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First Boat Slime


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Well our Lund got her first slime today :thumbsup_anim:


Headed down to Oakville to arrive around 7:30 a.m. Nice on shore, a tad cold out on the water, but we were prepared.


10 a.m. Paul sees a school of baitfish on the fishfinder and moments later it was fish on.


First fish to slime the boat.






We almost got a double header. As soon as this picture was taken the next line went off. My turn up.




Set all the lines out again and trolled back through the same bait fish pile and whamo. This nice 33 incher and entry for Joey's Jiggers' team :thumbsup_anim:




Same thing happened. As Paul was reviving this fish, off goes another line, my turn again.


This one gave a great fight and did some acrobatics for us. It was just shy of the 33 incher Paul had just released but I think it's girth was a bit bigger.





So it was a great day to be out there and nice to christen the boat :clapping::clapping::clapping:


Boat Ramp Bozo's Episode


Funny thing happened in the parking lot. A guy came down with an extended van with no rear windows towing a zodiak. He came and chatted with me and said he was a scuba diver but was going to give fishing a try. Never had and was pretty ill prepared. Had no riggers or anything but was going to Salmon fish out deep :rolleyes: So as we're packing up we hear a nice crunch and notice that as he was backing up the trailer basically jacknifed and was jammed almost under the van's bumper. Then he got out and looked, got back in and continued to back up *Crunch Crunch*. So he gets out and looks and I told him to drive forward and around the parking lot to start again. He says he's afraid to do that cause he might hit something. Said he thought the trailer would just go straight back and follow the van backwards :wallbash: He finally listens and then pulls around to start the launch again and then gets out and asks Paul if he can help him. Paul goes over and looks and the whole trailer is bent and the bumper has a big dent in it. He tells the guy that he's going to have problems even getting the trailer to travel safely now. The guy just says "Oh well, I'll just call my bud and he'll come down and help me, he's just around the corner." So he was still there waiting as we left. We wished him luck and I said to Paul "That is just an accident waiting to happen now." :rolleyes: Hope it turns out well for him :whistling:





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Boat Ramp Bozo's Episode


Funny thing happened in the parking lot. A guy came down with an extended van with no rear windows towing a zodiak. He came and chatted with me and said he was a scuba diver but was going to give fishing a try. Never had and was pretty ill prepared. Had no riggers or anything but was going to Salmon fish out deep :rolleyes: So as we're packing up we hear a nice crunch and notice that as he was backing up the trailer basically jacknifed and was jammed almost under the van's bumper. Then he got out and looked, got back in and continued to back up *Crunch Crunch*. So he gets out and looks and I told him to drive forward and around the parking lot to start again. He says he's afraid to do that cause he might hit something. Said he thought the trailer would just go straight back and follow the van backwards :wallbash: He finally listens and then pulls around to start the launch again and then gets out and asks Paul if he can help him. Paul goes over and looks and the whole trailer is bent and the bumper has a big dent in it. He tells the guy that he's going to have problems even getting the trailer to travel safely now. The guy just says "Oh well, I'll just call my bud and he'll come down and help me, he's just around the corner." So he was still there waiting as we left. We wished him luck and I said to Paul "That is just an accident waiting to happen now." :rolleyes: Hope it turns out well for him :whistling:






That's why us divers spend so much time under the water. We do less damage that way.



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Hey Hey Hey!!!... excellent way to slime the new boat!!!... Congratulations to you and Paul!!! :clapping:


I't looks like that new boat is going to be a real fish magnet!!! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


Great Bozo story!!! :w00t: ... kinda reminds me of the story about the guy that puts his motor home on cruise control and goes to the back to make himself a sandwich... then wonders why it crashed! :rolleyes:

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Nice fish Joey you and Paul did good on sliming the boat

how deep where you fishing?




Between 150 to 200 feet. Water temp rose a couple degrees as the day went on too.

Edited by Joey
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Way to go Paul and Joey! You surely did have a great day out there. Very nice fish indeed. Great pics too!


I printed this thread out for J and she was impressed but wants to know how you'll be able to eat all of that fish. :D


Looking forward to your next report. Fantastic! I'm really happy for you guys.

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SALMON SLIME ! ....Is that not liking cursing the boat to a musky guy. :w00t:



That's what I was thinking! :P:D I was looking for a fish or 2 with more of a green colour and lots of teeth! :lol: Great report Joey and congrats to you and Paul on the first slime. VERY NICE!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

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