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Ya know something...I dont even know what to say about this whole thing.We all, or from what i've seen in here,most of us,have joked about our wives or husbands, our friends, each other, Santa Claus, dogs, cats, the size of our pr...s, the weather, our dringking(or lack of drinhing) our bosses, our jobs, and most other things in our lives. But i bet none of us really mean what we say.Thats what makes it HUMOR.The ad is humorous for sure,no question about that,but definately not something i ,as a fisherman want to be associated with, to a non-fisher,or a child.

So let me finish with this, My panties are not in a knot,i wear briefswhistling.gif I'm not even that upset about the ad.I can roll with the punches, and be as crazy or even crazier than anyone on this board.I can take a joke, and i can dish em out just as fast, and when i'm wrong i will look you in the eyes and apologize sincerely from the heart.

It is MY opinion that the company shows poor taste in the use of a house pet of anykind, as a symbolic musky bait. We who have dogs, cats, rabbits and yes, even guinea pigs, love our pets dearly, and would never want them hurt in any way.Its MY opinion that any kind of lure would have gotten the point across just as well as the dog. When i first glanced at it, i didnt even know what they were selling.I have no doubt that St Croix rods are among the best on the market, but there are better out there, and they are the rods that I will use in the future.MY choice.

This is MY Opinion which i felt compelled to share with you.Sorry, it wont happen again on this subject at least, i garantee it.

Thank God, J.Bass is in hibernation.I'm sure his scatheing comments would have embarrassed me more than i already am.blush.gif

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Well said, Paul. And btw, I think that management at St-Croix lacked judgment in accepting that ad. But, it's an ad....it's all it is..it doesn't lessen the quality of their products. I might only lessen my opinion of the people who approved the campaign.

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you are right Paul


I can be politically incorrect, with jokes and whatnot


but there is a time and place for that type of humor, and there are some people who would be unset with that ad


the last thing we need is to have most p3ta type people attacking our sport........



but I did see the humor in the ad

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I guarantee 95% of readers smile when they first see that advertisement (and probably more like 99.5%). I know I did. Its a great advertisement.


I'm also pretty sure the folks at St Croix were VERY pleased with whoever came up with that campaign. If they weren't they wouldn't have run it for what seems like years, in what is probably the most expensive ad space in that magazine.

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Best fishing story I ever heard, and it was probably true, involved an elderly polish immigrant, a squirrel, a plank, and a truck. He wanted to catch a muskie and he saw one take down a duckling so he improvised and came up with his own method to catch a pike.


He attached a giant hook onto a live squirrel by wrapping enough rope around the squirrel and the shank of the hook so that hook would stay in place. He had about two hundred ft of rope and he attached that to the back of the truck and the hook on the other end. Next he attached a second rope onto a plank, put the squirrel on the plank and let the river current take the plank and squirrel out into the middle of the river. When he got it out far enough he yanked out the plank from underneath of the squirrel and pulled it in fast so it wouldn't tangle with the main line. The squirrel started thrashing and sure enough a muskie hit it, at which point he backed up the truck until the muskie was on shore. The squirrel did not survive. :stretcher:

Edited by scuro2
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Best fishing story I ever heard, and it was probably true, involved an elderly polish immigrant, a squirrel, a plank, and a truck. He wanted to catch a muskie and he saw one take down a duckling so he improvised and came up with his own method to catch a pike.


He attached a giant hook onto a live squirrel by wrapping enough rope around the squirrel and the shank of the hook so that hook would stay in place. He had about two hundred ft of rope and he attached that to the back of the truck and the hook on the other end. Next he attached a second rope onto a plank, put the squirrel on the plank and let the river current take the plank and squirrel out into the middle of the river. When he got it out far enough he yanked out the plank from underneath of the squirrel and pulled it in fast so it wouldn't tangle with the main line. The squirrel started thrashing and sure enough a muskie hit it, at which point he backed up the truck until the muskie was on shore. The squirrel did not survive. :stretcher:


Sounds fishy to me.

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I have no opinion either way. I just want to say you should still feel OK about being offended by it and not waiver just because most people aren't. Although, I would have thought St.Croix would have come up with something less gimmicky for marketing their products than that.

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Sounds fishy to me.


That's a good story indeed, but definitely false.


As I can attest to squirrels can swim. :)


The following is a true story that happened to me a few years back.


Several years ago while soloing in Quetico I approached a perfect island campsite on Kawnipi Lake and decided to pull in and set up camp as it was getting late.


While unloading my gear this angry little psycho red squirrel with a black slash on his forehead raced around me excitedly, chattering and shrieking like he was rabid (obviously I was on his turf!).


