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What a day!!!!!!

Big Cliff

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Ok, so I've been trying to get out smelt fishing for a couple of weeks now and today was the day! Last night I got all my gear ready, Sue made me a beautiful lunch, I checked and double checked everything including directions and by 8:00 pm I was in bed with the alarm set for 3:00.


1:15 am my eyes snap open like someone loaded them with mouse traps, I checked and double checked the clock, no, the alarm hadn't gone off; ok, get up have a quick pee then try to get back to sleep.. No luck, my mind is running through everything; did I allow enough time to get there to meet bigugly? Did I remember to fill up with gas?, did I pack everything I needed? Oh ya, some venison pepperetts, got to remember to take them. At some point I did manage to doze off but I was awake again by 2:45; Ok, might as well get up.


Check the weather, check road conditions, take my pills, have a coffee, make my tea, get dressed and load the gear. I was on the road by 3:45. The roads were perfect and I made excellent time, in fact I got to Bruces place by 6:30 and proceeded to wake up the rest of his household. Bruce was up and ready to go so we loaded up his gear and headed out.


It couldn't have been a nicer day, the sun was up, the temp was climbing, there was no wind. We got set up and with Burce's help I got my line all rigged up and we started to fish. Well, it wasn't 5 minutes later Bruce landed the first smelt and from that point on, the action was almost non stop. By noon, we both figured we had enough smelts and besides my back was getting sore from being bent over the hole watching all those smelts attack our bait so we decided to pack it in giving me enough time to get across Toronto before the traffic started to get too bad.


Anyway, just to sum it up, we ended up with 359 smelts most of which I would clasify as about medium size, they are all cleaned and packed away in the freezer (except the ones we just had for supper) OMG were they ever good! Sue is so pleased that she just told me she was going to go get comfortable and I could do what ever I want; I think she is going to be ticked off with me when I tell her I just want to get some sleep so I can go fishing tomorrow but she'll forgive me LOL.


I want to thank Fishmaster and helfish, for their input and especially bigugly for being my guide for the day, I had a wonderful time and hope I can return the favor some day soon. This was a trip I won't soon forget!


Thanks Bruce I'd fish with you anytime!

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I am so glad you enjoyed yourself, Cliff. :thumbsup_anim: A beautiful day, good company and non- stop action at the hole. I couldn't have wanted for better. That's certain.


Obviously you've finally got through cleaning the little buggers. We would've had more but we kept dropping every third or fourth one down the hole :lol: We just aren't fast enough. Like I said, nothing like being a kid for a day :P

I'll be only too happy to hook up with you any time.



By the way, the venison pepperettes are awesome. Had to get out the big stick to keep the son from eating them all.

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Well done Cliff. I wish I could have mustered the time off work to come with you. Road trip on the weekend maybe, seeing as the weather forecast is starting to look better.


Good to hear you made out well. Helps make the long drive worthwhile.


Enjoy those tasty buggers.


Good on Bruce for helping you out. But he did alright as well....your venison pepperettes are awesome.


Thx for the report.

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Spiel, my friend, as I headed back home I was thinking about stoping off for a quick coffee but I knew that if I got caught up in traffic it could add hours to the trip and it was adding up to a long day already. We'll hook up sometime in the near future.


Cooking them: I just mixed some flour, salt pepper, onion powder and parsley flakes in a bag, tossed the smelts in and shook them up to coat them then deep fryed them until golden.


Sorry I don't have any pictures to post, my camera is acting up.

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Hey BigCliff I'm sure you miscounted.............count them again LOL. Sounds like you had a great time and damn I miss fishing for smelts. When my Dad was a live and in the late 60's and early 70's we used go with our nets and lights and get hundreds of smelts. Now those are only memories and I wish I had a spot where I could take my young lads out for an experience as I had with my Dad. Great report Cliff and thanks.




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:thumbsup_anim:Ah h h h h h h . . . . . I KNEW IT!! I was awake just after 4:00, and didn't get back to sleep and was cussin' myself for not takin' ya up on your offer. But . . . . it woulda been a painful drive . . . I had to stop several times on my way home from Jacks Tuesday. What depth & what didja nail 'em on? Nice to see ya get SOMETHING for your trouble!


P. S.

Isn't the limit 350?? :whistling:

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Photoz, the water was almost gin clear to bottom. Smelts were stacked top to bottom at different times. When deeper it didn't take much to coax them up.


The key is to hit them as they swallow the bait. They have teeth, so they often get dragged up without being hooked. Bigger smelts attack like a miniature pike. If your're not quick, they shake off back down the hole.


If you are sitting out in the open you will not see the bite. If you don't have a hut, throw a blanket or tarp over you and the hole. It will allow you to see the smelts biting.

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