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Weirdest Fishing experience

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Im only a teenager and boy do I have a fishing story for you!


This past week my family and I went up to a cottage resort on pigeon lake like we have been doing for the past couple of years. A friend of mine that was in another cottage and I started talking about fishing when he mentioned that he had never been out fishing on the lake in a boat before, only off of the docks. So, I invited him to go fishing with my dad that night and he accepted, so he went and he loved it! He caught a couple of good sized bass and couldn't wait to go with us again. So we took him fishing for the next couple of days and on one fateful morning the most amazing thing happened!



We had been fishing mostly weed cover and we caught a couple of fish, but nothing serious. So we decided to move to a shoal type area where lots of smallies and largies hang around, we had a couple of bites and 1 or 2 fish. A little while later we were fishing but not really getting a whole lot of bites, until my friend hooked a nice 2 pound smallie, it was fighting and splashing like a smallie should, until he felt a big tug and his drag starting going crazy, we didn't know what was happening. About 3 seconds later he got it near the boat when we saw something that scared the crap out of us! We didn't really see it's face but we did see it's roughly 35-40" side, and wouldn't you know it, it was a muskie holding on to the thrashing smallmouth and letting go when it saw the boat. I didn't even think this was possible! Sadly, when we brought up the smallmouth it was cut open and ready to die, so we threw it back and as it struggled to get below surface the muskie took him.......


So that's my once in a lifetime story of fishing, now what's yours?


Edited by Young Bass Master
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Much older, but I was young once also. One particular area of the place we went to regularly in Ontario always seem to have some big fish hanging around. 25 years of going there and it was a spot we would hit 4-5 times a day just to see what was lurking around.


One time I was using my dads tinny, trolling down the channel using a transom mount electric and felt a bump on the motor. Hmmm? 12-14 feet of water, lowed back and there was a muskie that had swam past my lure and hit the prop on the electric motor. I had put reflective tape on the blades.


Same area a couple years later, trolled past a boathouse, and it looked like some one fired a torpedo at my lure, from right out of the boat house. Another big ski, grabbed the lure and 4-6 feet of line as it blew past me, set the hook but cut.


Same area, buddy trolling a custom painted Magnum Rapala on a rod with the action of a broomstick and 40 pound mono, fish on! and it just took off, never did see it, and broke the line.


3 pike or 40 inches from the same cove 3 years straight, a 31 & 28 inch walleye, and all the fish that I didn`t get to the boat or near it on bass tackle.


One of the strangest things? fishing here in Ohio in a quiet cove with a friend, something kept making noise in a shore line tree. We finally got a chance to see it, not a squirrel, a ground hog, about 15 feet up a tree.


Buddy hooked a snake while fishing off of Middle Bass Island on Lake Erie, a 3 foot or so water snake, and mad as hell, we cut the line on that one.


Fishing in Virginia in a water supply lake, kept getting hits of large shiners, no hook sets, reel in and the bait is cut in half, hmmm? then I hooked one! a big eel, also mad as hell, no clue so cut the line.


46 inch or so gar pike on the G/B, rattlesnakes on the G/B, in the fading light with my uncle on the G/B there is a beaver! noooo! way to big to be a beaver, a bear cub swimming across a shallow channel we were going through. Let`s get closer! nope, 3-4 feet of water, mama is close by.


In a hurry to release a fish caught in a bass tournament, a small muskie, lipped him, a very bad move! Just lucky though, 4-5 pounds so it still had it`s baby teeth. But my thumb was sore for a long time.


LOL way too many fishing tales, none really ended too badly though. Some interesting things can happen if you fish enough!

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I've had pike grab my perch before.


But the oddest has to be being attacked by two swans when I was Largemouth fishing with my wife. They were hitting the side of the canoe so hard that I thought something was was broken for sure. Their wingspan was huge! I had to fight them back with a paddle so we could get away. I gather they had a nest in the reeds nearby.

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I was fishing a tourney near an island on a lake loaded with zebra mussels. I chucked my Senko behind a boulder and felt the tick. I set the hook and my braided line got cut clean off. I trolling motor over to the line to retrieve my hook only to fight a 3.5lb largie still attached to the end of my line.

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A couple years ago me and a buddy were checking out a river near my parents cottage looking for fishing spots. We stopped at a bridge and he went to one side to check it out and I went to the other. I had a quick look down and told my buddy it looked good, come check it out. So he looks over the bridge then just turns back to me shaking his head and laughing.... There was an older biker dude lying in the grass on the bank of the river with his hands relaxed behind his head. He looked pretty happy....His wife was pleasuring him :w00t:


We quietly took off to find another spot.

