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Thanks guys!


PET scan from last week shows there isn't cancer anywhere else in her body, thank God for that, however in addition to the already known right pelvic bone it is also on the edges of her hip socket. Surgery now appears to be a definite vs the maybes we got before. When is unknown.. mid way thru or at the end of chemo and then the high possibilty of radiation treatments.


She's come close.. but so far she hasn't been sick. I left at noon or so today and left Leah behind. Was a tough thing to do and actually start the truck.....


I then get home to a postal cards in the mail box... down to the outlet and it's the shampoo I ordered from Long Island NY and the conditoner from California that may help her keep her hair. Drive all the way back to TO into rush hour, drop the package, and all the way back home.


She's hoping she can go to work Monday or Tuesday, but seeing what I've seen for the last 4 days... I don't see it happening.

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Reading this post brings a tear to my eye Wayne. Having my own Little girl now I can imagine what your feeling. She seems like one hell of a tough girl though. They have come a long way with the advancements of Cancer and I'm sure she will benefit from that in a good way and we will be reading a different post soon enough. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. There is always room here if you need it. I dont live to far from there, East end of Scarborough.

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Thanks Smallie.. I'm told this morning she's a lot more alert and chipper.. and used less pain killers than normal yesterday.. actually ate a full pancake and ran from the living room to bathroom (25 feet)fast enough that Leah thought something was wrong. She just had to go.. lol.. but she hasn't run in a long long time. There's hope yet that she'll get to work next week.

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No.. she actually asked me to take pictures this round to document it all.


She was pissed with me when she had her crohn's surgery and I took pictures..



(what ever it takes to make them smile!)


but she beat that one hands down, so figures maybe she should go with it this time for the same outcome!!

Edited by irishfield
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Wayne, I just read this and I can only imagine what it's like to go through what your family is enduring right now. Life throws you a crappy hand sometimes. I sincerley hope that all goes well. It's important that Mom and Dad stay healthy too, daughter will need them....so take care of yourselves.


My thoughts will remain with you until she is cured.


Take care.

Edited by Gerry
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Hear ya Brian!! :unsure:


The sad part through all of this.. Friends I've made in the last few years here on OFC are seriously interested and concerned on a daily basis and for that I'm gratefull... others I've known for decades and decades, including some of Leah and I's family members, have gone underground. Guess it might be their way of dealing, but not what we or Jennifer needs during this. :wallbash:

Edited by irishfield
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wayne..your daughter sounds like a real tough cookie and im sure she got that from you as well as your your wife.. im here for you wayne as much as i can be and im sure she will be just fine, with the determination she has shown and a great supportive family there is nothing but good that will result from this situation .. you and your family will only be stronger wayne and so will she...i will have your family in my prayers tonight wayne i promise you that..from one dad to another

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Thanks Rob.. I knew this snow and ice crap would bring you out of the wood work sooner or later. :D


She's had a rough couple of weeks.. dropped from 90 lbs at weigh in the day (22nd Nov) of chemo start to 77 lbs 8 days later. Leah's got her fattened back up to about 85 lbs now and she's eating well again, so hopefully she'll get to 90 lbs again before Monday when her next chemo mix starts. She goes in Monday 13th Dec and doesn't get out until the Saturday.. then another $2700 anti-infection needle and then we'll be bringing her home for Christmas with the next scheduled chemo being January 3rd. Her PET scan showed the cancer has crept to her hip socket.. so surgery sounds definite now instead of maybe. When we don't know.. mid chemo or at the end to possibly remove part or all of her right pelvic bone and hip socket.


She went to work at Ryerson this afternoon... still waiting to hear from her tonight as to how that went. She wanted to get from last night to Sunday on her own.. so we dropped her off with plenty of food in the cupboards and left her to her wishes. We're back to TO Sunday noon... so her and her bf can use my truck to go to her bosses Christmas party in Aurora.. then Chemo the next morning and thru the whole week.

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Thanks Rob.. I knew this snow and ice crap would bring you out of the wood work sooner or later. :D


She's had a rough couple of weeks.. dropped from 90 lbs at weigh in the day (22nd Nov) of chemo start to 77 lbs 8 days later. Leah's got her fattened back up to about 85 lbs now and she's eating well again, so hopefully she'll get to 90 lbs again before Monday when her next chemo mix starts. She goes in Monday 13th Dec and doesn't get out until the Saturday.. then another $2700 anti-infection needle and then we'll be bringing her home for Christmas with the next scheduled chemo being January 3rd. Her PET scan showed the cancer has crept to her hip socket.. so surgery sounds definite now instead of maybe. When we don't know.. mid chemo or at the end to possibly remove part or all of her right pelvic bone and hip socket.


She went to work at Ryerson this afternoon... still waiting to hear from her tonight as to how that went. She wanted to get from last night to Sunday on her own.. so we dropped her off with plenty of food in the cupboards and left her to her wishes. We're back to TO Sunday noon... so her and her bf can use my truck to go to her bosses Christmas party in Aurora.. then Chemo the next morning and thru the whole week.



Not nice stuff at all that you all are going through....many thoughts and talks to our Father going your way. You have to be some proud parents, Jennifer is special no doubt about it. When you share her fight and her determination I feel so much sadness and then I get goose bumps for I am struck by the "soldier" in her. I find myself cheering her on. You Go Girl....Just Keep Going

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You keep on trucking Wayne!!! Your daughter is battling this like a champ. You better plan some sort of special family event for next summer once this is finished with. Take your wife and Jen on a nice trip or do something REAL NICE for them. I'm praying for you guys.

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Thanks folks... she got to work.. worked 2 to 7.. went out with a co-worker to Jackassters for supper.. back to work for a couple hours and left for home at 10pm. Typing emails at 11pm and still pretty lively. Good to see she has some energy back and will be able to enjoy her OPSEU luncheon today at the Delta Chelsa.. and her Christmas party on Sunday, then back Monday for another cycle.

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With her inner strength, coupled with the love of her family , all will be well Wayne . Im in and out at the hospital all next month , gonna keep my eyes out for you and yours , hope we get to meet soon (sorry that is under these times). I dont know why a great family like yours is being tested so , but in my heart I know good will allways win ,so keep the chin up , you have put in so much time on the side of what is good to have any bad beat ya . My prayers go out to you and yours every night , be strong . Bruce

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