Anyhow, after awhile he left and I went about my business. A little while later I had a fire going and was about to start eating a potful of rice when out of the corner of my eye I spotted the little demon seed sitting on the log next to me mesmerised by my rice.


Very very slowly I grabbed the pot lid in my right hand and held it poised above the pot which was resting on my knees. It took a looong time, probably 15mins of sitting motionless like that, but finally the little buggar hopped into my pot and started gobbling up my rice.


I slammed the lid down to capture the demon and all hell broke loose!

He was scrabbling at the pot trying to get out all the while making these weird gurgling noises LOL!


Well, as much as he was bugging me I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted him gone.


I looked around and noticed a tiny rockpile in the lake about 400yds from the island.

Aha! I thought, Alcatraz it is for the little beggar!


I put the still shrieking squirrel into my canoe and pushed off for the rockpile.


Upon arriving, I VERY carefully placed the pot on the rocks, then leaned way over with the paddle, completely unbalanced, and flipped the pot lid off with the tip of the paddle.


What happened next is kind of a blur it happened so fast. In my minds eye I see the squirrel shoot straight up in the air about 3 feet, do a 360 to see where he is, then shrieking, he launched himself horizontally right at my face LOL! He was like the Chuck Norris of squirrels.


All 4 of the demons little claws sank into my face drawing blood. I freaked (obviously ) and capsized my canoe into the lake.


The demon squirrel springboarded off my face and hit the water like he had an outboard in his butt making a beeline back to his island.


Squirrels are REALLY good swimmers, who knew?

All I could do was laugh, I mean what else could I do?. I gathered my wits (and canoe) and made my way back to the island. Thankfully the demon squirrel seemed to be in hiding, the ordeal was over! (or so I thought!)


The next morning I packed up early as I wanted to get going. The canoe was loaded and I was just finishing my morning oatmeal when, you guessed it, I spied the demon squirrel about 2 feet to my right staring intently at my pot of oatmeal!


I knew it was the same beast 'cause of the distinctive black slash on his forehead (sign of the beast?)


Anyhow, this time it took at least 1/2 an hour...my arm was getting REALLY tired holding my pot lid in the air motionless.


Finally, his hunger overcame his fear and he tentatively hopped in. I slammed the lid down on him with a vengeance!.


Man the bizarre, otherworldly noises that came from that pot sent chills down my spine! Without really thinking, just reacting, I grabbed the pot and started to shake it as hard as I could (sorry squirell lovers, don't condemn me 'till you've walked a mile in my shoes ).


I shook that pot 'till my arms were sore then threw it down on the ground.

Amazingly the demon landed on his feet, standing upright. His eyes were closed though, and he was wobbling around like a drunk.


I grabbed my pot, thinking, huh, that'll teach ya!. I was still watching the beast as I turned to my canoe, when suddenly the wobbling stopped, his beady eyes snapped open clear and bright and full of hate!


He let out a blood curdling shriek and launched himself at my leg! If any of you remember the killer bunny rabbit from Monty Python and The Holy Grail, well this was pretty similar.


Frantically I tried to get to my canoe and safety as the creature attacked. He latched himself onto the cuff of my pants as I ran to my boat. Realising he was attached to me I kicked my leg out and he flew off (I could have split the uprights at 60yds with that shot).

Anyhow, I made it to my boat and pushed off, finally escaping the beasts wrath.


By far my most memorable wildlife encounter!





Merry Christmas :)

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Merc and I get along pretty well....but come man....this is a JOKE with the poodle (but it's the right breed for this)...LOL.....the whole friggin world is waytoo PC with being offended...I like to rattle the cage and get a rise from guys and many know what I'm doing but even more are "offended" by it....take off your skirts and put on a pair a pants...MEN'S pants, not the ladies kind and sit back with a cold beer while laughing at someone else or YOURSELF sometimes....I know I don't have all that much time left on this earth but the time I have left I will enjoy.....BTW even though I like to tease unmercyfully I ALWAYS believe in helping others when in need or anytime asked.


It's Friggin BOB....LOL

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Merc and I get along pretty well....but come man....this is a JOKE with the poodle (but it's the right breed for this)...LOL.....the whole friggin world is waytoo PC with being offended...I like to rattle the cage and get a rise from guys and many know what I'm doing but even more are "offended" by it....take off your skirts and put on a pair a pants...MEN'S pants, not the ladies kind and sit back with a cold beer while laughing at someone else or YOURSELF sometimes....I know I don't have all that much time left on this earth but the time I have left I will enjoy.....BTW even though I like to tease unmercyfully I ALWAYS believe in helping others when in need or anytime asked.


It's Friggin BOB....LOL



Hey Frig !!!!!

