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Put my dog down yesterday - Life sort of sucks.


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It's been a rough couple of weeks for me. My son was sick on his 1st birthday on the 19th with ear infections (He had a cold for a week leading up to it along with my wife). My wife's uncle past away later that evening, all this while planning to have 35 people over for my son's first bday party 2 days later (That was a long day). We were suppose to go on vacation on the monday but was cancelled since my son was sick. I was working each night till 11pm for so I could get away. Instead there was a funeral on Monday for my wife's uncle. I'm a web developer and my computer died the sunday night. We got away for 2 days in Port Elgin, got back and our son had an allergic reaction to the meds for his ear infections, so he had a rash head to toe - back to the docs. My sister-in-law had surgery today and to top it off, we put our dog down yesterday :(


All of that aside, we came to terms that it wasn't fair for my dog to suffer any longer. She wasn't 6 years old yet but her allergies/skin disorder had just taken over her body. Her meds & food did nothing for her and she was wearing a cone for the past month almost exclusively. Something she's been battling for the past few years and unfortunately only got much worse over time where the quality of her life had dropped drastically.


Anyway, it was the hardest emotional thing I've ever done. She was put to rest in my arms @ 4:30 yesterday. I don't think I could ever own another pet after the experience. So far the hardest part is the small routine stuff I didn't really think about when I put her down. The door bell rang for the pizza guy today and there was no barking for the first time since we've lived in the house, it felt awkward and sad. Just opening the backdoor where I'd normally let her out was tough when I bbq'd tonight. Tonight's garbage night and we tossed out all of her stuff and was not easy to say the least.


I just hope it can get easier, how do you move on? I work from home and there's constant reminders everywhere. I think I need to try to break my normal routine or something.


RIP Nola



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i had a Maltese too.... left her with my ex-wife as part of the divorce... I miss that little dog to this day.


Her name was Keela.. looked a lot like yours.


I can't imagine having to put her down, especially when she curled up at my foot on the floor of the breeders house when she was 3 weeks old and we "knew" she was ours.


Prayers to you brother

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It has been over a year for us to say goodbye to "Sam" our 15 year old yellow lab,she was a great dog there is not a day I don't think about her. She was number 3 and the others are just as much missed. Now we have "Jazz" a soon to be 1 year old golden. As much as it hurts when you loose one ,the love and joy you get from another somehow helps ease the pain,but you never forget the ones before.

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What a cute dog.


Like others have mentioned, many have been through this if that's a consolation. It hurts like hell. Get another..you won't forget your first..but you'll realize that life will go on and that your new one will provide you with great friendship as well.



All the best.

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So sorry to hear of this! I had to put a collie to sleep with the same condition in the 80's. Broke my heart, she was 3 yrs old :( . I thought they had better solutions to this condition now, but I guess sometimes it can't be fixed. Rest assured, you did the right thing for her, she should not suffer.

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Man Gov that story choked me up ,so sorry for your loss I had to put down my 5 year old pitbull a few years ago and having to hold your best freind while they slip away is 1 of the hardest things I have ever done. it gets better with time the little things won't hurt so bad, I really hope you find a new puppy life just isn't the same without a dog around.

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"having to hold your best freind while they slip away is 1 of the hardest things I have ever done"

+1. It has been 6 years since I had to say good bye to my No.1 fishin' , walkin' and all over best bud. She was 9 years old and had displasia since she was born - it was so bad she dislocated her hip playing catch in the back yard when she was a pup. Vet said at the time it was the worst case he had ever seen in a pup that small and young(Keeshund / Shetland collie cross). Fortunately meds kept her going with a good qualifty of life for 8 years after that. But once she couldn't do the stairs, go for walks or run in the snow (her all time favourite, next to swimming), and then started to loose control of her body functions we knew it was time to say good bye. I beleive it was the right decision... but I will never forget the ache from having to do that and the silence in the van as the family drove back from the vet .

We chose not to get another, mainly due to family commitments.


To pile all those other issues you had to do deal with on top of that - ouch. Not sure what to say other than - condolences on your loss; think about having your sons tonsils removed (made a WORLD of difference to our two), and..................things can only improve from here. Whether you decide to get another dog or not - you will know what is the right thing to do one day, and will do it.

Good luck to you.

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I feel for you Governator, I have had to do this about 5 times now in my life and it doesn't get any easier believe me. But time will heal your broken heart and when you ask your wife, should we get another dog, just go and get one. The joy a good dog brings in the short time there with us outways the the sadness when we have to let them go. Once a dog lover always a dog lover.

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I feel for you...


We had to put our 13 year-old Beardog down a few months ago...it really sucks.


At the time, I didn't see a new dog in the near future...but then a few weeks later and we once again had the pitter patter of little paws in the house.


You'll know when and if it's time for another. In the meantime, hold the memories close.

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Nola is really sweet....I so feel for you.


A friend of mine had to put down her cat - 16 year old cat - now that cat use to love chasing butterflies. When my friend returned home after putting her cat down at the vet, her backyard was full of butterflies! She gets quite chocked up when she tells the story - darn special if you ask me.


Thinking of you...

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Sounds like a tough couple of weeks. My sincere condolences to you and your family.


Saying goodbye to our furry friends is very hard, we have been through it many times. The way I see it is that the joy they bring to us while they are with us more than makes up for the heartache of saying goodbye. Doing the right thing when they need us most is a genuine act of kindness and selflessness.


Perhaps consider providing a forever home to one of the many that need it so badly.


I am not an overly religious person, but perhaps this might help...


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.

There is always food and water, and warm Spring weather. Those old and frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are made whole again.

They play all day with each other. But there is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up. The nose twitches, the ears are up, the eyes are staring, and this one suddenly runs from the group.

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.


Author unknown

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Wow thanks everyone! What a great board, I think it's just reassuring knowing others have gone through similar experiences and it's never easy for anyone. The memories will last forever.


The night we put her down, my wife was having a difficult time getting to sleep. She noticed a white piece of her fur on the alarm clock. She then looked down and there was one on her. She looked at me while I was sleeping and there was one on me as well. She picked up all 3 and put them next to the bed and then was able to sleep.


Cheers all around.

Edited by Governator
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That picture of your buddy is SPECTACULAR!


I get choked up just reading this stuff..........I had to go thru this with my cat after almost 21 YEARS last year.


Its very hard........Never forget your bud. I couldnt if i tried.


Just a week or so ago i went into the backdoor of the house and put my foot across the bottom of the door as i opened it as i always did to make sure she didnt get out if she was at the door. Its been almost a year and out of nowhere i still have that instinctive reaction doing little things like that.

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Well that just sucks. I'm sorry to hear of your recent troubles and especially of your dog. I was at a funeral on Monday aswell for a close family friend. Its hard to say goodbye, especially when they are young.


Take are and I'm thinking about you.



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