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Well...the weekend I was looking forward to finally arrived! It was the annual Spring Weekend at Bernie's trip. Gerritt and Headhunter left early Friday morning, and Fishnsled and I left around noon. After an uneventful and quick drive to Powassan, we met up with Bernie, Gerritt and Headhunter at the marina. It was close to 20C, sunny with light winds...the perfect spring day!


Here's the sight that greeted us as we approached Bernie's cottage...



It was killing us that we couldn't fish yet!! We had to wait until the next day, so I took some pictures of the island that the cottage is on. It's an amazing place to be...I'd love to wake up every day and see these views...







The first night, Gerritt treated us to one of his great squirrel recipes. Apparently it's been in the family for generations...he's a little worried about the abuse he may take because of the vertical hold...be nice everyone! He feels bad enough about it already.



That night there was a great Lake Nipissing sunset, and I had to snap a few pictures. This one is one of my favourites.



We knew a massive low pressure, cold front and high winds were on the way overnight...but we were here to fish. We wasted the night away playing cards and having lots of laughs.


We woke up Saturday morning to find it already overcast and raining. The winds weren't bad yet, but we knew it was coming. It poured all morning long and finally cleared a bit by mid afternoon. Despite the weather, we managed to find a few fish! Fishnsled and I didn't have much luck with the walleye, but Bernie's boat did well in the conditions!















Fishnsled and I weren't having much luck with the walleye, and once the winds got bad, we decided to hit some protected shorelines to cast for some pike. We finally got into some good fish here...including my now new personal best pike! Husky jerks worked extremely well for us.







Here's a few pictures of my PB...measured in at 35"!!!





Sunday was still incredibly windy out...Fishnsled and I tried out luck during the day but the cold front had entrenched itself and the fishing was tough. That evening, the winds finally died down and we got out after dinner...just a few fish were caught...but it was nice to be out there in those calmer conditions! Headhunter couldn't believe we didn't bring this beauty home for the dinner table!! Maybe next time...if I knew you loved these fish that much I would have kept it.



Finally...my first and only walleye of the trip.



Fishnsled the life of the night time partying as you can see here....



Then this morning...we woke up to see the best conditions of the entire weekend...figures!!! We got up at the crack of 8am, and headed out by 830. Finding the fish was pretty easy...getting them to bite was another story altogether! Just a few fish caught...and a beauty walleye from Bernie.









We were all back at the cottage by 1pm...and we chilled out in the great weather...none of us wanted to leave!! As we contemplated calling in sick to work, we realized that we had to do the inevitable, and we packed all the gear up and headed home. Here's a shot of all the guys just before we got to work.



I had a great weekend!! Thanks so much Bernie for your hospitality...it's always a pleasure spending time with you. And Gerritt...thanks for organizing it all. Headhunter and Will...always a pleasure to get together! I don't remember laughing that much in a very long time...a memorable trip for sure.


Great report Cliff. I'm a bit jealous I must say. Looks like you all made the best of the weather thrown your way and had a few rays of sun in there. Isn't the last day always the nicest :rolleyes:


Congrats on the PB, nice respectable Pike there.


I'll have to get Gerritt's squirrel recipe, looks easy :lol: Although looks like a chipmunk maybe?


Yes, that is a fantastic sunset shot :thumbsup_anim:




Awesome report!! Nice to see some decent pickeral being caught.. looks like a blast!


Those little north-country pine squirrels don't have much meat on them. You'd need about 2 dozen for a decent feed but I don't believe it's legal to hunt them. Not much bigger than a chipmunk. Bushier tail though, dress up some hooks.


Really nice to see you guys get together and have such a great time! Thanks for posting that. Great pics too!


Excellent report and pics Cliff!!! :canadian::Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


Looks like it was really a blast!!!... the only thing missing was Parker hurling into his gym bag! :w00t:


Some beauty fish too!!! You're Pike and Bernie's Wall-ice are HUGE!!!


I asked Gerritt to hold the squirrel by the eyes, but no, he insisted on the verticle hold! Could not believe the number of marshmellows that squirrel had in it's gut!

As usual. we had a blast! Good folks, good laughs, good fishin and good times! What more could a man ask for... ok, maybe that, but yet another epic weekend at Bernie's!

Thanks again B and G! And Cliff, I would have done the report for yah! You could have left the watergoat shot out of the report... unless and until I get a shot at embossing Evinrude across it's side.

FnS... that suit make yer ass look big! LMAO!



looks like a great trip. Judging by the size of the eyes, the slot size law is starting to pay off?

Nice Crestliner btw, i have the same.


Sounds like a great weekend, and despite the tough conditions looks like plenty of fish were caught. Thanks for posting.


Sounds like a fun weekend guys though those rain photos sure look miserable. Glad to see it cleared up and good times were had by all.


Bliss....absolute bliss, granted the weather was a bit crappy the first day....but looks like a great time.....not too sure about the squirrel stew though...lol.


Awesome pics...love the sunset and the duck....and the PB...well done old bean! (no offence meant for using the word 'old' ;) )


Good times, GREAT people!!


A special thanks to Bernie hosting us and the awesome Crestliner hoodie. :thumbsup_anim: Gerritt, thanks for the invite and organizing a fabulous weekend. :clapping: Joe, a pleasure as always, love those lemon drops! Cliff, thanks for putting together a great report as always and for not sleeping the entire way home! lol!


  ccmt said:
Fishnsled the life of the night time partying as you can see here....



Damn camera flash. Love the shot of the sheepshead, far more impressed with your northern though. Congrats on both of your PB's



  Headhunter said:
As usual. we had a blast! Good folks, good laughs, good fishin and good times! What more could a man ask for... ok, maybe that, but yet another epic weekend at Bernie's!


Couldn't agree with you more Joe. However, watch the suit jokes.... <_<:angry::P:D



  GCD said:
I wonder how many of those Wall-ices in Bernie's boat were caught on the Wobble jigs???


What happens at Bernie's, stay's at Bernie's. Thanks for the jigs Bernie!! ;)



  Tree30eight said:
looks like a great trip. Judging by the size of the eyes, the slot size law is starting to pay off?

Nice Crestliner btw, i have the same.


Having not fished Nippissing a lot and hearing the stories of days gone by from Bernie, there is a long way to go before the slot will start to pay off. Thanks for the compliment on the boat, they are a nice rig aren't they. B)

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