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Quinte GTG?


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Myself and Harrison had cabin 7 booked at Merland Park for the November G2G but somethings come up and we have to cancel, unfortunately.


Probably a good thing though cause I just called Merland Park to cancel our reservation for cabin 7 only to be told that I must be mistaken because it's already booked to ANOTHER party and they have no record of me ever calling.........UN-BELIEVABLE !!!!


I told her the reservation was made back in September and when I offered the guy my credit card number over the phone he told me they don't take card numbers but not to worry cause he marked me in the reservation book himself and I was all set.


If your booked at Merlands, ya better check.


They received some really bad OFC reviews a couple years ago for this very same crap but it would appear as if nothing has improved there at all.


HOLY LEW, that is absolutely brutal. I (and I know you) would of been LIVID.


I am sad to say it was I that had to cancel, as my lil sweetie has a date with sick kids on the friday unfortunatley.

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We'll do the g2g next year Phil, cept we'll booked into a more reliable place.


HH, the guy that messed up my reservation is probably the same guy that told you the day before he had no rooms available, then told Joey the same day he had 3

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Ok, anyone have some money to invest? We'll set up a fishing lodge somewhere on the Bay for year round adventures. We have some guides with expereince on here we can hire, plus we can use my old contacts from the states and hit the US show circut. We can have seasonal OFC GTG's aswell. We can do it right.


I am half joking....

Edited by Harrison
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Myself and Harrison had cabin 7 booked at Merland Park for the November G2G but somethings come up and we have to cancel, unfortunately.


Probably a good thing though cause I just called Merland Park to cancel our reservation for cabin 7 only to be told that I must be mistaken because it's already booked to ANOTHER party and they have no record of me ever calling.........UN-BELIEVABLE !!!!


I told her the reservation was made back in September and when I offered the guy my credit card number over the phone he told me they don't take card numbers but not to worry cause he marked me in the reservation book himself and I was all set.


If your booked at Merlands, ya better check.


They received some really bad OFC reviews a couple years ago for this very same crap but it would appear as if nothing has improved there at all.


That's just awful Lew.


I booked mine, they ASKED for my credit card number and then they sent me a confirmation email stating the date and cottage booked. Don't know who this moron is who is giving others a hard time, but I'll definately have a word with Jennifer and Kevin. Not like it will matter anyhow, but something should be said.



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We book motels a couple times a year and they nearly always ask for a card #, infact I'm booked into a motel in Chatham this weekend and just gave my # this morning.


That's why I was surprised when the guy at Merlands said he didn't require my # and I even told my wife about it.


Oh well, it'll be the last time I ever offer to give my $$$$ to those folks, I'm sure some other resort would appreciate it more.

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I called Merlands this morning, they say they are booked solid for the weekend of the 19th, 20th and 21st. NO COTTAGES AVAILABLE!!!!

I have booked myself and Bitsmith into Perfect Vue for those dates. I believe that they have more cottages available... they can be reached at 613 354 3001.

FishnSled, my cottage sleeps four, should you be able to get away!




Just talked to Merland and booked there.


They still have 1 cabin and 2 motel rooms.



Well Brian, I would say based on my experience of yesterday, they are not off to a good start!

I followed up with them this morning, trying to understand how I was refused a cottage, only to find out that both Joey and Lew were able to book, when I was refused hours earlier...

After much appologizing for the "mix up" I'm still left scratching my head.


So, we will have yet another dis-funtional GTG as again this year, we will not be together as a group.


I hope the Quinte Fishing board group like beer! :rofl2:



Hey Joe, I wonder if you and I were even talking to the same guy yesterday. When I called in the afternoon there was no hesitation at all when he said they had one small cabin and 2 motel units still available. :dunno:



I don't know Lew... all I can say is what was said to me.

I was not asked how many people I needed a cottage for...I was told in no uncertain terms that there were no cottages available for that weekend... and I called at around 11:00am, yesterday.


I'm wondering if there may be a "non drinker" who wouldn't mind picking up some drunken fools and driving us to Merlands so we can at least get some time together as a group... but I suspect that there aren't that many fools around!




Myself and Harrison had cabin 7 booked at Merland Park for the November G2G but somethings come up and we have to cancel, unfortunately.


