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What compells you to go ice fishing?


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What compells me to ice fish is that I honestly do have more fun.Meeting new people and have a good laugh.I really dont know to the tee but I really do have more fun.No matter how slow it gets.Today was a prime example as I took a good old dear friend of mine out for his first time.He said he wouldnt come out again until spring(that was in late sept).He came out today and probably coming out next weekend were ever I go.That something that interested him was that its always a good time no matter what.

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gives me somethin to do while i wait for bass season to open!! lol no, its just fun, great way to spend a day outdoors, meet ppl, and its a new way to fish, gotta figure out the fish just like u would in open water. nuthin like battling a big pike, walleye, trout on a tiny rod with light line.

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It's the voices, the voices in my head compell me. :huh::huh:

That and the fact that I can fish tons of lakes that are only fly in in the open water season.

Plus my ice season is 7 months long!!!!!!!

Drilled through 3 1/2 feet of clear black ice today, not going to be too much longer until I need the extension. :D

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I just have to get outdoors.........no matter what the season is. Icefishing is a very social day. Its not like being in a boat with a few buds, you can get out with a huge group, and all fish together. You also don't need a lot of gear in most cases, so its easier for some people to get out on the ice, than on the water.




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for me its a very social thing. Also a very lazy thing(once the holes are drilled). I go with a group of people, only use tip-ups (the flag kind) so there is no effort involved, bring a little hibachi on the ice with steaks and burgers and a few brown pops...and I wait until its about plus 10 in March. Guess I'm kind of a fair weather ice fisherman. Funny because on "softwater" I am relentless, going hardcore as long as I'm allowed to be out, and the worse the weather the happier I am!

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I ice fished for the first time this year, mainly because I love fishing and am layed off right now, so I have some extra time on my hands. I have really found that it is a good way to learn a little more about the places that you fish in the soft water season, I have already found some spots that i want to try in the summer for bass and muskie! I have only been out a three times. I have been out on Scugog a couple of times and mainly caught perch, and I went out on frenchmans bay and caught nothing.

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Im not 100% sure there is just one reason I ice fish..I dont like the cold all that much but I love to fish. I have been several times now and only have had one good day out there. we went to Calendar Bay , to one of the resorts last year. We stayed out on the lake in a "ice condo" What a trip. Accomidations were amazing with everything we needed and a tv to watch the leafs game! The bite was lousy. No fish to be had. Still had an amazing time.Met a ton of good folk out in ice city (or so we called it that).So i guess its the people the fish and the overall experience that brings me out on the ice!..

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I like to ice fish on sunny and calm weekends in February when football season is over. Usually by then I've started getting a little stir crazy from being indoors for 3 months and will endure cold temps. My friends can't believe that I will sit alone for hours staring down a hole, but it's just so darn peaceful and relaxing.

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I just like drilling holes
You to eh.For me it muffles out bad sounds coming out of a certain someones yapper.Lots of test runs at home.Shes not invited on the ice.Last time she went out,one leg into a hole.And a yap that wouldnt stop all the way home.
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I find it makes me not dread winter as much as I did in the past years. This is my first year, and I'm finding it's a good thing to not have to wait until softwater.


Come to think about it, Just over a Month til I can fish for pike, and I'll probably be fishing for crappie in Just over 2!! Excited!!

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Ice fishing is a world apart from fishing from a boat. Yes, it really makes winter a nice thing to have. Icefishermen rarely grump about the weather. The biggest thing is to be warm. No such thing as too much clothes. If you feel the cold....you will hate icefishing.


I also like the fact that you set things up and then you can go about making coffee, toasting sandwiches, listening to music on the mp3, chatting with other fishermen if you want or going out with a group of buddies and then every once in a while you check your lines or you pull out a fish that will surely taste great. Fancy expensive equipment will not let you catch more fish so everybody is on the same level.


Also, being alowed more than 1 line lets you experiment a lot and this helps with the summer fishing too. It's great exercise too.


The only bad thing about icefishing is the cold and that can be controlled.

Edited by Dabluz
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Ice fishing for me....well, lets see.

Its fishing, which I do all the time, just because its winter you don't stop fishing.


Fishing in this neck of the woods is getting away from people, not going to visit.

One or 2 good friends that you regularly fish with. Up at 4:30 have a coffee, wake up a little, toss your bag in the truck and go pick up your partner, or sit at the front door and wait for him to show up.

heading out in the dark (you have seen the Dr's vids). Everything packed the night before. Head down the highway..its 20 freaking below out there and getting colder the further you get into the bush.

2 hour drive down a plowed gravel road to the spot where you park. Dam..this road ain't plowed this year...now we have a 30km snowmobile ride. Unload the snowmobiles...get em started...freaking cold pulling em over this morning...must be 25 below now...oh well, no clouds so it will be a sunny day.

Hook up the sleigh and load that (yes...I remembered the minnows, I got a new cooler jug so they don't freeze this time). Head down the trail to the lake...winding hilly road but others have been here so the trail is well broken...

45 minutes later we are at the turnoff to the lake. The trail gets tight but this is what we do. Been here before..get through the woods and out onto the lake. We both know where we fish this one and head across.


Pull into the bay and stop at shore. Untarp the sleigh, one gut grabs the auger, the other grabs the lines, minnows and hole scoop. Darn...we forgot to grab some gads on the way in ...head up the bank and into the bush through 5' of snow to get some suitable sticks. I hate forgetting gads...the ones you get at the lake are crap.


We have the lake to ourselves.

The rest of the day is spent getting a fire going (yes, we bring a chainsaw and gas for fires)

toasting sandwiches, brewing coffee and catching a few fish. specs in close, lakers out a bit deeper.

There are no crowds nobody else around.

No radio because we like the quiet.


End of the day pack up and head home. We get home somewhere between 8 and 10 at night. last thing we say is..how bout Walker lake next weekend? Sure, haven't been there in a while

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I mostly fish for perch through the ice and I just can't get enough of the little buggers! They are everywhere and always eager to bite. Buddy of mine also has the same problem, loves to catch perch... we are a competitive group, so for us, it's always a numbers game... sure I'd perfer to catch nothing but 12inchers, but they are hard to stay on, all day long.

So we count our perch, for no other reason but bragging rights! Heck, if buddy gets too far ahead of me, I don't eat lunch! Gotta catch up! LOL

I also find it invigorating to be out in the cold. There is a different vibe out on the ice, say compared to being in a boat. Alot less "crap" if you will!

Can't wait till Saturday!


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