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this is crazy...are you friggen kidding me?


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Hmm, I am not sure what to do now, I live in Bowmanville and frequent both pubs mentioned on occasion. I never drive after a couple pops, maybe now I should never walk. Maybe I'll just have to get Scotty to beam me up.

Edited by Harrison
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I'll admit that at first glance, it does seem kind of stupid, but think about it this way for a minute.


What if the officer(s) that had contact with these people had let them go along their merry way and they did step into the path of a car or even fell of their own and hurt (or worse) themselves. You can rest assured the first thing they or their family would be doing is suing the police because they had the opportunity to arrest them, drive them home and charge them etc. This would be followed closely by suing the bar that overserved them in the first place.


Unfortunately we now live in a society where people won't/don't take responsibility for their own actions and force other people to do it for them


Just another side to the coin and my .02





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Ah yes, the "what if" scenario, however they weren't, they were waiting there hand in hand for the DD to take them and their truck home. Maybe we should have bar fuzz to arrest people before they slip off the bar stool or maybe washroom fuzz to prevent you from peeing on your hand. Maybe they should have to wear a PFD 'cause they might fall in a puddle outside the bar. <_<

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Man oh man, the cops always want us to help them out in time of need, every time I see one of these reports forces me to think they can go screw themselves. I know they're not all cut from the same cloth, but the supervisors must have been eating STOOPID with a wide mouthed coal shovel.


nice..thank you very much..time to move on...

Edited by ColdH20guy
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wow crappy, I drink and walk or ride my bike all the time. no police trouble ever in toronto. iv even been out at bars or clubs when I was younger. talked to cops smashed, licked beyond walking up right. only laughs, are you okay? heres a dollar for a water.. durham region is bored and has nothing else to do I guess..

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nice..thank you very much..time to move on...


You're most welcome, I'm an ex, and if anything as stupid as this had ever crossed our minds we'd still be in Edmonton. I wonder if Durham has some of their finest outside the bars that their own frequent, ya right. Done.

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I hope with the exposure that this story has gotten, that Durham Region's finest may be giving this policy a "re-think". You'll never hear anything publicly of course, they will never admit they were wrong, but they just might realize that they were.

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I've always been 110% pro-cop, but crap like this is nothing more than an abuse of power and the reason soooooooo many folks have total disrespect for the police.


Their sposed to be "Serving & Protecting".......not harrassing good folks who are trying to do the right thing by enjoying a few brews and then using a DD

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I'll admit that at first glance, it does seem kind of stupid, but think about it this way for a minute.


What if the officer(s) that had contact with these people had let them go along their merry way and they did step into the path of a car or even fell of their own and hurt (or worse) themselves. You can rest assured the first thing they or their family would be doing is suing the police because they had the opportunity to arrest them, drive them home and charge them etc. This would be followed closely by suing the bar that overserved them in the first place.


Unfortunately we now live in a society where people won't/don't take responsibility for their own actions and force other people to do it for them


Just another side to the coin and my .02







wrong..the government is insisting on protecting us because a few babies whine and complain about people getting hurt while having a bit of fun. These are the people that are scared to go out anyway.

I am responsible for my own actions.

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Another thought on this. Do you folks see things like an application to consume alcohol in the not too distant future? Submit your application (with requisite processing fee of course) wait a month then receive clearance to be intoxicated while taking the 10 steps from a bar to a cab....It seems like the powers that be are doing their best to phase out the consumption of alcoholic beverage.


0.05 limit, persecution for using a DD service, Volstead Act Part II??



Its understandable that there are mishaps and trouble associated with people over imbiding, HOWEVER, nothing burns like me being regulated becasue some loogin can't make a decent choice in life.


"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. " -Thomas Jefferson

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Another thought on this. Do you folks see things like an application to consume alcohol in the not too distant future? Submit your application (with requisite processing fee of course) wait a month then receive clearance to be intoxicated while taking the 10 steps from a bar to a cab....It seems like the powers that be are doing their best to phase out the consumption of alcoholic beverage.


0.05 limit, persecution for using a DD service, Volstead Act Part II??



Its understandable that there are mishaps and trouble associated with people over imbiding, HOWEVER, nothing burns like me being regulated becasue some loogin can't make a decent choice in life.


"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. " -Thomas Jefferson



I can see an application to recieve our paycheck and permission slips to spend it.


and the HST really will save you money in the long run...but we aren't going to have any new taxes

Edited by Dara
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Now if I lived in this region I would be starting a petition against these unreasonable fines.


Next I would be contacting the media like the CBC and CTV this issue needs more canadian exposure.


It does not happen here in Quebec where common prevails for this issue but other issues need a revue.


I do find there is not enough road blocs here like in Ontario.It seems to be more seasonal like around the Christmas holidays.


Another thing I just don't understand is why one can have booze in a boat in Quebec regardless of the size of the vessel.


Leave this up to some bonehead to hurt the the livelihood of bar owners .It will just deter others from going to the local watering hole.



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It's the sign of a tough economy! Municipalities are making money any way they can!


We've only heard one side of the story, the poor innocent drunks side! Those officers must have had some kind of suspicion to approach those folks in the first place... I'll bet the karaoke couple were still singing songs out in the street, and the walking guy wasn't walking as straight as he thought!


I don't guess anyone reading this thread realizes that drunks out in public are easy prey for muggers, thieves... and worse!


There are ordinances against public intoxication for a reason eh!


I'll admit that at first glance, it does seem kind of stupid, but think about it this way for a minute.


What if the officer(s) that had contact with these people had let them go along their merry way and they did step into the path of a car or even fell of their own and hurt (or worse) themselves. You can rest assured the first thing they or their family would be doing is suing the police because they had the opportunity to arrest them, drive them home and charge them etc. This would be followed closely by suing the bar that overserved them in the first place.


Unfortunately we now live in a society where people won't/don't take responsibility for their own actions and force other people to do it for them


Just another side to the coin and my .02






The nail on the head as well!



wrong..the government is insisting on protecting us because a few babies whine and complain about people getting hurt while having a bit of fun. These are the people that are scared to go out anyway.

I am responsible for my own actions.


The babies that whine are the ones that get hurt or mugged and sue the government!... and Canada will payoff some of the most trivial law suits I've ever seen!!!



MADD is supporting these actions too, perhaps they should change their name to MAD. Period. Utterly ridiculous.


I belong to DAMM... Drunks Against Mad Mothers! :P



Now if I lived in this region I would be starting a petition against these unreasonable fines.


Next I would be contacting the media like the CBC and CTV this issue needs more canadian exposure.


It does not happen here in Quebec where common prevails for this issue but other issues need a revue.


I do find there is not enough road blocs here like in Ontario.It seems to be more seasonal like around the Christmas holidays.


Another thing I just don't understand is why one can have booze in a boat in Quebec regardless of the size of the vessel.


Leave this up to some bonehead to hurt the the livelihood of bar owners .It will just deter others from going to the local watering hole.




Everyone knows that the legal drinking age in Quebec is just a suggestion! :rolleyes:

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Here on Haloween, there were so many people out staggering around that the police closed the main street to vehicle traffic. Seems a more reasonable and user-friendly alternative. The community decided to get smashed and the police protected their safety.

Our police tend to stay in the background (strategically positioned) and only respond to trouble. They certainly don't go looking for it.

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