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Sleeping VS Energy Drinks


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I can't get over how many "energy" products are available now. Drinks, gum, candy, little shots...all marketed as a way to get "extreme energy" and all nothing but caffeine and sugar. People like caffeine and sugar, so that's fine, but what I can't figure out is this: If you're so freakin' tired, why not go to bed? I don't know about you guys, but I find sleeping somewhat pleasurable. There may be things I'd rather do, but it's certainly not something I'm obsessed about avoiding whenever and however possible.


People need to learn to relax. Get done what you can today, get a good night's sleep and then start all over tomorrow. Why push yourself to the point that you're so exhausted you need that stuff?


Different strokes for different folks I guess. What do I know?

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I can't sleep the nite before a tourny or a big fishin trip so those energy drinks really come in handy but I only use the 5 hour ones because I've heard they era not as bad as most of them with taurine in them and they work great your not all jittery and you don't feel like crap when it wears of you just feel tired again .works for me.

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I love sleeping dont get me wrong I love to get up early to fish or hunt and I do get the most of a day almost always but when I sleep its the rest of the dead once or twice a year i will sleep for 24 hrs get up to have a wee and then back under the blankies I learned along time ago to take powernaps and make them work for you as for energy drinks that would just throw me over the top Im naturally in overdrive all the time dont need any turbo charging.


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I love em. Rock Star, Monster, Red Bull, 5-hour, etc. Tried em all, but the Coffee flavoured ones are the best. I can drink them just like I'd drink a can of coke.


Sleep? That's a myth I believed in before I had little kids. lol


The 5-hour energy stuff saved my butt once when I found out I needed to do some server maintenance downtown while I was fishing in the Kawarthas. I had had 2 hours sleep the night before and fished hard all day, drove home and got the kids ready for bed, popped a 5-hour energy, headed downtown for midnight and felt great and alert down there. It's the only time I've tried it, but I am now a believer and carry one in the truck at all times.


I think it is great for the mental alertness as much as the physical fatigue.

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redbull will keep me awake for about 15-30 minutes. then i start dozing off again..


i think the best way to stay awake on the drive home from a full day of fishing is getting out of the car and have a walk for about 10 minutes. or keep smoking while driving..lol

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Sleep and kids don't normally work well together.


Funny my mum and me had a big thing about this, she was telling me ohhhh there is so much caffine in those things, as she finished off her second coffee.


When you do the math on the drinks, one red bull is about the same as 2 cups of drip coffee


I prefer the reb bull to cofffee

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Biggest scam on the market today..........eat your fruits and veggies, i refuse to pay the amount of money they are asking for these things. Worst thing, is theyve got 10 year olds hooked into thinking they need these energy drinks to get thru the day. Go by a bus stop and see how many kids are crackin a Monster or a Red Bull. Its friggen ridiculous and burns me up. I WILL NOT buy the kids any of this garbage. Im scrapin to get gas in the car every week and im gonna go get the kid a 4 or 5 dollar shot of energy. He!! will freeze over before i give a nickel to this craziness. I watched a lady a week or so ago with a 12-13 year old boy at a wilson farms, go in, get a can of red bull, and have to count change in her purse to pay the $4 something it cost for this can of energy for her 12 year old. Thats all they stopped in the store for......Its gone waaaaay to far. Feed your kid an actual meal.......i think he'll make it thru football practice. It burns me up what im forced to compete with every day trying to raise kids

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I have them occasionally when Ive slept crappy the night before.. and I need to get stuff done, especially mid afternoon.. Not alot.. but theres usually a 6 pack in the beer fridge. When ya work for yourself, sometimes there no "putting it off till tomorrow" I don't see a difference between that and an afternoon cup of coffee or two.. I bet you if you had a look at the sugar and caffeine in a Timmies XL Double Double, they wouldn't be too far off.


(Actually, a large Timmies coffee has 200mg of caffeine and a red bull.. only has 80mg.. (I just looked it up....)







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I can't sleep the nite before a tourny or a big fishin trip so those energy drinks really come in handy but I only use the 5 hour ones because I've heard they era not as bad as most of them with taurine in them and they work great your not all jittery and you don't feel like crap when it wears of you just feel tired again .works for me.

Just cause it has Taurine in it doesn't make it better. Most energy drinks have it....its how the caffeine gets transported into your system

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i dont know about you guys but energy drinks dont do crap all for me! i just buy them every so often because i like the taste of some of them, but they seem to taste even better while fishing rather than sittin at the t.v. drinkin 'em lol. even after or before a good workout they dont work for me. doesnt even matter if i take caffine pills or anything.... i just cant get "hyper" or get even a rush or whatever offf those things lol after i drink one im still in the same state i was before i had one..... and once i wake up, it doesnt even matter what time it is i could have just an hour of sleep after a 12 hour shift, and im ready to go!




Edited by bigredneck
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Energy drinks, coffee, caffeinated pop drinks, drinks high in sugar and snacks high in sugar seem to have the opposite effect on me. I might get a rush for 20-30 seconds after I drink any of them but after that I crash and I’m even more tired than before I drank the stuff.


When I’m participating in one of the marathon type carp fishing tournaments (48hrs or more) or I’m doing a marathon type fishing session, I find I can do 2.5 straight days fairly easily without sleep or coffee – I do crash on the third day. University was the same. When I’m fishing, I don’t drink anything else but water and I usually don’t eat very much.


Sleep is sooo overrated :Gonefishing:

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lol i find that funny, talkin about energy drinks VS sleep and theres an energy drink advertised up at the top of the page.... at least on my comp anyway



Opps...I was worried about that. I don't want to tick off anyone who's helping to pay the bills around here. It's just my opinion and I'm sure it's not going to hurt anyone's sales.

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