Probably a good thing though cause I just called Merland Park to cancel our reservation for cabin 7 only to be told that I must be mistaken because it's already booked to ANOTHER party and they have no record of me ever calling.........UN-BELIEVABLE !!!!


I told her the reservation was made back in September and when I offered the guy my credit card number over the phone he told me they don't take card numbers but not to worry cause he marked me in the reservation book himself and I was all set.


If your booked at Merlands, ya better check.


They received some really bad OFC reviews a couple years ago for this very same crap but it would appear as if nothing has improved there at all.


REDEMPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistling:


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I just read all that. lol


What IS GTG? Good to go? So many damn acronyms!


At any rate - I love where GBW's (ANOTHER acronym) head is at!


I don't have a boat, but I may have weaseled into a friends boat for that weekend. I don't know ANY of you, but y'all seem alright.


Lied. I know FNS (FishNSled) - Will - if you wind up drinkin' down there, let me know. Actually, let me know ahead of time, and I'll try and stay near where you're crashin' and then CRASH THIS PARTY!!! (I don't make my own beer. crap, I don't even LIKE beer. But I love, love, LOVE Rye!!)


Yeah, so, here's more to read for the next clueless noob.


So many things to learn grasshopper.



Oh no, you know Will?!?! Ok, black listed! :sarcasm: Will is with a few of us at Perfect Vu, unless things change. Rye, ok, maybe. Fish Whistle? (If that one you don't know ask Will, LOL) The rest I cannot talk to because this is my 1st year with the group. PM headhunter to see about a cabin change to a bigger place. If not, PM me and I'll bug him :whistling: All I know is our boats are now full unless Will changes his plans (ie: fix his boat).


BLACKLISTED!!:glare: And you wanted to come fishing with me eh.....:P:D As for the boat being fixed, Should be ready in the Spring.:( One disabled boat is not top of the list when you have dozens to winterize. One upset guy or an angry mob?



Topless Gals?! Irishfield, I rish that's what it did stand for. Girls who fish are HAWT! Topless girls who fish?! Well, let's just say I'd be fishing with an extra long rod!


You can have all the tools but if you don't know how to use them, what good are they?:whistling:



LincolnG... well, I usually don't admitt these types of things on an open forum like this, but I have fished with you a couple of winters ago... out with Will on Lady Simcoe for Whities!

As far as the Quinte GTG is concerned, we can almost always find a way to fit in one more... but boat space may be a problem...

Get ahold of Will, he knows what we are up to and we can go from there!



It might have been open water in the Kawarthas?:dunno: You might be thinking of Ken. Was I hungover? Must be an age thing.



Myself and Harrison had cabin 7 booked at Merland Park for the November G2G but somethings come up and we have to cancel, unfortunately.


Probably a good thing though cause I just called Merland Park to cancel our reservation for cabin 7 only to be told that I must be mistaken because it's already booked to ANOTHER party and they have no record of me ever calling.........UN-BELIEVABLE !!!!


I told her the reservation was made back in September and when I offered the guy my credit card number over the phone he told me they don't take card numbers but not to worry cause he marked me in the reservation book himself and I was all set.


If your booked at Merlands, ya better check.


They received some really bad OFC reviews a couple years ago for this very same crap but it would appear as if nothing has improved there at all.


Sorry to hear that you and Phil cannot make the trip. More sorry that Merlands just about ruined your weekend.



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Yes! Open Water Kawarthas! And Ken! And fish whistles! Holy shniekies - I remember that hangover - but if I've got the opportunity, I'm not passin' up on fishin'!! Yep - rip jigged for eyes, floated for crappies...I believe it was Balsam? Dunno. Doesn't matter. IT'S QUINTE, NOW!


- Like hearing about Merland Parks' disorganization - good to avoid places like that. Imagine showin' up and being told "Who are you?" *queit little twig snaps* It's called a computer folks. Get one.


Sorry to hear about someone visiting sick kids - hopefully none too serious. Whatever the case - they're the best in the world!

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Sorry to hear you are off to Sick Kids Phil.. been there done that, but they are GREAT people and will take the bestest care of your little sweetie. Good chance I'll be across the street at Mount Sinai with one of our little sweeties, now 25, at the same time and if so maybe we need to do lunch or supper.