Glad i made yer day !!!!

be careful on the roads and have safe Christmas my little Americain buddy !!!!!santa.gif

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Guest gbfisher

That's a good story indeed, but definitely false.


As I can attest to squirrels can swim. :)


The following is a true story that happened to me a few years back.


Several years ago while soloing in Quetico I approached a perfect island campsite on Kawnipi Lake and decided to pull in and set up camp as it was getting late.


While unloading my gear this angry little psycho red squirrel with a black slash on his forehead raced around me excitedly, chattering and shrieking like he was rabid (obviously I was on his turf!).


Anyhow, after awhile he left and I went about my business. A little while later I had a fire going and was about to start eating a potful of rice when out of the corner of my eye I spotted the little demon seed sitting on the log next to me mesmerised by my rice.


Very very slowly I grabbed the pot lid in my right hand and held it poised above the pot which was resting on my knees. It took a looong time, probably 15mins of sitting motionless like that, but finally the little buggar hopped into my pot and started gobbling up my rice.


I slammed the lid down to capture the demon and all hell broke loose!

He was scrabbling at the pot trying to get out all the while making these weird gurgling noises LOL!


Well, as much as he was bugging me I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted him gone.


I looked around and noticed a tiny rockpile in the lake about 400yds from the island.

Aha! I thought, Alcatraz it is for the little beggar!


I put the still shrieking squirrel into my canoe and pushed off for the rockpile.


Upon arriving, I VERY carefully placed the pot on the rocks, then leaned way over with the paddle, completely unbalanced, and flipped the pot lid off with the tip of the paddle.


What happened next is kind of a blur it happened so fast. In my minds eye I see the squirrel shoot straight up in the air about 3 feet, do a 360 to see where he is, then shrieking, he launched himself horizontally right at my face LOL! He was like the Chuck Norris of squirrels.


All 4 of the demons little claws sank into my face drawing blood. I freaked (obviously ) and capsized my canoe into the lake.


The demon squirrel springboarded off my face and hit the water like he had an outboard in his butt making a beeline back to his island.


Squirrels are REALLY good swimmers, who knew?

All I could do was laugh, I mean what else could I do?. I gathered my wits (and canoe) and made my way back to the island. Thankfully the demon squirrel seemed to be in hiding, the ordeal was over! (or so I thought!)


The next morning I packed up early as I wanted to get going. The canoe was loaded and I was just finishing my morning oatmeal when, you guessed it, I spied the demon squirrel about 2 feet to my right staring intently at my pot of oatmeal!


I knew it was the same beast 'cause of the distinctive black slash on his forehead (sign of the beast?)


Anyhow, this time it took at least 1/2 an hour...my arm was getting REALLY tired holding my pot lid in the air motionless.


Finally, his hunger overcame his fear and he tentatively hopped in. I slammed the lid down on him with a vengeance!.


Man the bizarre, otherworldly noises that came from that pot sent chills down my spine! Without really thinking, just reacting, I grabbed the pot and started to shake it as hard as I could (sorry squirell lovers, don't condemn me 'till you've walked a mile in my shoes ).


I shook that pot 'till my arms were sore then threw it down on the ground.

Amazingly the demon landed on his feet, standing upright. His eyes were closed though, and he was wobbling around like a drunk.


I grabbed my pot, thinking, huh, that'll teach ya!. I was still watching the beast as I turned to my canoe, when suddenly the wobbling stopped, his beady eyes snapped open clear and bright and full of hate!


He let out a blood curdling shriek and launched himself at my leg! If any of you remember the killer bunny rabbit from Monty Python and The Holy Grail, well this was pretty similar.


Frantically I tried to get to my canoe and safety as the creature attacked. He latched himself onto the cuff of my pants as I ran to my boat. Realising he was attached to me I kicked my leg out and he flew off (I could have split the uprights at 60yds with that shot).

Anyhow, I made it to my boat and pushed off, finally escaping the beasts wrath.


By far my most memorable wildlife encounter!





Merry Christmas :)



You mean that all those chipmunks, squirls, groundhogs, mice and Red squirls didn't float over to that island on a piece of wood?


Who'd figure. :dunno:

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Hey Frig !!!!!

Glad i made yer day !!!!

be careful on the roads and have safe Christmas my little Americain buddy !!!!!santa.gif


Already sitting at my son's place waiting for the Capt to come home from work...wife forgot his key but my son called the building manager and arrange for the key to be waiting in the office for us when we arrived....


Gasoline prices much better here...$2.95 per gallon compared to $3.23 per US gallon at home when we left....but weather not much different here...34 degrees and about 2 inches of snow compared to our 4 feet.

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