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NF - Stolen Jeep Update w/pics


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There was a lot more damage then was described over the phone. What burns me most is the towing charges. The Police said I could pick up the Jeep from the recovery location and then said they need it for fingerprints. So....


$190 - recovery to the impound

$41 - storage

$30 - move it from inside to outside after fingerprinting was done

$55 - tow it to my house


$316 SubTotal

$18.76 GST


$334.96 Total


I don't mind paying to have it towed home but am I wrong in thinking the Police should be responsible for costs incurred to obtain fingerprints?


It's an easy fixer for someone with a shop but I won't be able to do anything with it until spring. If anybody is interested in buying it PM or email me... it has a ton of new parts and rebuilt engine.











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I am so sorry to hear that Slowpoke! :( What makes me soo steamed is why should you have to pay for it? It should be the punks that did that in the first place! They should be held fully responsible for this but like always they seem to get away with everything! It is time to get really tough on them! :angry: You want to do the crime, they can certainly do the time!

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That's too bad.... Don't know about other areas but in Toronto when a vehicle is recovered after being stolen and it is going to be fingerprinted it is towed by a Police tow truck to a place where it can be printed. After it's finished a regular tow is called and it's taken to the pound for the owner to pick up.

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I'd go after those who stole it if they are of age, or their parents...even go for legal fees. It's a big pain in the butt but well worh it in my mind. I'd also go after them for the cost of all repairs. But ya, the police should pay for what was needed to finger print it, and they can go after the kids/parents for their costs.



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That's absolutely disgusting !!


You're minding your own business and doing nothing wrong, some punk steals your Jeep, then smashes it up, and YOUR the one that's out the money.


Trouble is, the guys that did it will probably get off with a slap, while your forking over your hard earned money.....what a lousy system we've got :(


Not that it'll help you, but I had a similar thing happen to me about 30 years ago.


Some guy stole a truck and was roaring thru town, lost control and smashed into my car that was sitting in MY driveway while I was asleep. He took off and was never caught.


My insurance paid to repair my car, but I was out the deductible.


Hope things work out for you Brian

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take rick's advice, my mother works with young offender here in niagara (not sure of her title- she's not a probation officer- the courts basically send them to her to setup restitution and community service, aswell as getting her input on what they should do with said young offenders)... she recommends resitution be paid everytime and it always is... usually by the parents.


get some estimates and present them to the crown... you *should* be taken care of

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I hope they catch the buggers and get charged, then you go after them for all legal fees, repair, etc. :angry:

They caught the guys... they needed to fingerprint my vehicle to tie a few cases together. There were break and enter tools found in my vehicle... match the Jeep prints, match the tool prints, match the b&e prints to the guys found on the scene and you have a case. On my dime. Not to mention a days pay.




Great input Rick & Phat... that hadn't occured to me. Should I contact the arresting officer for information or simply present my "occurance number" to the Crown and begin on that level?

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$190 - recovery to the impound

$41 - storage

$30 - move it from inside to outside after fingerprinting was done

$55 - tow it to my house


$316 SubTotal

$18.76 GST


$334.96 Total



Sorry about the theft and expenses SP, that really sucks.


What I can't believe is that they charged you $30 to move a vehicle from inside a garage to the outside - how do you get that job???

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I have had the same thing happen...they called me on a friday at 4:30...I live in the falls and there in Hamilton...and close at 5pm...well it had been there since the wednesday and I went to pick it up at noon on monday and they charges me from the wed to and including the monday for impound charges...plus the tow...criminals I tell ya.....they are almost as bad as the guys that stole the vehicle.....I also had the insurance coverage and paid $3000 for the car amonth before and they cracked the whole frame so it wasn't even drivable or worth putting back on the road....just my 2 cents and I feel your pain and frustration! Sorry to hear brother!

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Your out the money and they will probably get a suspended sentence or horror of horrors, community service to work offl....you best chance is to ask for restitution.


Years back one of our buildings was damaged buy a fire in building adjacent to it. Not only did we have a flooded basement but the fire dept used our roof to try and put out the fire from above it. In the end we had roof damage, the rear porch that ran the length of the building was beyond repair and had to be replaced. The other building was destroyed. Our insurer was Co-operators and their claim agent "Randy" told my wife ( I was in the Chapleau game reserve when it happned ) not to worry as we had the million dollar policy. The fire was ruled arson but no charges were ever laid, and our agent did something that from what I understand was not to be done....he insured two older buildings side by side in a row block ( I.E. buildings touch each other on both sides.) Well our "Million dollar policy" became the $1.00 special and by the time all was said and done it cost me $12000 plus for the porch and I don't even want to mention the roof cost. The insurance did however pay to have the basement pumped and air dried.

Edited by Garyv
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sorry to hear it happened to a fellow cherokee driver. nice lift, it looks like you have invested some time and money into her. hope you can get it back on the road and get something from those punks or their parental units.

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Yep, small claims is the way to go. Maybe their parents will wish they had spanked them as children now :rolleyes:


Sorry about your truck bud.





Well you got it back,and I think you should of only had to pay to get it home. It,s all Bull.



I cant stand the young offenders laws,they protect the criminal youths only.


It,s all Bull.


Aw never mind,Im in a good mood today............................Next thread.


Glad ya got it back any ways Brian.

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Thanks everyone for the replies.

I didn't want to come off as a whiner because it cost me a bunch of money to get my vehicle back. What angers me most is the costs passed on to me to obtain the fingerprints. When I insured the vehicle and declined theft/collision (all perils), I accepted the fact that I would not receive compensation from the insurance company for damages and expenses. I didn't anticipate accepting the costs leading to the arrest of the suspects. Why should I be the sole bearer of costs that lead to the arrest of the vehicle theft AND break and enter charges of the other victims?

I'm glad I'm not the only person that feels that way and I think I will persue compensation for towing charges up until the tow to my home. Anybody know where to start?

I will also persue restitution (thanks Rick & Phat) and failing that may go the small claims court route for the remaining costs and damages.


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Damn straight if you have the time and inclination I would push back in court. Also stick to your guns don't let them push you around.


City of Toronto tried that on me last year in the OMB. I stuck to my guns and won...


Outrageous pushing that crap back on the Tax Payer. This is the problem with downloading costs.


It travels downhill........and you know who's at the bottom.


Keep us posted.

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