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Who's Spouse/better half fishes with them?


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Wayne you are a fortunate man.No way ever I will be able to get my woman to fish.She is a hell of an artist though like our own Pamela.Sometimes we go camping with a few other couples and the boys go fishing and the woman stay back at camp and craft(Boring!!!!!!!!!)I think they just Stich and B----. <_< My 2 daughters 10 and 12 are losing interest so I am grateful to have conceived my 8 year old son from the 1998 icestorm.At eight years old he will endure the entire day ice fishing never quits and is always determined.


The only boat I can get the wife in is the canoe. :wallbash:


So enjoy your ladies who fish they are valueable like gold.

Edited by Mike the Pike
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This thread only makes me giggle...


Sorry guys, maybe me and my two sisters were just born to fish but all of us love it. My brother on the other hand would prefer it if we stayed at home... LOL.


But then I do have to admit, there is nothing like a five star hotel occationally, so there is a girly girl in here somewhere!


Morning sunrises and fresh fish for breakfast can't be beat... Neither can falling asleep under the stars in front of a glowing camp fire! Oh how I miss summer!

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I wouldn't say she fished perse, however, I enjoy when my wife comes along even though she mostly reads when I'm fishing. There was one-time we were fishing Rice Lake and she was reading a magazine while we drifted spinners, bam, she had a fish on, bent the hook straight! Would of loved to of seen it, but hey, got her adrenaline running.

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While reading all the responses to this thread, I can concurrently conclude that 50/50 of this threads response sample has a male to female relationship in which they share a mutual passion for the sport of fishing. Some people manage to break free and fish without their girlfriend/wife, boyfriend/husband, many on the other hand, are lured in to one another and bound by non destructive fishing line that never seems to break no matter how sharp the scissors or buck knives are. Which brings me to say .... You mean I actually have a choice whether or not I can fish alone, or with my buddies, without my girlfriend????? I don't understand all of this! :blink: When my girlfriend demands to go fishing (pinning me down in a headlock, pulling my eyelids over my eyebrows, fingers in my nostrils ... of course till I say "uncle") she goes fishing. All this time, she's had the nerve to tell me that she is the boss, and these are the rules that ALL relationships must abide by. So, does this mean I can say "no"?????? Ouuuu ... hmm, let's think rationally here. Am I prepared to suffer the consequences ... hmmm. I am starting to shake shiver a little. <brrr> ;)


In all seriousness, she's the one getting me on the dock and into the boat at the cottage. But its sometimes fun to hang upside down from the trees when she comes to get me .... even though she hanging me there to dry. Ha!


It just worked out that way even before we met each other. No effort, or even having to ask each other if/when we want to head out on the water. It's automatic, because it's all of the time.


.... <walking away ... heard from a distance> "Honey ... I just read a post on OFC proving that couples have choices in their relationships" <BONK! > :wallbash: ............................... <Silence>. Disco Phish has been forcefully put to sleep (not my choice) :sleeping_02:

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My wife has fished with me in Ontario, New York and Ohio. Not often, needs good weather and prefers a noonish start! LOL waste half the day? Trolling or live bait fishing for her, she has caught Pike Walleye Bass Gar Pike panfish and has my PB beat for Georgian Bay catfish beat by about 10 pounds.


It is not a priority for her and she doesn`t feel the need to learn, she lets me handle the guiding job. Kids fish too, but my daughters will put more effort into it than my son. Go figure!

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I wish my wife would come out now and again, It would give me a break from teaching the dog how to drive.


The only problem with my wife is she gets sea sick in red lobster and has the patiance of a chipmunk. :(


Good thing she does not read the fishing board.. if she did the dog really might have to drive :)

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Maribeth kinda lost interest in fishing after we moved up here to the north shore of Pigeon Lake...She never was a boat person(doesn't swim) and I think the day we fished off the wharf at Rice Lake kinda did her in...she got seasick from watching her float bouncing in the waves...Our daughter Maureen (aka Motv8tr) got interested in earnest after we moved here...


