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Dalton McGuinty


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Got this email this morning.... :wallbash:


Dalton McGuinty



Here is what our premier has done for Ontario in the past seven years!!!!!!


By the way, his was a no tax increase election campaign.



He increased all the licensing fees from your car to your boat including fishing and hunting.


He introduced the health care premium (not called a tax) some couples pay as much as $1,500.00 a year.


He doubled the price of most lottery tickets. (Not called a tax).


He has put a ECO tax on many containers such as paint cans and window washer fluid most people still don’t realize it is on your bill, he kept that one real quiet


He has put a disposal tax on all electronics.


He has put the disposal tax back on tires


Now don’t forget that all except the health care premium are subject to the GST and PST (taxes on taxes.)


And now he has pasted the HST the largest tax on the province ever, the only other tax in Ontario that ever came close to this in the past was the health care premium.


He pasted this bill even though 76% of the people in Ontario were against it.


This HST will provide the Province with an additional THREE BILLION dollars a year.


And now we will have our S.M.A.R.T. meters that we will have to pay rent on and do our laundry in the middle of the night and we are going to pay big time for air conditioning from now on because when we need it the most that will be prime time. As if it costs any more to produce hydro at two in the afternoon or ten at night another tax grab.


Let us not forget the E health scandal with one point two billion dollars wasted and paid out to friends and relatives.


What was Mr. McGuinty’s answer to this (well if the people of Ontario don’t like it they can show it in the next election.) Nice attitude. This was after he fired the CEO and gave her a severance package of three hundred thousand dollars not bad for only having the job for seven months.


Then the windmill power plant he awards the contract to KOREA seven BILLION DOLLARS. One would think that there was some place in Canada or North America that could have built these.


He closed the emergency rooms in Port Colburne and Fort Erie because there is not enough money and there has been two deaths since because by the time they got to St.Catharines it was to late.


But awards a hospital in Toronto three million dollars in the riding where there just happens to be a by- election to replace George Smitherman


He has taken the richest most prosperous province in Canada to one of the poorest and has created a deficit of TWENTY SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS and he still has a year and a half to go.


And don’t forget his nice little salary increase of $40,000.00 a year, millions of people in the province don’t earn half that.


All the MPP’S got 14% increase


Now that they all got nice increases he comes out with a new budget and freezes all provincial employees wages for two years.


He has increased the hydro by 10% in April of 2010.


He has increased the tax on liquor and wine by 10% in May of 2010


But mister no tax McGuinty will retire with his nice comfortable pension and all his paid benefits.


I hope this gets passed around the province of Ontario and everybody remember the way we got screwed by mister McGinty and the liberal party not one liberal MPP had enough guts to vote against any of the above.

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It doesn't seem to matter who gets elected and it won't until there is some form of accountability. Broken promisses and lies are just accepted and apart from waiting until the next election and voting for the person that tells us the biggest and best lies there isn't anything we can do about it.

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i agree with Cliff to a degree, it does not matter who is in office...its all the same. I vote because of some misguided feeling that it makes a difference and i want to feel like i have some control left....reality is i fear that we dont.


I just watched the British election, its all a sham. The Conservative guy won kinda...its a coalition with the Lib Dems. This is meant to be a historical ....nay...momemtous, landmark, watershed of an occassion in Britain.......Bull.......same old same old.


Seems as long as we can all afford the latest Blueberry/ Ipad/ and then Twitter about it alls good.



Jeeze...i must be getting old.....lol

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Time for the "deadhorse march".


Rule #1: All politicians are liars


Rule #2: Only special interest and lobby groups (those funding the political party) are of interest or concern to a politician. Us individuals do not count.


Rule #3: Learn to make lots of noise. Politicians, and bureaucrats, hate being put on the spot.

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no surprise to folks in southern ontario. we have been under serviced, over taxed for years. our hospitals are sadly understaffed. as for mr mic-squinty he truly is a piece of work, along with his crew. living in essex county or kent county,, its sad to be down loaded manure.. seniors, under priveleged, dis-abled folks suffer the worse. wheres the voice of humanity for these folks????

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Guest Johnny Bass

It doesn't seem to matter who gets elected and it won't until there is some form of accountability. Broken promisses and lies are just accepted and apart from waiting until the next election and voting for the person that tells us the biggest and best lies there isn't anything we can do about it.



Exactly. When these politicians make promises and then they don't come through? They should be thrown out of office!


Bigugli is right. Politicians cater to their campaign donors. Not to the people. Thanks to free trade, US corporations now run Canada like they do in America. They are the big money behind the politicians.


As far as McGuinty? ALL politicians are crooked. Liberal doesn't stand for liberal anymore and conservative doesn't stand for conservative. They are just two different parties with the same goals. To take away tax payers/consumers dollars and divert them to the rich.


