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New harmonized tax for Ontario

Big Cliff

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Didn`t take long for somebody to blame Harper, must be a Liberal.


We should not be surprised by this when the Fiberals were elected the first thing they did was lie and raise taxes, this is what McGuinty does best

lie and raise taxes.

So all you left leaning types that voted for the lying Liberals in 2003 are too blame!


BTW good timing on the tax increase!

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I won't be able to express my feelings on this as it is a family oriented board! :wallbash:

I will suggest though, that the money they are going to give those who's combined family income is below $160,000.00 will be deemed as taxable income, so based on your salary, expect to pay alot of it back.

Combine this new tax with the City of Torontos cumlative taxes on it's residents and I won't be surprised if down town Toronto starts to look like Detroit in the not so distant future.



PS.. I have heard Premier "Norman Bates" say multiple times to the media that this new blended tax will be "good for Ontario", but to date, I have not heard specifically how it will be good. Once again, great sales job your doing Premier Doink!

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After reading this I find it strange that everyone is slamming the Ontario liberals for all the "new taxing". The truth is the FEDERAL conservatives have told the province of Ontario if you want any chance of getting what you rightfully deserve in transfer payments instead of getting screwed like we always have in Ontario you MUST harmonize the taxes....


Got any links to prove that by chance?

This would be news to me?

I HIGHLY doubt they told Dalton to harmonize Ontario Tax...

Heck I could be wrong and I'll appologise if I am, but its seems very speculative to me

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It's all playing thru to become strictly a federal state. Corporations, as of 2009 year ends, no longer have to remit a corporate tax return to the province. They haven't been looking at them for the last 4 or 5 years anyhow. So stands to reason they don't want to look after the retail sales taxes monthly issues either.. hand it ALL over to the feds and make it an HST return instead. This is where the government lads think it's great for business... releases them from doing one monthly remittance. Problem is, it's with absolutely no renumeration for doing the governments work for them. At least the PST folks gave you a $20 minimum and up to 5% for amounts over $400 each remittance period to cover some of your time. So a business doing a million a month in sales... = $50,000 in tax collected = $2500 ($30,000/yr) refund for doing the governments work for them! Maybe this is the stimulus "package" as that 5% they were giving away will now go into Federal coffers.... as GST/HST gives you absolutely nothing for collecting for them!

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Actually Wayne the rebate maxes out at 1,500 per year .. much less than the work is worth .. trust me .. I have to do it every month .. and the part that bites is they want th emoney EVERY month ..before you collect ... if you cancel a deal you have to APPLY to get your money back .. and that can take 6 months ... painful !


IF the harmonized tax work more like the GST (ie you only hand over the NET of what you take in vs what you pay out) it may actually make my life a little tiny weensy bit easier .. but I agree 100 % its the biggest tax hike in a long time because LOTS of services will suddenly become 8% more expensive ...

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Got any links to prove that by chance?

This would be news to me?

I HIGHLY doubt they told Dalton to harmonize Ontario Tax...

Heck I could be wrong and I'll appologise if I am, but its seems very speculative to me



Here is a link from a story i just read which makes this appear to be a CONSERVATIVE idea, or at least have strong support from the conservatives.



Edited by timmeh
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Actually Wayne the rebate maxes out at 1,500 per year .. much less than the work is worth .. trust me .. I have to do it every month .. and the part that bites is they want th emoney EVERY month ..before you collect ... if you cancel a deal you have to APPLY to get your money back .. and that can take 6 months ... painful !


IF the harmonized tax work more like the GST (ie you only hand over the NET of what you take in vs what you pay out) it may actually make my life a little tiny weensy bit easier .. but I agree 100 % its the biggest tax hike in a long time because LOTS of services will suddenly become 8% more expensive ...


Well I never get past the $20 deduction Jon ! lol... all I've seen on there for years was 5% if over 400.. never noticed the max per year. Either way... it's something.. compared to the GST that is NOTHING for your time!

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Not much point in agonizing over it right now. We might as well wait until we know how it's really gonna nail us, then show our appreciation at the polls. I'm sure if it's painful enuf we won't forget by the next election. Mayhap the gov't in a moment of uncharacteristic consideration (read weakness) will give us a break and offer some kind of offsets or rebates - whatever - to make this whole exercise relatively painless, simply a combining (harmonization sounds so much nicer - kinda musically comforting) of two existing taxes. Look at the positive side - we'll only have one tax calculation to worry about. Of course I'm not sure how I'll calculate my ITC's now, or if I'll even be able to claim them (that alone will ding me a few grand per year).