Maybe if I win a lottery or sumpin' and buy a good size pontoon like Meely has for sale (22') and the lake is real calm I might get her back out on the water...in the meantime I'll keep asking if she'd like to join me...

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Wayne....those first few shots look like Lillypad Bay, no?




My wife hasn't wanted to fish a lot but recently has expressed more of an interest in spending the day on the water. I'm looking forward to getting out with her more.


Our trip to Turtle Lake in NW Ontario last year really changed her mind, and that's when she started to get into it more.


Also having two sons (3yr. & 18 mo), and a 3rd son coming in June...she knows if she ever wants to spend time with the boys, she'll have to want to fish, hike, and camp more!


Her first pike:






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OK ... so ... here's how it went for me ... the guy who would NEVER.... EVER... marry .... she WANTED to fish with me .. every chance we got ... in the boat, off the shore .... from a dock .... from a pier .... warm or cold .. day or night .... all right up until the 'wedding arrangements' got in the way ... no no no honey you go fishing .. I'll stay home and plan for the wedding ....


Not sure if we ever fished after that .... oh yeah ...silly me .... of course we did ... when the kids were way tooo young for me to be trusted alone out on the water with both of them at once :) .....



But I digress :)

Edited by camillj
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Sis likes her Trout fishing. She's caught a few nice ones. And she cooks up a mean camp site meal. I'll take her anytime.


And for the record, Sis is my "life partner". lol Those of you that have been here less than 5 years might not know that. When I've posted pictures of "Sis" in the past, I've had comments referring to my sister. Honest mistake.









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Well our honeymoon was a "fishing-moon" in Kirkland Lake - not a bad way to spen your first week together huh?


Every so often i can get Andrea to come along with me - I took her out to a local mud puddle last summer & she whupped me using a float & worm while i pitched artificals looking for the big one



really wanna get her on a leaping/screaming salmon this spring - dunno if it'll scare her sh*tless or if she's gonna wanna come out every time afterwards?

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Peggy fishes with me all the time. Fact of the matter is, she's often the one dragging or pushing me out the door to get going down to the boat. She just loves to be on the water but she doesn't much like the rough stuff. If the waves get to be six footers, she wants dry stuff under her and that's ok with me too. I like to be comfortable when I'm fishing, or even just out for a boat ride. Thirty years ago, rough water was a challenge that I laughed at but now I take it easy. We go out on the good days, cruise and drag a couple of lures behind and it's all good. Taking things a little easier than we used to and if we get a fish, it's a bonus and usually supper.

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This thread only makes me giggle...


Sorry guys, maybe me and my two sisters were just born to fish but all of us love it. My brother on the other hand would prefer it if we stayed at home... LOL.


But then I do have to admit, there is nothing like a five star hotel occationally, so there is a girly girl in here somewhere!


Morning sunrises and fresh fish for breakfast can't be beat... Neither can falling asleep under the stars in front of a glowing camp fire! Oh how I miss summer!


Wow, u sound perfect! I'd even let you drive the Tundra :whistling:

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This thread only makes me giggle...


Sorry guys, maybe me and my two sisters were just born to fish but all of us love it. My brother on the other hand would prefer it if we stayed at home... LOL.


But then I do have to admit, there is nothing like a five star hotel occationally, so there is a girly girl in here somewhere!


Morning sunrises and fresh fish for breakfast can't be beat... Neither can falling asleep under the stars in front of a glowing camp fire! Oh how I miss summer!


I could not agree with you more. What is more perfect then a fresh fish breakfast and sunrises with a fresh cup of coffee.


I fished as well when I was a little girl while my brother and sister stayed behind but I didn't really get into it until I met Fishindevil.


Now I get out whenever I can, but it is also important for Fishindevil to fish on his own or with his buddies, everyone needs their own downtime, including me.LOL :thumbsup_anim::whistling:

Edited by fishergirl72
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