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Salmo Trutta-Itis


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From what I’ve been told, Salmo Trutta-Itis or STI is an incurable disease which strikes 1 in 467 anglers. It is the inflammation of an angler’s imagination and mind, to which he (or she) is perpetually thinking of or dreaming of catching brown trout of monstrous proportions. It can manifest in fly, lure and bait fishermen. While symptoms may seem different from one discipline to the next, the end results are the same...Obsession :thumbsup_anim:


With only 14 days left in regular trout season, I had a flare up yesterday – Actually it’s the 2nd one in about 8 days :whistling:. All summer I’ve been replaying that moment in my head when I lost what looked to be a 4-5lb resident brown this spring. It would’ve been my largest resident fish to date :wallbash:. I did a good number of trips this spring seeking redemption but to no avail :(


The previous week, Frozen Fire and I hit up one stream looking for some browns – Both of us had a craving. This spring, that particular stream coughed up some awesome gems which were beautifully coloured with amazing bright red spots as seen below.




Perhaps we were overly confident on the ride there. To summarize, beyond 2 tiny browns which I caught, neither of us were hauling in anything other than chubs. We however did see in 1 stretch of river, no longer than 20 yards, 2 browns which would’ve weighed 4-6lbs, and 6 other fish behind them – Perhaps the smallest fish in the group would’ve went 15 inches! :w00t:


We stayed into the night casting aimlessly in the dark (with just about everything we had or managed to catch like crayfish) hoping for just 1 of those fish. Nothing ever did materialize at the end of our lines.


Since that trip, I’ve been itching to get out again. The rain we got Thursday afternoon sealed the deal for me. Yesterday I just had to get out to scratch the itch :D . Got to the river at 10am and proceeded upstream. The rain didn’t do as much as I hoped – If it did, I missed it. The water was still super clear. Stopped at 1 pool and managed these colourful brownies (I had my camera on continuous burst mode and kept the finger on the shutter).


He took a cream coloured jig/fly I tied up.





dark amber hue on the adipose



And beautiful red marks on the dorsal



I was so tempted to use him as bait



I walked up to the pool where I saw the 2 large browns the previous week. They were still there chilling right in the middle of the river along with another large fish of equal size. All I can say is that I tried and failed miserably :( – They spooked into the nearest log jam after the 3rd cast with my jig/fly :wallbash:


1pm, I hit up another river. This spring I was tipped off by one gracious OFC member on a spot to try for brookies :worthy: – Some as large as 14 inches. Seeing as how it was on the way to my next brownie spot, I pulled off to the side of the road and butt slid down the steep, grassy (and thorny) bank to the water. Got these beautiful gems in a few minutes.




With brookies, my #1 lure has been the Panther Martin. During the summer, I swapped the stock trebles with single Siwash hooks and crushed the barbs.





Spent a half hour fishing for the specks and ate my lunch before heading to the next spot.


This summer I studied topographic maps quite a bit and I was dying to try 1 river out that I had not yet fished. Like most streams I scouted, I had no real clue whether or not it would hold browns in any real numbers. I drove along tight, 1 lane dirt backroads (which was pretty freaky seeing as I didn't have 4 wheel drive) and got to the river. I knocked on a few doors to see if I would be trespassing. I got the OK from the neighbouring property owners and I made a mad dash to the river – I actually forgot my rod in the trunk so I made that trip twice (I was pretty excited) :lol:


First cast into the pool, I land a beautifully spotted brownie



I made my way downstream catching good numbers of smaller fish (to 12 inches) using a variety of spinners (Mepps, Vibrax, Riverwood, Panther Martins), kwikfish & flat fish, GULP soft-plastics and my jig/flies. The fishing was very much like target practice with accuracy being essential (or you'd snag up in a branch). With not another angler in sight (actually I hadn't seen one all day), I was thinking about all those years I spent shoulder-to-shoulder on the piers and rivers in September. I enjoy this fishing waaaaay better :D. I probably walked a mile and a bit downstream with only the sound of the flowing river and the birds to keep me company.


One spot I came up to did not cough up a fish like it should have :dunno: . It actually bothered me somewhat. I went through my arsenal of lures and soft-plastics with no luck. I tied on my lucky #1 skunk Kwikfish (which I reserve for only very rare occasions) and backed it underneath a submerged stump. All heck broke loose!


Managed to land it :thumbsup_anim:. Measured him against my rod and marked it off with a white china marker to measure it at home. At 17.25 inches, he was the biggest resident brown I landed this season and the biggest I’ve landed on the UL.



I set him off for freedom and he swam back underneath the stump.



I fished till an hour after sunset hoping for a bigger fish but none ever came. It was still a great day with good numbers of fish and solitude.


I’m still on a quest for that 10lb resident brown...I’ll settle for a 6lber though :w00t: . T-minus 13 days and counting.


Cheers and all smiles

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I always appreciate your well written reports Mike! Beauty fish, I've just become addicted to brookies and resident browns on the fly, but its the very end of the season :wallbash: Next summer can't come soon enough, but steelehead season is almost upon us.


Congrats on that pb resident brown, it was probably a good battle on that UL

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Nice post MJL, those browns are beauts especially the red dots on fins ones. Always caught biggest browns on same Panther Martin as brookies but in deeper darker pools/bends. Up that way it is hard to cast, it is more like 'flicking' or at times flipping lure under overhead branches and such.

Good times :Gonefishing:

Edited by ehg
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Thanks for the comments guys. Glad you enjoyed the journey :)


I always appreciate your well written reports Mike! Beauty fish, I've just become addicted to brookies and resident browns on the fly, but its the very end of the season :wallbash: Next summer can't come soon enough, but steelehead season is almost upon us.


Congrats on that pb resident brown, it was probably a good battle on that UL


Hey Chris


Next year I hope to have my own light fly rod for the trout. This spring I bummed a 9ft 5wt off my friend and used it a couple times. I caught a few fish on streamer patterns - None on dry flies though. Already saving up for a 7’6” 5wt and a nice reel for Christmas. I wish I hadn’t sold the reel I had this spring.LOL


Damn, you're making me ill Mike.


I’ll trade you a guided trip to a super accessible, easily walkable stream loaded with browns in exchange for a new custom 5’6” light action rod :D


*Note the stream is highly accessible and easily walkable for those who are young and incredibly fit (and mobile), and able to hoist themselves over large fallen trees as well as push their way through dense, prickly bushes. :whistling:


Up that way it is hard to cast, it is more like 'flicking' or at times flipping lure under overhead branches and such.

Good times :Gonefishing:


I guess why I like fishing for these resident fish is that it’s a lot more technical and challenging (accuracy, stealth and observation is definitely a must). It’s different than my usual steelhead and carp fishing for sure. Maybe we can hook up and I can learn more from a Jedi Master of trout B)

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