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No more nicknames


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I used to use my real name on here, now I just use my initials.















If I like you well enough on the internet, I may tell you the alias my parents and family call me by.

Edited by GCD
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Another forum I view from time to time has now switched to real names only? NO more nicknames. :huh:


Iam was just wondering what many of you may think of such an idea for a open public forum?

Should we be forced to use real names only? <_<





oh and GCD ya ya ya i know ......there's another forum out there comment, no need to say it now! :D


cheers all

In that case, you shouldn't be allowed to use the likeness of a javexed chipmunk to hide your identity either... :P


BTW: ADMIN...we need a "POT STIRRING, SMELLY" smiley in the form of someone cranking on a ladle in the toilet...

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i would use my real name...i sort of wish we all did...

it might eliminate some of the "it's just the internet" attitude people sometimes have if we all had real names to go with these real faces (with fish) we always post!

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i would use my real name...i sort of wish we all did...

it might eliminate some of the "it's just the internet" attitude people sometimes have if we all had real names to go with these real faces (with fish) we always post!



Go to "My Controls" at the top right hand corner of this page... click!


Scroll down to "change display name" in column on left side of page... click


Enter your real name... while you're at it, give us your mailing address and phone numbers too!!!

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Go to "My Controls" at the top right hand corner of this page... click!


Scroll down to "change display name" in column on left side of page... click


Enter your real name... while you're at it, give us your mailing address and phone numbers too!!!



You can bet your ass you ain't never going to see that happen GCD with all of the crap DR salvemyanus puts on the internet. LOL



Art aka Aplumma

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I wouldn't have any problem using my real name, (I'm Kyle Dewar, please to meet you) but I wouldn't support that policy either. If people want to maintain their anonymity, so be it. So called internet tough-guys don't ruffle my feathers...let 'em blow as hard as they want to, I say. Sometimes its kind of fun to have a few harmless idiots around. They're usually good for a few laughs. I occasionally think the OFC moderators are a little too quick to lock up threads. Just when things are getting good...BANG...locked tight!


Also, being able to ensure that people are who they say they are would be nearly impossible. I'm not interested in sending in a copy of my ID and I'm sure nobody at the OFC is interested in checking several thousand of them.


Real names is not a good idea.

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My grandkids tagged me with "Beans" a long time ago because I used to tell them I thought they were full of beans...first it was Grampa full of beans but one little gaffer couldn't get his mouth around all that so he called me "Beans"...the rest of the family picked up on it and most call me "Beans" to this date...


If you shouted "Norm" you may get a delayed answer...

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Well, I'm not changing my nick name for anyone and if CCMT wants to start using his real name he'll just have to settle for "Little Cliff, Small Cliff Young Cliff, OK, Ok even Smart Cliff but he CAN'T have Big Cliff!


Personally, I like real names included but what if you could click on a persons profile and see their real name, that would solve it wouldn't it. Use a nick name if you like but register with your real name. Some of the nick names are quite creative.

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If you had a name like say...Clyde Melancon would you use it? or would Joe Daplumma be better?

A name like Clyde..sort of reminds me of a rural French farmer on a big horse, now Joe Daplumma, he's going to look like a little Italian right off the Sopranos, and he's gonna wack ya with a piece of iron plumbing pipe :lol:

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This is one of the more fun non-fishing posts I've read in awhile. It's interesting finding out what's behind some of the OFC nicknames. For me I was born with two heads, right..., actually I was born with two loves, baseball and fishing, and as a doubleheader is about as much fun as one can have in either sport, it just seemed to fit. My wife is actually the one who started it.

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I have no imagination, and John beat me to John, so I'm JohnF. Truth is I was afraid I'd forget who I was here and start answering my own posts. That could be embarrassing, especially if I got into an argument with me and lost.



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After years of having people ask me "Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in yer hand" or being called "Yer average Joe" or "Joe Public or a litany of other descriptive terms, I decided when I joined here, to use a handle.

My handle reflects what essentially takes up most of my days, my job. For those that don't know, the term "Headhunter" is a slang term used to describe an person who is in the employment agency business. SInce I have been called far worse names over my lifetime, I actually find it some what endearing. It also leaves some folks wondering and that I always find amusing.

HH aka Joe

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I dunno, i like the nickname thing.............theres nothing devious behind it, or at all linked to trying to hide behind anything. Its like the truckers do, they have "handles" they go by. I like to think of it as being part of the community, only you guys can call me blaque lol. Its like my "gang" name lol If your not in the group of fishing forums i attend, you cant refer to me by this name............you dont know me like dat LOL

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I was kind of surprised that at OFC member # 5000 +, my chosen name was actually available!

I'd have thought would have been considered numerous times before now.


You don't know whether I'm enthusiastically interested, or sitting here in pain with 2 barbs of a treble in my neck!


(I'll let you know if I inadvertently require immediate medical attention!) ;)

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