Lexx, great that you'll be aboard the U and Me express fishing machine with the motley crew. I hope that I'm there as well to enjoy a much needed weekend.. but we'll see where we are at come Thursday the 18th.

Edited by irishfield
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Well - I think, as of right now, I've filled a spot in my buddy's boat - comin down Next weekend and the week after...week after being the GTG, if I'm I've not had TMR. We were thinkin' about squatting at a no-tell motel, but the cabin thing would be way better - cause we could whistle and drink with y'all. (Prol. more drinkin'...). But there would be three of us. Don't know how that would work and don't wanna be a PITA. But would DEF. like to get in on the comradarie. So, if three of us could be accomodated, I think that would be AWESOME. I'm not fussy...I can pass out drunk anywhere! There other two guys (one older in spirit, one just older) are good dudes - father/son in law team - they'd prolly want a bed. So...thoughts??

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I am so willing to go ... are there any OFC Northerners that are going ?

I'll split on gas and lodging... or we can take my stuff and vice versa.... I have a Medium 14' maybe something bigger would be best ..I'll bring the Expedition and hook up your boat.. If ya want...50/50 or 33.33/33.33/33.33 or 25/25/25/25 ...whatever

Let me know .. time is running out.





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Myself and Harrison had cabin 7 booked at Merland Park for the November G2G but somethings come up and we have to cancel, unfortunately.


Probably a good thing though cause I just called Merland Park to cancel our reservation for cabin 7 only to be told that I must be mistaken because it's already booked to ANOTHER party and they have no record of me ever calling.........UN-BELIEVABLE !!!!


I told her the reservation was made back in September and when I offered the guy my credit card number over the phone he told me they don't take card numbers but not to worry cause he marked me in the reservation book himself and I was all set.


If your booked at Merlands, ya better check.


They received some really bad OFC reviews a couple years ago for this very same crap but it would appear as if nothing has improved there at all.



Sad to hear you could make it Lew! it has been awhile... Seems a bunch were willing to give them a second chance.... perhaps it is only the odd person that gets the gears???.. some did not believe us about our experiance.. perhaps more do now.


Wish I could have shaken you're hand again...


and whatever the issue is.. I hope it is not too serious!



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Well - I think, as of right now, I've filled a spot in my buddy's boat - comin down Next weekend and the week after...week after being the GTG, if I'm I've not had TMR. We were thinkin' about squatting at a no-tell motel, but the cabin thing would be way better - cause we could whistle and drink with y'all. (Prol. more drinkin'...). But there would be three of us. Don't know how that would work and don't wanna be a PITA. But would DEF. like to get in on the comradarie. So, if three of us could be accomodated, I think that would be AWESOME. I'm not fussy...I can pass out drunk anywhere! There other two guys (one older in spirit, one just older) are good dudes - father/son in law team - they'd prolly want a bed. So...thoughts??

We have the 6 person cabin now. I'm sure you can find a spot on the _____ to crash. Thos is need, there is now a 4 person cabin left at Perfect Vue Resort (cause we just switched). Maybe the father/son-in-law want the other room for a good night sleep?

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"We have the 6 person cabin now. I'm sure you can find a spot on the _____ to crash. Thos is need, there is now a 4 person cabin left at Perfect Vue Resort (cause we just switched). Maybe the father/son-in-law want the other room for a good night sleep? "


(obviously don't know how to quote like the cool kids)


Ok, I'll admit to being a touch confused. (TMR) (I don't know what "Thos is need" means.lol)


I'll be a party of 3 partiers (inclusive) and we will have our own boat. So no boat worries there.


Now, as for lodgings - what's available - at what cost, and what do I need to do here? lol


Many thanks

-the newb.

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I am sort of confused too! lol! I think that Geoff means to say is that we have upgraded to a 6 person cabin and there is a 4 person available @ perfectvu now that we have upgraded?


Not really quite sure....


But if they have a cabin, and you have a boat. I am sure you can get all pie eyed too! Bwahahahahahahhahahahahahaa!




Randy hopefully you can find a partner!



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