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Cracked Ribs...


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Hey Guys,


I took a tumble last night, falling onto the recycling box I was taking out the the road..


Anyways, I cracked 2 of my ribs..


The pain is barely tolerable... it hurts even more when I breathe, cough etc.. so it hurts all the time lol! I have tried Advil.. and am usually pretty good with dealing with pain...


but this sucks!


Any suggestions on how to make this bearable?



Edited by Gerritt
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Bill's Sis is right. Tape them up and stay as inactive as possible. Keep a small cushion ( or a large teabag in your case) nearby to hold tight against you if you need to cough or sneeze. They don't take long to heal but you must look after them.

Also, keep a pencil and paper handy and jot down the names of the folks who make you laugh cause one day, you'll be healed but their problems will have just started.

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Yes I have seen a doc... he said there is little they could do, told be to take some OTC pain relievers watch the use of my left arm, and take it easy... he put some tape on me and sent me on my way..


But the pain in bloody nagging the heck outta me

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Get ye to a hospital for x-rays NOW! Just in case theres a complete fracture.

Then they'll send you home saying they can't do anything but advise you to restrict any activity that hurts and maybe prescribe something like tylenol 3.

Oh, and under no circumstances should you laugh.

It'll make you cry!

Get the idea it's happened to me? (much more than once!)



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Ughh.. problem was I was completely sober, as I was getting over a stomach bug.. I wish I was drinking.. then I have have a excuse for tripping down the stairs! Those stupid boxes have no give to them!


Perhaps I need a bit of liquid to help sooth the pain..


Or perhaps a left handed cigarette..



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One of the guys at my shop wiped out a couple weeks back (on the weekend playing) and ended up in the hospital.

Couple of cracked ribs along with some other less painful injuries.

I asked him if there was anything they wrapped him up in. Nope.

Said they told him they stopped doing it as it sometimes led to pneumonia and other complications.

He's doing OK now but still moving pretty slow.


I'd tell you to suck it up G, but that would hurt.

Edited by Bernie
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Hi Gerritt, sorry to hear that. Ya if you have been to the doctor just follow his advice, it`s not like they can put a cast on them. As I see it the need is to keep them from breaking and puncturing a lung or other internal organ. Take it easy! Any blood when you cough, any other abnormal items get back to the doc or er room quick.


Never broke a rib but sprained some rib muscles lifting weights, and it can be a pain just to get a deep breath. Good luck sir!

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yup... its fun isnt it?? lol.


for real though, u;ve been told what to do.. tape it tight to restrict the movement as best u can, take it easy, try not to cough, sneeze or laugh. i know, easier said then done... dont run any marathons or fall down again.


u can take as strong a pain killer as u can find or be prescribed. and just relax as best ya can. its gonna hurt for a couple weeks or more depending on how fast ur body heals itself.

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My sympathies. I cracked a few ribs in a bad car accident a few years ago. I have an idea how yer feeling. I couldn't tape mine. It was torture. I just tried every position I could think of like laying on a hard floor flat on my back. I think that was the one that worked best. If you can stay still you'll survive and start to feel human again very quickly, like a couple of days. Have patience, my son.



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A buddy of mine once cracked a few ribs on the first day of a 5 day fly in fishing trip on the Winisk River. He fell on some rocks while walking the shoreline. He was in agony the entire trip. Judging from the grimace on his face, I could tell that it was not fun. I've been lucky enough to not break any ribs. I did, however, break my pelvis once about 12 years ago. That's something that you never want to do. I spent two months bed ridden. Coughing, sneezing and farting were all agonizing events. I got through it, and so will you.

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Been there done that twice both sides. Hockey was good to me until I ran a player to the boards for the biggest slam dunk and his stick got stuck in a crack of the door. I got that stick under the arm and cracked 3 ribs so I know what your feeling. I spent the day in the hospital for observation I couldn't breath more then a soft whisper. The Doctor thought I had internal damage cause I was dying in pain and crying like a baby. That was a few years ago.


Solution: make sure you are not bleeding, lung punctures are common in falls to the rib area, check and see if you are brused at the point of pain.


Ice the area, Alive is best for pain or consume large quantities of tequila maybe both.


Good luck.

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When I broke two ribs in college( drinking and falling down :dunno: ) I would keep a long bath towel handy every where I went in the townhouse I shared with my room mates.


They were keen on making me LAUGH :tease::rofl2:


I would grab that towel and wrap it around my ribs, cross it over and pull it as tight as I could until the laughing fit stopped.


It also helped to stop smoking pot during this time as well B)

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Just wait until you snezze.


Go to a MD.

Sneezing got to be the worst of them all.You know its coming!Its exactly when and how hard?Ouch!I tore the diaphram in my abdomen twice in a month,2 months later fractured a rib.Coughing hurts but sneezing,thats bad.Lots of tight wraps around the chest bud, it helps.

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