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Northern lIghts


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Help please, my son and I are heading up to the Attawapiskat on July 3-10 and I am wondering if we will have the chance to see the Northern Lights?


Not sure how far north one has to go, the Attawapiskat is in the area of the Kenora district north of Nakina.


Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,




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John I spent many summers paddling the lakes and rivers in that region and did see them on occasion.


I may have seen them more often but they usually occur in the middle of the night.

Type of scenario where you get up to take a leak and are amazed. :)


If you have really nice clear,calm nights force yourself to get up after midnight for a peak and you might get lucky.

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I got this musky 9 or 10 years ago in the Kawarthas at 10 o'clock at night while the Northern Lights danced over head. The lights had a green tinge to them and we joked that the combination of my green track pants, green T-shirt, green boat carpet and the green Northern Lights is what cause the fish to hit :lol:


The Northern Lights are one of the purdiest things that Mother Nature ever came up with !!!!



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I have seen them while driving on the 401 near HWY 25.

I have also seen a good display in Sturgeon Falls in June.

So yeah there is always the chance it depends on solar activity though.

As was said, take a look in the middle of the night and maybe you will be lucky.

I kind of take them for granted living up in Yellowknife though. B)

We usually are able to see them from late August through March with January and February being best. ;)

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Best time was middle of the night late january driving between sudbury and the sault , I grew up in sudbury seen them a zillion times but that one night ill never forget, I drove and drove tring to keep my eyes on the road, but it just kept dragging my eyes up, I went to sault college 3 years straight but the wife and first born stayed at the house in sudbury, I drove that hwy every friday after school and back sunday night or early monday morn many times, seen some wicked northern lights. I wish you luck on your outing and hope you get a glipse of mother nature at her best!!



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I see them everytime I drink a wee bit to much.


Yea that happens to me as well; just not sure if it's the booze or not?

And those lights, they must affect my wife somehow; she won't speak to me ffffooorr (sorry I have a stutter now?) at least a week, after I see them???


Have a good time with your son and hope you get a chance to see the lights!





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Yep, check spaceweather.com, it'll tell you about solar activity. Best show I ever saw was one night in the 70s, walking from Port Loring to Loring at about 2 AM. It was almost as bright as day and every colour in the rainbow. I've seen some pretty spectacular shows here in Elliot Lake but none like that one. Once in a lifetime show I guess.

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