This die is cast. Let's just see how badly it's gonna bite our butts.



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Got any links to prove that by chance?

This would be news to me?

I HIGHLY doubt they told Dalton to harmonize Ontario Tax...

Heck I could be wrong and I'll appologise if I am, but its seems very speculative to me


Here is one article that took 20 seconds to google where it states that Ottawa has been pushing for it for years.... and mentions Liarhety by NAME!!!!




Quote from article.

"Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has long pushed Ontario to merge the two taxes, saying it will work with all provinces interested in harmonization. Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador have already harmonized their sales taxes with the GST"


Also part of the money the ease the transition known the 1000 dollar bribes is going to come from the FEDERAL government so why would they do that if they didn't want the taxes harmonized. And it was going to benefit them somehow? Just think that Ottawa gets to hold that money for months before remitting it to the province or even longer!!! I would take the intersest on the taxes collected for a week and retire for life....

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If this isn't a depression, why do I constantly find myself in a depressed state everytime a politician talks taxes/corporate bailouts/stimulous packages? Its times like this when I wish I could casually give myself and my buddies a 25% pay increase. Why didn't they cut everyone a stimulous cheque conditional on spending it in the marketplace where its going to make a difference instead of saddleing us with the burden of paying big bonuses to knobs that didn't know how to spend in the first place? UUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHH and other not so nice words!!!!!!!!

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Here is one article that took 20 seconds to google where it states that Ottawa has been pushing for it for years.... and mentions Liarhety by NAME!!!!




Quote from article.

"Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has long pushed Ontario to merge the two taxes, saying it will work with all provinces interested in harmonization. Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador have already harmonized their sales taxes with the GST"


Also part of the money the ease the transition known the 1000 dollar bribes is going to come from the FEDERAL government so why would they do that if they didn't want the taxes harmonized. And it was going to benefit them somehow? Just think that Ottawa gets to hold that money for months before remitting it to the province or even longer!!! I would take the intersest on the taxes collected for a week and retire for life....


Ohh The Power that Mr Big Bad Harper and the Conservatives can do to poor ole Ontario's Premier ( Must be a Yes-man that you voted). If I were you, I would check and see if your still paying 60% equalization to the Country with 40% going to Quebec your neighbor. If I'm not mistaken, I think the Feds cut that out and are now giving you guys the money. As far as forcing the Premiere to do a Harmonization Tax. Ours said no. He actually listened to his voters and could see how it would hurt the food/Restaurant Industry, New Housing (Jobs) and consumers buying power. Poor Harper, all he gets is Flak. How about talking about how hes getting tough on crime. By the way, Taxation is a Liberal and NDP tool.




A Non Torontonian editorial


Edited by holdfast
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This has had me burning all day long. I can't believe he would be so stupid as to bring this in now when we're in the middle of recession, what a way to stimulate the economy and give the people confidence. He is the worst premier we've ever had and that includes booby rae. It's hard to believe that people are actually sticking up for him and trying to blame the PM and Flaherty, but it's not so surprising when the link to back the claim is to the red star, get one from the cbc too while you're at it. Dalton is a big boy and has never listened to ottawa in the past so why is he doing it now? he needs more of our money to spend. Does anyone really believe this is for the benefit of families like premier dysfunctional dad says? or that the businesses will pass the savings onto consumers? just like they did when the dollar was at par eh? I work in Real Estate and this is going to kill the market in the gta, how many homes in Trawna are less that 400k these days? It is the biggest tax grab in Ontario history, and for that I would like to thank all the leftards out there that voted for this liar a second time. Bend over and grab your ankles Ontario!

Edited by hotrod
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You got to hand it to Harper...He submits a liberal budget to keep himself in power with just enough unconstitutional stuff to make sure it would never get through the senate. There aint enough o's in smooth to describe him.


Its the cigarette smoking alcoholics that live in their car that carry this country on their backs.

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You got to hand it to Harper...He submits a liberal budget to keep himself in power with just enough unconstitutional stuff to make sure it would never get through the senate. There aint enough o's in smooth to describe him.


Its the cigarette smoking alcoholics that live in their car that carry this country on their backs.


What's with this comment - what does it mean?

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Well, the one good thing to come out of this is: I no longer have to worry about sex, the government is going to see to it that I get screwed every day for the rest of my life!

the best post in the whole thread! LOL!

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