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I suck at ice fishing! Schooled by Fishnsled and Headhunter.


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It was a perfect morning to head out to Lake Simcoe this morning. Fishnsled had some great success last weekend, so we headed out to the same spot. I met up with FnS and his buddy at 530am, and we were on the road before 6am. We got a phone call from Headhunter... apparently he forgot something important at home, so he had to turn around and retrieve them. :whistling:


Anyhow, the 3 of us got to the lake to find lots of ice...no snow...so it was slip and slide all the way out to the spot. It took us about 25 minutes to walk to the exact location. On the way out, I snapped this photograph of the sunrise...



As soon as we got to the spot, FnS's buddy drilled about 8 holes in 4 minutes...



FnS was the first to drop a line down...and literally, within 30 seconds he had the first fish of the day on. A smallish Whitefish that went back down the hole to swim another day!



After FnS had iced his fish, I had a few nice hits...and lost the battle after about a 5 second fight. At least they were biting...I was really hoping to land my first ever Whitefish...I was optimistic!


Headhunter and his buddy finally arrived at the lake, and FnS gave him some directions on how to find us. "See that group of huts to the right? Don't go that way...head straight out to us". Seemed simple enough. A number of minutes goes by and we still cant see them, so we scan the horizon...they are heading to wards the group of huts to the right... :wallbash:


They literally walked twice the distance they needed to...but at least they found us. Here's a shot of HH and his buddy setting up.



FnS shows his ice fishing prowness by fighting another one. I get over there to shoot some video. It was a nice one, but got off right at the hole!


FnS likes to rub it in people's faces when he's doing well, so he announces he has yet another one on! The next pics show HH getting ready to get the fish...a shot at the hole, and then the 'money shot'.







Soon after that, I feel a solid hit...I set the hook...YES! A fish!!! FnS comes over to help out. I get the fish almost all the way to the top...only 3 more feet....and....gone. :wallbash: I suck at this....LOL.


Then, it's HH's turn to catch one...





Late in the morning, another one of FnS's friends shows up with his young son. Here's FnS helping him out...



Just to rub our noses in it even more, FnS hooks another one...this one is a tag team effort...so here's a pic of the two of them holding the prize...



Early in the afternoon, the rains came down...and we quickly packed up and headed in.


I had a great time out there guys...thanks for the invite! I didn't get any fish, but at least I got to fight a few...next time they wont be so lucky!

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Great report and pics Cliff.


Keep at it, you'll get yours. They are hard to keep on, so next time set the hook a second time, but not too hard. That seems to be the ticket for me.



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Great report Cliff, at least you got out....I noticed on my way home today that a lot of huts have left Penetang Bay, figured Simcoe would be pretty water logged...glad you guys had a good time.



Edited by motv8tr
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Now Cliff don't be so hard on yourself I know your really good at catching bait through the ice :whistling: .


I went out twice this year and got the skunkaroo.






Boss The plane the plane!!!!!!!!


At least you got out Cliff!!


Did you try the nail polish trick? (nobody would've seen it with gloves on!)




Re: Dwarf picture,

Wasn't your team looking for a cute mascot??


Just an idea!


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Guest skeeter99

yep I was out


may have well been a barrel under the hole the fish were so easy to catch






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Great report and pics Cliff :thumbsup_anim:


In the video of the whitie going accross the hole brought some good memory of my very first and man can they ever be hard to land. If it's any consolation to you.... got out today and lost my one and only fish that I was able to set the hook after the stike :wallbash:


Don't have any tips for you but will say this "keep at it.... perseverance is key".

Looks like a fun time out there and thanks for sharing


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Having recently attended the University of Temagami, I felt pretty confident that I would catch one! As I had forgotten my boots at home, I left them right at the front door, but they ended up behind the front door as I was packing the truck, we didn't get there and fishing until close to nine o'clock. :wallbash:

Apparently Cliff had lost three at the hole, before we arrived. I don't think Cliff got another bite after we arrived!

I had three bites, one fish on and landed... scrawney little bugger that it was! Then the rain started and cut our day short.

Lessons learned from this outing...

1. Buy some studds for my boots! My legs are still stiffer than a honeymooner's.... fill in the blank!

2. Tie my boots around my neck the night before I go fishin, the wife won't even notice them flailling around in bed... take 'em off before the shower!

I had fun out there guys! Godd to get out with FnS again, too long brother, too long!

Advantages to fishin with CLiff... I don't have to do a report!!!!! :Gonefishing:


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Awesome report Cliff!!! Great to get out with you and Joe again. You're right Joe, it's been way too long. Cliff - if you want, I'll be going out again this weekend. I know that we can break that curse. BTW - you don't suck at it. I took me several years before I got my first whitefish. Just got to keep at and you will suckceed. :lol:

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