The Liberals gained a lot of votes bringing in Immigrants from Europe and held on to the power for a while. Now the conservatives followed suit, immigrating tons of Chinese, Indian and Pakistanis(brought in for cheap labor to cater to free trade with the USA). The Chinese have now passed the French and is now the second most common spoken language in Canada(after English of course).


Bring in the recession and next thing you know you have millions of people fighting for jobs that don't exist. If anyone should be blamed for most of the problems we see in Ontario? Its the Conservatives under Mulroney.

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Johnny, truth be told, we the people are to blame for everything we get... we vote for 'em and allow then to continue the trend. Unless and until we the people demand more from our politicions and actually take a deep interest into what they do, nothing will change.

Example... the dreaded HST was anounced over one year ago. WE, "the people" by in large said and did nothing, now everyone is in freak mode. (justifiably, but way to late!)

The more things change, the more they stay the same!


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Guest Johnny Bass

Johnny, truth be told, we the people are to blame for everything we get... we vote for 'em and allow then to continue the trend. Unless and until we the people demand more from our politicions and actually take a deep interest into what they do, nothing will change.

Example... the dreaded HST was anounced over one year ago. WE, "the people" by in large said and did nothing, now everyone is in freak mode. (justifiably, but way to late!)

The more things change, the more they stay the same!



I said the same thing, though government also shares the blame as they make deals behind the scenes that the public are unaware of the consequences.


I think some people are as dumb as the bass. They hit the lure, get hooked, we release them, they remember for awhile then forget and they get hooked again and the cycle continues.


We elect people, they steal, we get mad, we vote them out of office. We calm down, the next guy starts to steal, it doesn't get discovered until well into his term, we get angry, vote him out, we calm down and the cycle continues.


As far as the HST? Its a pro business tax. And the wealthy seem to be the most vocal in all media outlets. While the people are just happy smoking a few joints, drinking some beers, buying some prostitutes and watching a few sport events and oblivious to the robbery. That is why the HST was passed. But I say its never too late.

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Guest Johnny Bass

So who throwing the tea party?- no one we are all a bunch of pansies who are happy to bend over and say thank you sir may I have another!


The tea party in the US is another sham. When a movement challenges the wealthy? What they do is they get at the head of it and then herd the people in the direction they want it to go, until it looses steam or they change the entire direction of the movement. these guys are smart and good at mass manipulation.


And yes, Canadians are more passive then Americans.

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Well before this degenerates. I consider my self liberal minded person (small l, not the party)how true that is I'm not sure.


But ultimately it is up to us the citizen to run our government. After all democracy only exists with involvement of the citizen. So its our job to be rude and ornery when it comes to running our nation.


Easier said then done but if one looks around at how government is run today, it often works for a narrow group of wealthy elite and special interests. Once the individual becomes disengaged or apathetic from his/her government they win.


I'd say they are winning these days.

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no surprise to folks in southern ontario. we have been under serviced, over taxed for years. our hospitals are sadly understaffed. as for mr mic-squinty he truly is a piece of work, along with his crew. living in essex county or kent county,, its sad to be down loaded manure.. seniors, under priveleged, dis-abled folks suffer the worse. wheres the voice of humanity for these folks????


Here in Sudbury they just closed the second hospital for the new and improved hospital.

Now we have less beds then ever and emerg is a 6-8 hr wait on a good day

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So who throwing the tea party?- no one we are all a bunch of pansies who are happy to bend over and say thank you sir may I have another!



Not all of us.

Some had the sense of mind to get the hell out of Ontario and move to an area where the polititians listen and actually work for the people. :whistling:


Oh, and Mickgwintee should have been drawn and quartered 2 weeks into his first term when he broke every promise he made during the election. But you have only yourselves to blame for re-electing the putz!!! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Edited by DRIFTER_016
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Politicians suck. Plain and simple.


On a side note, its not that it costs anymore to produce hydro at any point in the day or nite, its a matter of consumption. The more that's used, the more and faster it has to be generated. Clearly during the day there is way more megawatts or power being used then later at nite. Which is why daytime is considered prime usage time and nite is not. So while it costs the same to pruduce, its the demand that causes the issues with producing more when needed

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While the people are just happy smoking a few joints, drinking some beers, buying some prostitutes and watching a few sport events and oblivious to the robbery. That is why the HST was passed. But I say its never too late.


DANG Johnny... I didn't think you'd ever been to a Lakair G2G ! :D

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Everytime I think it can't be any worse I do a dumb thing and vote in anger. I jumped from the socialist NDP who allowed loads of people to go on social assistance to the Harris government who sold the 407 and tore the heart out of nurses and hospitals. McGuinty is spending like a fool. Who needs all day juniour kindergarden... it's just bloody government daycare. He brings in the HST to keep big business happy and reaps a huge windfall to cover his spending.