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Young Bass Master, you made a big mistake by going first in a fishing story thread on OFC. You're going to read some fantastic fishing tales. ............and they'll all be true. Maybe enhanced a bit, but true.



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About 30 years ago I was fishing the Kinzua at Highbanks during early March before the walleye season closed. The river was up and running pretty good with the thaw and we were casting out minnows while catching the occasional fish from shore. Felt something hanging onto the line and thought another light hitting walleye so I set the hook. After a long dead fight I landed a deer head that someone threw in the river.

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Fishing off a friends dock about 10years ago in the Kawartha's I was casting a 7" perch lure. I was just getting ready to cast the lure back out again, as I just pulled the lure out of the water maybe a foot above water level, a small 30" muskie came from under the dock and jumped out of the water and grabbed onto the lure. It started doing headshakes while out of the water and then spit the hook. Scared the hell out of me as I definetely was not expecting it.

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Goin back about 14 years myself and a few buddies went up to fish the opener of bow season on the 9 mile.This time instead of getting up there for about 4 am we decided to go up in the afternoon the day before and fish the first pool that was open. Little did we know around 9pm truck loads of high school kids showed up for their annual party,we got invited to join and did. We had 3 vehicles up there with us with plans to sleep in them there. Well my one buddy ended up with a date for the night and had to have his truck to himself :whistling: ,then instead of fishing in the morning he had to drive his "date " home about 40 minutes away and missed the best opener we ever had.When we got back the action had slowed and there was about 60 guys shoulder to shoulder,the rest of us had our limit. :clapping:

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Guest Johnny Bass

Things like that actually are quite common but it is always a blast to witness! Just remember, when that happens dont put your hand in the water when releasing your bass!lol

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Back many years ago my dad and I are fishing in a 12' canvas boat on the upper lake in Fundy National Park when dad whispers don't move and points with his head to shore.Out walks a full grown bull moose and wades out in the water directly to our boat and stops about 6 feet away and proceeds to eat off the bottom of the lake,he must have stayed there 10 min bobbing his head down to the bottom and coming up with large mouthfuls of vegies and eating them right there in front of us.When he was finished he turn walked out of the water stopped at the shore,let the water run off of him,took three noiseless steps and completely disappeared into the dense brush with out a sound,leaving us sitting there in amazement at the mamoth size of that moose and how quietly it could move.



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13 years ago, little place called Springtown in the Ottawa Valley. Nice stretch of water beside the road, decided to do some fishing with my almost 5 year-old daughter. Getting on toward evening, flat water, lots of weed and a clear channel, I figured you put a Jitterbug on and you can't go wrong. Made a nice cast, one of the longest I can ever remember making. Gave it the customary wait, then a little wobble, and was about to turn the rod over to her for a guaranteed fish. Just as I was about to turn to her I saw the water burst, and a bass jumped clear from the water right at the lure. Funny thing was, the splash was out of all proportion to the size of the fish. Felt a good tug, the line started stripping off the reel, and the fight was on, too much for her I thought so I hung on to the rod. I couldn't believe that what looked like a 1 or 2 pounder could pull so much, when suddenly a monster launched out of the water at the end of my line. What I eventually reeled in was a 42 1/2 inch musky! I don't know to this day if the bass was going for the lure and missed, or it was escaping the musky which was going for the lure, or the musky accidentally hit the Jitterbug as it was attacking the bass, or any combination thereof. I just know that if it had hit a few seconds later, after the rod was in my daughter's hands, she would have been water-skiing down the Madawaska River!

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I know I've mentioned this once before on here but a few years ago while ice fishing, I used to bring my estwing hammer out with me just to chip out the ice on used holes. Well, of course I dropped the darn thing down the hole. 100FOW on Lake Simcoe. Oh well it's gone I thought. A few weeks go by, totally forgetting about the lost hammer, I was jigging with a Williams and "whamm-o" fish on. Oh man it's going to be a beauty I though......not pulling to much......no head shakes.....but heavy!!! Yep, you guessed it. Up comes MY estwing hammer!! LOL Caught perfectly on the little hole in the handle. Still using it to this day. :)

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I was ice fishing on Nipissing. I was setting up my tip-up. To find the depth I would put a big bell sinker on the hook, lower it down, tap bottom and then come up to the desired depth. Then switch the sinker for a minnow.


This time I lowered my line, tapped bottom once, but then couldn’t feel it again? Strange, I look down at my line and see it going SIDEWAYS! I set the hook and fish on! After a short fight I pull in a 26” pike.



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Easily the 'weirdest' experience I've had...


