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Incident on Cameron Lake


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Why don't we organanize a little OFC pan fish derby of our own on Cameron Lake just off of this numbnut's dock? Imagine his face when he sees 20+ boats around his dock! Oh ya, and bring as many visible minorities as we can.


Better still, I say we send that same boat with the same fishermen out and wait for buddy to surface waving his oar. When we get the word, we all mobilize toward the scene and surround him, oars and cameras in hand. Then post the pictures here the next day for entertainment.


That'll fix his wagon!


What a jerk...





ok i like this guy!....this is what u should do...and i would love to see the pics....me myself....i would have beaten him with his own oar then dragged his boat way out then beat him again....punk ass....if i was the other boat in the distance i would have come and helped u bud....u should have just kept driving circles around him...lol

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Uninformed and ignorant, sure....but aren't you kind of being racist by implying the white guy was being a racist? Did he say anything that seemed racist, or are you assuming?



I honestly don't think the police will/can do anything now. Maybe they should go back to that spot, fish again, and call the police if the guy comes out again.

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Why was the race card pulled out? did he call your friend any racist names? does that mean when people yell at me for fishing their dock and catching their fish it's racially motivated? grow up people. The guy was being an idiot and interfering with someone else enjoying the fishing, it wasn't about race. The cops should have been called then and there, there's point of whining about now.

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Well, I'll tell ya, if some guy came up to my boat, and even laid a hand on it (or my anchor line) while threatening me, I'd go into self defense mode. I don't care if he's white/yellow/black.....or pink!


I think he'd be paddling with his ass back to shore.


reporting it now is a waste of time though if you ask me. Too little too late. They should have been on the phone while this guy was threatining them. I'd be going back there every chance I got though, thats for sure!!!!



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That is harassment plain and simple Stan! :angry:


You should try to convince your friends to go back out there armed with cell phones and a camera, preferably with video and sound!!!


I know your friends don't want to cause trouble, but that idiot needs to be taught a lesson and prosecuted for his actions!


It would be the law abiding citizen thing to do... and I'm sure the local police and courts would be very interested in this case.


I also believe the media (newspaper and TV) would be interested too!


Sorry Dawg, I'm with Cram on this one. The Cops have better things to do than Deal with the Big Bad White Guy and Marital disputes. Ive met Big Mouths like that think they own the Joint down there, (Cottage Country) but I always figure if you cant fend for yourself Back Off. As far as bringing in the media and stuff, lets not make this a Race Issue of which it can easily be or already is. You know what side the Media will sensationalize. Been there done that. The problem is in these small cottage lakes, EVERYONE, white Black or Asian is treated like an outsider. Maybe Honkey thought the (Asians, Humanoids, Newbies, Intruders, were really illegally fishing). Gad I hope we don't have this Racist, Cry-baby crap like this infiltrating Northern Saskatchewan. Bad enough with our First Nations. What a bunch of Cry Babies, Betcha The White Mouth Piece would of backed off if the Asians threatened KUNG_FU.


By the way, is anybody else having problems with getting through on the Board.

Edited by holdfast
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Thanks everyone, I've instructed my friend to report the incident. He's agreed to seek police advise and report the incident with details. He has had some hesitation and doesn't want to stir up trouble.


After further conversation with my friend, I've been told that a lady also came out in a canoe while the fellow held the anchor line uttering threat of cutting the anchor line. She also said that sunfish had a 3" minimum size limit, but the fish caught were well larger than that but didn't even want to look at the fish just demanded all the fish be released. Then were told to go home and read up on the regulations. Apparently she had no idea of what kind fish were caught.


On the side the fellow also requested to see licenses, my friend presented proof of age over 65, the other friend then asked the fellow holding the boat for his ID to prove his identity and he said he had none with him. He refused to show him his fishing license.


My friend and colleague thanks everyone for their input and mentioned that all of the cottage owners but this one were very nice and polite to them as they went by and that the people at boat launch were equally nice. He doesn't want people to think Cameron Lake area have all bad people and to stop fishing there.


Hopefully this will allow both of my friends some peace of mind at night. Apparently they've been a bit shook up by the incident.


We'll see what response the police will have.


Thanks a bunch,




Somebody tells me to produce a licence better be prepared to produce proof they're an enforcement officer first. When they can't I start noting details of their boat, appearance etc, and advising them that I'll be going to the authorities with the idea of getting them charged for impersonating a leo. Hopefully they aren't bigger and tougher than me. :D


Is this why serious fisherpersons have such huge motors on their boats - to escape?



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Loudmouth bullies want to tell everyone else how they should act and fish.


If you stand-up for yourself, then get into a physical confrontation and end up breaking loudmouths nose you know the whinny punk will sue you butt. Or he kicks your butt and sues you because he hurt his hand hitting your face. Lose, lose.


Police officers are peace officers, at the very least a phone call would start a paper trail of behaviour that may be useful if there are further incidents.

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Another alternative occurs to me - why not gather up a huge herd of large sized friends and take them to the same spot to fish. See who comes out - or doesn't.




Sorry. I see that a number of folks already suggested that.


As for whether or not it was racially motivated - does it really matter? It's still wrong. If race was at issue then perhaps even worse.



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Loudmouth bullies want to tell everyone else how they should act and fish.


If you stand-up for yourself, then get into a physical confrontation and end up breaking loudmouths nose you know the whinny punk will sue you butt. Or he kicks your butt and sues you because he hurt his hand hitting your face. Lose, lose.