I think I'll really sit down and think before I vote this time!


Dan O.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Politicians suck. Plain and simple.


On a side note, its not that it costs anymore to produce hydro at any point in the day or nite, its a matter of consumption. The more that's used, the more and faster it has to be generated. Clearly during the day there is way more megawatts or power being used then later at nite. Which is why daytime is considered prime usage time and nite is not. So while it costs the same to pruduce, its the demand that causes the issues with producing more when needed


Plus when you have the Americans feeding off our power(Niagara)also(and paying less than us). There is so called strain on the supply but I think that is just a load of crap to get the people to agree to privatizing Hydro.


And how can a grid failure in OHIO black out all of Southern Ontario? Explain that one to me!


How can Hydro prices continue to rise when the infrastructure to produce hydro has been paid off decades ago and costs next to nothing to maintain?


Now they have the excuse that they are rebuilding the infrastructure and greener energy and all that and are going to raise it another 20%. This is robbery.


These jokers are too much. Just like they are loosing money selling beer and had to privatize it and say they are loosing money selling L.C.B.O and want to privatize it. Can someone tell me how you can lose money producing alcohol at the cost we are selling it at?

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Johnnybass, they are not losing money on the lcbo, it is one of the few money making ventures the gov't is involved in, the last I heard it contributes around a billion dollars a year to the provincial coffers. To sell it would be a travesty, they'd get a couple of billion dollars up front and that would be it, no more milk from the cow because it got slaughtered. As for hydro, we really don't pay what it costs to produce and distribute but that was subsidized out of our taxes that went to the provincial gov't. No problem with me to raise the price of hydro, just make sure the same amount gets reduced from my provincial tax bill (as if that would ever happen). Unfortunately, we are getting to the point where our vote does not count any more. Politicians don't listen. I tell this to all who live in Toronto, if you don't vote for Robbie Ford, you will be in for more of the same. Yes, he can be a buffoon, but he is a regular guy like the rest of us and loves Toronto, not a full of Bull run of the mill politician. If Toronto elects someone like him to shake up the political system, you can bet that the other politicians will start to take notice of your concerns.

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RE hydro prices. What I can't seem to get my head around is the fact that us individuals are subsidising industry's energy costs! Demand goes up through the day, not because of residential use, but because of industry's need for energy. However, they are demanding that I, the residential user pay for industry's energy greed.

And johnny, take a look at your Electric bill, we pay a debt recovery charge every month... that, because OPG can't seem to upgrade anything within budget or time constrictions.

PS... Ontario transportation minister is talking about implementing road tolls again! (For environmental purposes only! LMAO)


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Guest Johnny Bass

Johnnybass, they are not losing money on the lcbo, it is one of the few money making ventures the gov't is involved in, the last I heard it contributes around a billion dollars a year to the provincial coffers. To sell it would be a travesty, they'd get a couple of billion dollars up front and that would be it, no more milk from the cow because it got slaughtered. As for hydro, we really don't pay what it costs to produce and distribute but that was subsidized out of our taxes that went to the provincial gov't. No problem with me to raise the price of hydro, just make sure the same amount gets reduced from my provincial tax bill (as if that would ever happen). Unfortunately, we are getting to the point where our vote does not count any more. Politicians don't listen. I tell this to all who live in Toronto, if you don't vote for Robbie Ford, you will be in for more of the same. Yes, he can be a buffoon, but he is a regular guy like the rest of us and loves Toronto, not a full of Bull run of the mill politician. If Toronto elects someone like him to shake up the political system, you can bet that the other politicians will start to take notice of your concerns.


But that's just it. These politicians know their time is short. So they make as many backroom deals as possible selling our infrastructure to the highest bidder and still receive royalties after leaving office. It should be illegal to sell government infrastructure because it belongs to the people, not to the government.


Correct me if I am wrong bigbuck. I may sound dumb saying this but I hear they can extract electricity out of a magnet's electro magnetic field. But they need energy to extract it(to run the coils, rotors) and that is how generators produce electricity. But in the case of Niagara? The power extracting the electricity is the water that is spinning the rotors and coils producing the energy. And then all you need is a conductor(wires to transport) and transformers to regulate the voltage. This doesn't sound too expensive to me. Considering the average household pays about $1200 give or take a year.


We could seriously produce our own electricity with our waste(garbage and sewage), solar and wind power. Put a big windmill and solar panels on our homes.


Anybody but Smitherman!


yes,we need a regular joe in office.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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I knew there was something about him from the start. Never trust anyone who is crosseyed tease.gif.They have a double standard. The left side of his brain tells him one thing and the other says do the opposite.sad.gif

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