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Three things I'm sick of:


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#1 The yelling during a curling match. Man it is starting to annoy me. I've curled, I get that you have to communicate but it's getting stupid. Half the time you've got the shooter yelling "hurry hard!!" and the skip yelling No!! on the same rock. Shut up already (same goes for tennis with the grunting).

#2 People (media types mostly) saying that it's OK for the Leafs to suck this year because it's a rebuilding year. I mean what have all of the other years been, years that they sucked for no reason whatsoever? Do you remember the year after the lock out, with the new rules and all the league was going to be better and faster etc.? The Leafs first signing in the new era, Ackie Burg and Wade Belak. I remember the announcement like it was yesterday. It is the moment I became a Habs fan (honestly, it's one of those where were you when moments).

#3 Being cold. I stepped out the door this morning to drive my son to a buddy's house and was immediately cold through. Bless all of you that make a go of it in winter (fishing, sledding, etc.) But I'm bloody fed up with it.

Thanks for listening.


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#1 Yes. If I hear haaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddd on one more tv commerical I am gonna snap :lol: The way some of the women carry on during a tennis match I expect a baby to be born :dunno:


#2 Not a huge hockey fan but everyone should face reality...how long since a cup was won in T.O. :blink:


#3 Yes I am looking forward to short sleeve weather. Tomorrow would be just fine :rolleyes:

Edited by JeffBornFishin
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On #2. I'm also a realist. The Leafs are hopeless, and NHL hockey isn't much better. Watch the juniors instead.


#3 I love winters cold and snowy. Far better than the mushy an dull grey winters we have seen much of the past few years. There is something very wrong in being able to work my garden the first week of March :canadian:

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#3 is a problem??? Is this CANADA or the beach at Club Med? I'm with Burtess...summer is actually my least favourite 2-3 months of the year.


Spring, Fall, Winter.....yeah Baby.


Smelt fishing through the ice tomorrow. What could be better then sitting on a BIG HUNK of ice with a fishing rod in your hands????

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Okay, I wanna rant too :lol:


What bugs me is when you go and buy something with cash and then when they give you your change, they balance the silver on the paper currency. Most times is falls all over or is just awkard to hold. Remember when they used to hand you your silver change first and you put it in your change purse or pocket and then they handed you the paper currency?


Okay, rant over.



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Joey, that was good. And so on point too. lol. Pet peeve fer sure.


How about this one Moosebunk? A wind out of the north on Lake Nipigon?? One of my pet peeves for sure. You know why..

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My Mother-in-law was watching curling last weekend and I told her the same thing. If I was playing I'd lose it, I'd snap and I'd tell the guy to settle down and stop yelling at me. I'm busting my ass out there trying to sweep or whatever, and some guy is screaming at me that I'm not doing it hard enough? No thanks. I get plenty of that at work, I don't need it when I'm playing some game.


Sorry, but I don't care about the Leafs or any other team. They don't care about me.


It is way too cold and has been that way for way too long. The snow is going to take forever to melt at this rate. I hate it.



You hit two out of three totally out of the park. Nice job!

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I think many will agree that fall and WINTER are nice until about March and then winter gets OLD on everyone. Winter is toooooooooooooo long and summer is toooooooo short. If we had spring by March 21st like most of the country (US) then winter would be more tolerable. But it seems to stretch sometime into mid May.


Got to go, the fire needs ANOTHER log on it.



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1. I think the curlers have to scream to keep the spectators from falling asleep :sleeping_02:



2. Maple Laffs........no comment :lol:



3. I think winter would be nice if it was only here for Christmas Eve then got nice again :santa:

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