack of the Jumping Asian Carp" That is just plain stupid...someones gonna get hurt.

Actually from what I have read there has been a few fatalities from people running at high speeds and getting hit.

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Well this is what happens with invasive species. Hopefully the USA gets off their backside and decide to DO SOMETHING about these things


Before you go further with your statements please read this PDF it will keep you from looking foolish and more like someone who has a grasp on the subject.



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Well this is what happens with invasive species. Hopefully the USA gets off their backside and decide to DO SOMETHING about these things



Before you go further with your statements please read this PDF it will keep you from looking foolish and more like someone who has a grasp on the subject.




It's certainly not an us vs. them issue. Are entire North American continent is already plagued with invasive species, many dating back to decades of ignorance. Making it an us/them issue shows much ignorance. whistling.gif

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yeah but he couldn't say gee I hope Canada steps in and does something..it is in their hands


and no matter how much they do people will want more.....sad to say the bottom line is they will most likely make it in to the whole great lake water shed at some point

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The Carp issue is one that is not black and white and no matter what is done as Terry said their is a no win situation until the finger pointing is done and over with. This thread usually gets into a they said we did finger pointing issue. I have hopes that this time it will go forth with an educated base and become a platform for a discussion for an answer.




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it SHOULD be both countries responsiblity.Whether both countries accept thier responsibility is another thing.

As long as there is a market for these fish,people will transport them, and the scenario will worsen. The market must be removed completely, before an attempt at the clean up be undertaken in ernest.

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it SHOULD be both countries responsiblity.Whether both countries accept thier responsibility is another thing.

As long as there is a market for these fish,people will transport them, and the scenario will worsen. The market must be removed completely, before an attempt at the clean up be undertaken in ernest.


Now there is some good advice...BUT it's not PC so it will not happen and that's SAD... :rolleyes:


Someday our children or grand children will tell stories about how good the abundant fresh water lakes once were... :wallbash:

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Before you go further with your statements please read this PDF it will keep you from looking foolish and more like someone who has a grasp on the subject.





Thanks for the PDF linkage.....Dr.John Dettmers,Senior Fishery Biologist, Great Lakes Fishery Commission said last week Asian Carp are not established in the Great Lakes--sad that live fish transport continues,despite regs and recent fines in Ontario--prevention sure is a better option than control


There is some more good info on this topic @ CEARA-DFO Science www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science.






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Thanks for the PDF linkage.....Dr.John Dettmers,Senior Fishery Biologist, Great Lakes Fishery Commission said last week Asian Carp are not established in the Great Lakes--sad that live fish transport continues,despite regs and recent fines in Ontario--prevention sure is a better option than control


There is some more good info on this topic CEARA-DFO Science









You are so right. The issues of the fish as you see in a river is that the carp will concentrate in an area that at times have been measured as high as 90% of the live load. The use of chemicals and any other measures attempted to stop/eradicate any species has failed in the past on animals that have a high reproductive rate. The Snakehead comes to mind and the gobies are 2 marine animals that have prospered in waters no matter how much pressure mankind puts on them.



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it SHOULD be both countries responsiblity.Whether both countries accept thier responsibility is another thing.

As long as there is a market for these fish,people will transport them, and the scenario will worsen. The market must be removed completely, before an attempt at the clean up be undertaken in ernest.


Yes I agree but not in the way that you do. The biggest risk of these fish spreading via a market is through them being sold or used as baitfish. So if you are serious about removing the danger by removing a market, the sale of baitfish is where you need to point the finger. It is through the use of small asian carp as baitfish that has lead to their spread in the states not their sale in a fish market.

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