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Awesome couple days of topwater smallies PIC HEAVY


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It has been about a month since the last time I have made it out fishing but the past couple days have been well worth the wait

Saturday I took my son and nephew out for two hours to try for some bass

I will let the pics do the talking

We fished from about 3-5pm

My son wanted to take all the pics




















Went out again on Sunday
























But now for the sickening part

My son and I both hooked into fish at the same time

I told my nephew to grab the net and bring my sons fish in first

We fought our fish to the boat and I looked over to see how big my sons "bass" was and all I saw was a monster head

He had what I guess was a 40" plus northern on

I quickly got my bass in and released so I could net my sons fish

Now he brings the northern in and I get him in the rubber net.

But the net has a hole in it (can you guess where the northerns head went)

Out through the net he goes but still hooked.

He fights it back to the boat (8lb mono but thankfully a 9" 30lb leader on)

I get it into the net again even though his line is running through the net.

I quickly grab it by the gill plate but it starts to thrash around and I lost my grip.

You guessed it

The fish hit the water went under the boat and the line must have caught a rivet because the line snapped and the fish was gone.

I looked up at my son (9 years old) and he had tears in eyes.

It made me sick to realize I lost him his biggest fish.

All I could do was say I was sorry and tell him he fought it perfectly but that it was my fault it got off.

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Looks like your going to have to support yourself in your old age. Retirement home for dad(Crappy one with ugly nurses and bad food)



Amazing batch of pics, Rickster...I feel your pain...the one that got away is an undeniable part of fishing...and there will definitely be a bigger one that comes along.

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Great report and pics rickster :thumbsup_anim:

You guys certainly got into a lot of great looking bassin!!!! Congratulations to all :clapping:

Too bad about the gator that got away :angry: Sounds like it was a biggun :blink:

Thanks for sharing


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That is an amazing number of Bass there. If they were all caught on topwater baits, it must have been quite a hoot!



all but five or six were caught on topwater (mepps spinners caught those)

it was a blast

only missed taking pics of seven bass the whole weekend

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That has to be the best Smallie report on OFC so far, It's been awhile since I have seen that many fish in that 4lb+ range...and not just for the adult for the kids too :clapping:


Outstanding job man, that lake looks amazing with those fields of grass( I can see it good in pic's 3 and 4)...I'm wondering if there any largemouth's in this lake you were at?




Anyway, thanks for sharing,


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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

looks like you had a lock on those bronzebacks...

tell your son we all feel his pain. i've shed tears over big brookies lost at canoe side...

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What a topwater feast there Rick. good on ya for fessin' up it was your oops....i know i few that would not admit that. I'm still waiting for the bass to turn on like that down my way....but its great to see sme pics of what i've been missing.......dunno how you manage to not fish for a month....but with our new baby i'm beginning to see the end of my carefree , fish when i want lifestyle too....lol!

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Nice mess of bass there Rickster.


Don't feel too bad about the fish, it happens. He'll forgive you and you can put him on another one soon. Kudos to him for getting it to the boat on 8 lb test - Twice :clapping: Damn rubber nets :glare:



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That was a stellar day on the water...looks like you guys had a lot of fun tagging those bronzies :thumbsup_anim: ...too bad about the gator tell your boy it happens to all of us and to be thankful he got it out of the way early!!! Just curios since you work in the fishing dept of your home hardware how many times a day you walk by the nets??? :wallbash: ...Great report and great pics none the less...tell your boy to forget about the one he lost but allways remember the ones he didn't!!!!

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wow and wow. Now if you could give me the coordinates of the lake please. lol.

Nice fish indeed.

As for the lost pike. When I was 12 I caught my first lake trout (looked to be a nice 8 pounder or so) and my dad managed to knock it off while netting it. I must admit I had a little cry in the boat. But tell your son not to worry. I managed to catch many more lakers after that. He will get a big pike again.

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