Police officers are peace officers, at the very least a phone call would start a paper trail of behaviour that may be useful if there are further incidents.


Like I said cops got better things to do than settle an Argument, lets Call it. Why not get a Lawyer and sue Harrassment eh, lets put this guy on the brink of suicide and Life Ruination. Maybe I was taught different not to go running to Teacher, Mommy, Coppers, everytime I was or had a dispute. To me, shows weakness.

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Like I said cops got better things to do than settle an Argument, lets Call it.


Yup, the cops are too busy investigating cases where the atavists have taken the law into their own hands.



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Uninformed and ignorant, sure....but aren't you kind of being racist by implying the white guy was being a racist? Did he say anything that seemed racist, or are you assuming?



I honestly don't think the police will/can do anything now. Maybe they should go back to that spot, fish again, and call the police if the guy comes out again.



hotrod Posted Today, 02:59 PM

Why was the race card pulled out? did he call your friend any racist names? does that mean when people yell at me for fishing their dock and catching their fish it's racially motivated? grow up people. The guy was being an idiot and interfering with someone else enjoying the fishing, it wasn't about race. The cops should have been called then and there, there's point of whining about now.


holdfast Posted Today, 04:32 PM

QUOTE (GCD @ May 26 2009, 12:47 PM)


Sorry Dawg, I'm with Cram on this one. The Cops have better things to do than Deal with the Big Bad White Guy and Marital disputes. Ive met Big Mouths like that think they own the Joint down there, (Cottage Country) but I always figure if you cant fend for yourself Back Off. As far as bringing in the media and stuff, lets not make this a Race Issue of which it can easily be or already is. You know what side the Media will sensationalize. Been there done that. The problem is in these small cottage lakes, EVERYONE, white Black or Asian is treated like an outsider. Maybe Honkey thought the (Asians, Humanoids, Newbies, Intruders, were really illegally fishing). Gad I hope we don't have this Racist, Cry-baby crap like this infiltrating Northern Saskatchewan. Bad enough with our First Nations. What a bunch of Cry Babies, Betcha The White Mouth Piece would of backed off if the Asians threatened KUNG_FU.


It's pretty cute of you 3 to play the naive devil's advocate! :rolleyes:


Do y'all really think he'd have pulled that crap with caucasians???... at the very least he is a loud mouth bully that knows he can push Asians around, and that if he tried that crap with someone else he'd be sifting thru the trash in the bottom of his boat for his teeth!!!

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I'm in for the Cameron lake WGSF (rockbass) derby. I'm sure I can bring along at least two other boats. All we need now are some GPS co-ordinates for location. Maybe this guy forgot to take his meds that day, but if not, it sounds like a hate crime to me. Seriously people, we can make a difference here. You mess with one fisherman, you mess with us all.

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It's pretty cute of you 3 to play the naive devil's advocate! :rolleyes:


Do y'all really think he'd have pulled that crap with caucasians???... at the very least he is a loud mouth bully that knows he can push Asians around, and that if he tried that crap with someone else he'd be sifting thru the trash in the bottom of his boat for his teeth!!!


Now thats the way not to get pushed around.

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the guy needs to be shot

ok taken out back and beaten down


I don't know if it was racially motivated or not, I am sure sometimes it is and some of the reports are not



some time ago I read a report that stated the whites are now less then 50% of the pop in toronto


and that over 50% of the crimes against them were done but non white people

so does that mean that all those crimes are racially motivated...I think not, wrong place at the wrong time....


but the report got thrown out because it was considered racial profiling and the person did the report got their fingers slapped..........what a confusing world

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Sorry to hear this happened to you. I've experienced it before and while they may not say anything specifically to you regarding race, their attitude, actions, demeanor and tone does everything but.


If some members are seroius about dipping some lines there, I'm in.

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Sorry to hear this happened to you. I've experienced it before and while they may not say anything specifically to you regarding race, their attitude, actions, demeanor and tone does everything but.


If some members are seroius about dipping some lines there, I'm in.


You guys are a joke. If you want a fight join the Canadian Military or US in Afghanistan.


You guys remind me of the old Days. You Fight me.....You fight my Gang.


As far as this whole thread is concerned. Im quite entertained.

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Meh, I've seen people like this, too many in fact. Any discrimination based on any difference is pitiful and despicable. This is regardless of ANY difference (skin color, accent, religion, gender, etc...).


Best thing to do with these people is leave them alone / ignore them. Ignoring people is very rewarding although very hard to do! But it is very satisfying.


You will not change this by reporting it, but next time tell them to get lost! You are as much a Canadian as they are, if not more so probably by the way they are acting.


It's funny how so many people think this land is theirs, just because they / their family have inhabited it for a few decades after decimating the original tenants, and then have the gall to discriminate on others. Despicable, it's a shame we will NEVER get along, not all of us at least, and not in this lifetime.

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"As far as I'm concerned they'd be doing everyone a favour by reporting that guy. If the incident was in fact racially motivated, all the more reason for reporting him. The only mistake would be letting him get away with that kind of nonsense."


I agree wholeheartedly

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My friends are of senior ages and I don't think they would have been able to put up much of a fight in that circumstance.


Anyhow, if anyone comes across seeing a similar incident around Delhi point (hope I spelled that correctly) near Fenelon falls I hope you will consider lending a hand to a fellow angler.


In the meantime, I hope cool heads and understanding prevails.


Be safe,



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