Me and my buddies were fishing Beaver Lake in Kearny, ON. Slowly making our way down the river, casting to shore we spot a deer pop out from behind one of the cottages. Wasn't spooked by us - so we stopped fishing for a few mins to take some pics and enjoy the moment, then continued to move on. She followed us along the shore as we made our way down the river, and after just a few mins of this, she jumped from a dock into the shallow water close to where we were casting. We thought this behaviour was a little strange, and we reeled in lines in case she decided to go for one of the lures. She then proceed to swim out to the boat, circled us, and actually attempted to get in...she was hoofing the side of the boat trying to get her front legs over the edge. We couldn't believe it - and kept snapping away with the disposable camera we had on board (before any of us had digital). Used the trolling motor to get clear of her, then started up the main and decided to move out and fish another area. Well she swam after us, her head and ears poking out of the water, and then finally made her way to shore where she kept on our heels.


We couldn't believe what we were seeing. Came across some cottagers on shore and told them about it - they knew of 'her' as apparently some of the cottage owners would regularly feed deer making them super friendly. She actually became a bit of a nuisance and we had to boot off to a whole other section of the lake to enjoy some fishing.


Doubt that'll ever happen to one of us again....

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A couple years ago me and a buddy were checking out a river near my parents cottage looking for fishing spots. We stopped at a bridge and he went to one side to check it out and I went to the other. I had a quick look down and told my buddy it looked good, come check it out. So he looks over the bridge then just turns back to me shaking his head and laughing.... There was an older biker dude lying in the grass on the bank of the river with his hands relaxed behind his head. He looked pretty happy....His wife was pleasuring him :w00t:


We quietly took off to find another spot.


Ah man,


That's why I opened this thread, but ya beat me to it. Regardless, that one should be #1 for awhile.


I drove over that bridge this weekend and couldn't help but laugh.

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My buddy got busted not once, but twice doing the 5 knuckle shuffle. One time on the Notty when fishing was slow. He went back in the woods, took the chest waders down to the ankles and began to do some white water wristing. He did not hear a couple of fishermen approaching. He did however hear tehm ask how th fishing was. Caught in the act, he just said with a smile "pretty slow".


Second episode was in a boat up north. Slow aft fishing so he lay flat in the bottom of his tinner and began some hand to gland combat. A couple of canoers thought the boat was abandonned and rowed up to find my buddy in full swing yet again. OOps.


The best part is that this guy creeps this forum so I will probably hear from him soon. lol

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Those who fish Canal lake know the area where the cattle field is. We were fishing not far from it when we heard a huge splash, then another. We look over to see what we thought might of been cows swimming across the lake, but the shiloutte didn't look right. We made our way closer to see a cow and calf moose swimming over to the shoreline where the bridge separates the lake. They ran up the back yard of a cottage and continued south over the bridge. Lost them after that. The cattle had moved into the field and spooked the moose out.


Different that's for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My buddy got busted not once, but twice doing the 5 knuckle shuffle. One time on the Notty when fishing was slow. He went back in the woods, took the chest waders down to the ankles and began to do some white water wristing. He did not hear a couple of fishermen approaching. He did however hear tehm ask how th fishing was. Caught in the act, he just said with a smile "pretty slow".


Second episode was in a boat up north. Slow aft fishing so he lay flat in the bottom of his tinner and began some hand to gland combat. A couple of canoers thought the boat was abandonned and rowed up to find my buddy in full swing yet again. OOps.


The best part is that this guy creeps this forum so I will probably hear from him soon. lol


Nominated for post of the year! :rofl2:

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About 15 years ago me and the boys would drive up to the Chapleau game reserve and fish this logging road lake with huge pike in it on opener, I miss this trip as familys grew and things changed in our lives we dont get together any more , Any way to the story . I was in a 14 foot tinny with good friend Paul , there was a small island in the lake that had two points and a small bay in between them allways got pike off these points so we were trolling along. As we rounded the south point Paul yells fish on and he stands up , he says the fish has good weight , I was driveing so I killed the motor and sat back to watch the fight . Out of the corner of my eye I see something big in the water , I called to Paul who was fighting the pike look theres a moose calf just beside us in the water , no sooner did i say that when out of nowhere a huge momma moose was trying to jump into our boat . No room in a 14 footer for two big guys all there gear and a momma moose . How we got between the calf and momma to this day I dont know but NEVER never do that . momma moose got one hoof into the boat (still dont know how the boat didnt tip) and bite Paul on the neck . Between trying to start motor and hit the moose with the paddle I dont know how I got underway all happened so fast , Paul got 30 + stiches and a broken colar bone from the bite , still cant beleive the power and how momma got to us out of nowhere with me not hearing her , she came up behind us and just attacked the boat . Paul still gets laughs at partys with the line "want to see where the moose bit me " lol crazy but true .

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