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Taking my 4 yr old lil gal fishing puts me in the hospital


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The welts from their sting lasted for months!



I woke up one morning about a month ago with a dime sized welt on my arm and dead center was what I assumed was a bite mark. Even now though I still have the welt and the "bite mark" is still visible.


I figured it was maybe a spider bite but who knows, perhaps it was an ant :dunno:


Good to hear your feeling better Phil, that must been scary.

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Wow Plil, scarey stuff and very glad your ok... I was taking a walk long the Lake O shoreline last year with my wife and kids. Close to home down near Rouge Beach. I spooted what looked like a big cluster of Rasberrys so thought I'd wade into the brush to grab a few for my daughter, she loves them. Not 30 seconds after getting in there, I started to feel like I was being stung, multiple times. Seems the fire ants we "protecting" these bushes. I got covered in bites, a none to appealing feeling I'll tell yah!

After getting them off of me, we rushed home for me to have a shower and that finally took the stinging away. Luckily, I did'nt suffer a reation, but it was definately not something I have the will to repeat!


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I had a similar experience down along Bowmanville Creek 3 years ago . . . I was fishin' over near the boat ramp and it felt just like somebody had put a lit cigarette on my ankle. I hauled my pants-leg up just as I got nailed on the other shin!! I saw about a half dozen teeny l'il red ants (2 - 3 mm) on my shoe, knocked them off then beat a fast retreat outta there to my van where I had a can of 'OFF' which I used to spray up my pant legs socks & shoes. I ended up with 7 bites, every one burned like hell for hours after! And swelled up like a marble, you could actually see some of the bumps through my sock! I'm not one to ever ask about someone elses 'honey hole' but in a case like this, wouldn't you think this might keep someone else like yourself outta there if you would be so kind as to divulge where to stay away from? I doubt there will be anybody making a run for your spot if you tell us where these potentially deadly little vermin reside?


P. S. Lew . . . .


Punch in 'LYME DISEASE' and look at the description & illustrations they have for Lyme Disease, then decide if it's worth getting checked out. There are dosens of sites there, but Wikipedia is the simplest and a good place to start. I saw an article on W-5 last year . . . Lyme disease is VERY scarey![/size]



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Exactly Photoz, those are the same buggers and in the same general area as well. I would absolutely tell folks where this is if it was a spot anyone would know. I have never seen anyone there. If I thought someone here might know of it I would post it.

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I told my wife that frigging aint just bit me !!!!! She laughed we contiued to enjoy the sun sitting on the beach in FLA when she got a bug bite. Red aints or fire aint they hurt like hell. My bite was a on my toe, one aint. My toe nail fell off the next day. CAN'T IMAGING WHAT A A BUNCH OF BITES WOULD DO.

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The doctors should know what happened and help out, good to see your OK and getting it looked at further.


These fire ants are infesting the shoreline, spits, wooded ravines and islands here in T.O.

Go off the paved path and near trees and they get ya.

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I hope the bite was at least worthwhile :thumbsup_anim:

Which ones lol, as embarassing as it is that's why I toughed through it. As soon as we got there a school of jumbos came in and she was having a blast. In hindsight, we should of left right away. I've never seen the ants there before. If they stung my lil one it would of ripped me apart. I doubt I'll go back there with her now as I remember walking out and one getting me above the knee so I assume they are not only on the ground.

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Fishing TO islands with my 10 year old son 2 years ago , a spot by the water plant , my son (thank god) had long pants and hikeing boots with thick socks me (dumb old guy) had on sandles and shorts ,no socks. We found a spot off the road to the water plant , first cast son gets a nice bass , so we set up there and we had probably had the best day of bass and bowfins we have ever had on the island , lots of fish and the bowfins fought like mad. So with the fishing good I did not have the heart to tell my son we got to get out of here , these ants are eating me alive ,doused in deet they still were eating me . When the bite died dowm(the fishing bite the ants never stopped) I told my son time to go , on the boat home I started to feel like you said very week and could not catch my breath . When we got to city side I found I could not drive my car as my vision was blurred and I was haveing a hard time breathing . made it to the hospital at queen and I think church and went into emerg . where I collasped on floor just inside doors . I was checked for allerges after but the docs said the poison from these ants even if you are not allerget can do this to you . Glad you are ok , this from someone who knows first hand what these guys can do .

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Very scary for sure…Glad you’re alright. Even decked out in chest waders, wading jacket, bug spray, they still find their way onto and into just about everything. I used to fish one stream in your neck of the woods for carp )and occasionally for smallies) during summer but haven’t been back because of the ants. Even wading in the water doesn’t seem to help much…They swim!

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Thanks for posting Capt. Bruce and others.


Do you remember how long it bothered you Capt bruce? Wasn't feeling to bad yesterday(at home resting), but today I am not feeling so good. Have an Appt. tomorrow morning with my GP. Called the poison control board but they have little to no info on fire ants.

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Was at least two weeks untill i was back to normal(but who knows what all the meds they gave me did) and I still have scars from some of the bites . Same as you I thank god my son was dressed right , Im a big guy dont know what would happen with a child. Never thought that something as small as an ant could bring down a 6feet 3 240 pound man .

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to rehash an old thread.


I was recently informed it was the venom from the ants that caused my reaction. However, they mentioned I must of had more bites then I originally thought.


Just a heads up, if you get bit by these ants, MOVE.

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Sorry to rehash an old thread.


I was recently informed it was the venom from the ants that caused my reaction. However, they mentioned I must of had more bites then I originally thought.


Just a heads up, if you get bit by these ants, MOVE.


The ONLY place I've ever been swarmed by fire ants is the estuary at Bowmanville.

Seems as though B-Ville is a hotspot.

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  • 1 year later...

Ok, old thread I know...


But, took my lil one down to another spot on the Lake O shoreline in Bowmanville on Saturday for some panfish. Far enough away from the spot I was when I got bit earlier in this thread.


Well, it looks like fire ants have invaded the whole shoreline of Lake O - in Bowmanville any ways. I put my pack down to tie my shoe and it must of crawled on my pack and bit me in the arm. Off to the emerg again, it is confirmed I do have a reaction to the stings. And i was told many people do and most have no idea until it happens (like me). You will know when you get stung/bit by them, it feel like a hot needle burning your skin.


That's it, Bowmanville shoreline is totally off limits for me in summer. Just a heads up if you fish the area.

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Phill I, like you were attached by these ants and was lucky my wife took my straight to emeg at East General, "Im ok dear just get me home" " shut up ,your going to the hospital" . Dont know if there is something to do with commerants , but I was attacked when out on the spit for a walk with the wife , I walked into an area that had dead trees loaded with cormerants nests and mounds of bird dropping all around . Started takeing pics of the damage and I noticed ant hills in the cormant poo . Thought wow must be some kind of tough ant that could make a home when all else was dead . Like you said the stings burn like hell and than I swelled up like a beached whale . The spit is out of bounds for me now , never going back , thanks for the heads up in Bowmanville wont be doing any hiking there allso .... ..

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I see that this is an old thread - revived....


Just wanted to mention that allergens in general, and stings/bites in particular can sensitize you. In other words, each subsequent exposure will cause a more severe anaphylactic reaction. In many people, repeat exposure can lead to anaphylaxis and death. Maybe not the first or second time, but ...


Be careful Phil, and be aware that your kids may have inherited your allergy.

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