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I wish I did guys... and thanks for caring!


Oh.. what a week it's been!l After 7 days of waiting for surgery..... Jen into pre-op at 11:30 this morning and then wheeled into Surgery about 12:30. An hour later her Surgeon came galloping into the waiting room and motioned us over. The SENIOR Anethesiologist screwed up and somehow put a line in to her carotid artery instead of the vein in her neck. Requiring an emergency retraction of the line... Jen woken back up and surgery scrubbed until at least tomorrow. I hate to ask what else they can possible do to this women..


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Well guys... it's been 4 years and 2 days since she was first diagnosed. I've gone from a hyper .. can't sit still... to someone that can spend 20 hours a day sitting in a chair without a book or TV. Am I screaming on the inside sure, but doing the "duck paddle" instead for the sake of Jen, two other kids and a wife that is already mentally exhausted and out cold in a chair.


Tumour has grow almost a cm since last Sunday. Now about 6cm, her vision is blurred, etc. although the steroids they have her on have helped with the right side mobility.

Edited by irishfield
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wow, that s unreal; I would be through the roof, even though I know it wouldn't change anything or help

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Wayne. Hopefully when I log back on tonight the news is convalescence and good news.

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Takes a strong man to hold the composure for the rest of the family. Disappointing would be an understatement. Let's hope we get this right today and get it done. Jen is quite the strong lady - hang there for her.

Wholeheartedly agree. We are all pulling for your family Wayne.

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