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Long term decline of the Toronto fishing show


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This has got to be the smallest fishing show that I can remember. Two things that stand out in my mind this year was the absence of any major fishing lodge (out of province fishing camps and the absence of Kesagami Wilderness Lodge) and fewer bigger fishing stores selling their wares. There seemed to be a fair bit of stuff not related to fishing, although I did by a good heating pad for my neck. My wife and I still did enjoy the show. The exhibitors were all friendly and gracious with there time. This year though the boats were in the middle of the hall and even so it looked like they barely filled the hall. I remember when they had three halls for the same show. It could be the recession or it could be the long term decline addict fisherdudes like us. Perhaps the next generation isn't as gonzo about fishing with too many other competing interests.

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Does this show rate? I mean Bass Pro has a sale to compete with the sportsman show. LeBaron is at the Sportsman show and has the no-tax thing at the show and at it's stores.

Is this thing worth going to see or should I save my cabbage for the show in March?



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The reason probably for the small show is because the "numbers" that are interested in fishing is becoming smaller and smaller.


I'm not making this up as I remember reading an article *I believe from the newspapers - The average age of people into fishing is getting higher --> meaning that the people that stay interested into fishing are the same people, just growing older by the year.


AND my buddy that works at a local tackle store is saying how business has been slowing down in the recent years.


BUT, I wanted to ask you guys, if you guys actually found any good deals there, or anything that's interesting and really worth checking out?

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The show has contracted over the years....Many of the boths are selling ecess stock and the deals are not as good they use to be...You got to know what your looking for...As far as Lebaron I have not seen them a the show for a few years ( unless I had to many beers and missed them). The BP spring sale is a bigger venue than the fishing show! Although there tackle is quite pricy and only wroth buying if you can't find it at Lebaron or Crappie Tire! My 2 cents!

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It's hard to justify going to the show when everything is available at your fingertips. Shopping, information, reviews etc. are all a google search away. For those that have to put thier hands on an item before they buy, it's a good place to do so. For those that just want to get out and do something fishing related, it's great for them.

I think the combination of an aging demographic and internet access limits thier ability to attract new visitors.

The 'deals' are the same as they used to be, maybe even better than the old days percentage-wise but those same deals can be had so many other places.


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It is still a good event to go to. Even if all I do is learn a few tidbits it is worth it. This is only the second year for this show and it is hard to keep any venue full in hard times, unless you don't mind 10 sock vendors, 5 spice vendors, 4 first aid suppliers, etc.... or the numerous free draws offered by time share companies. I never understood the connection between Raptors cheerleaders and fishing :dunno:

I'l be going tomorrow accompanied by the Mrs.

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This particular show is only in its second year. The Spring Fishing Show that used to be held in February has been amalgamated with the Toronto Sportsman Show held in March.


Andy Pilotti created a new show that runs at the same time of the year and in the same location as the Spring Fishing Show used to run. This is not the same show that used to be at the International Centre in Mississaga. It's not so much that the show is shrinking; its a case of the new show not being as big as the old Spring Fishing Show.

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There were a number of small tackle stores there....less bigger ones. The deals were okay, I don't really drive an hour for deals. I go to find stuff I can't find at my local fishing store and BP, I did end up buying two lures and a float. My wife comes along for the fly-in booths...we talk about my 50th coming up and dream trips. That was always kinda fun in the past. I remember you would always see a number of out of provence booths. None...this time around. Not even Kesagami...which is a bigger operation here in Northern Ontario. Probably about a 1/2 dozen to a dozen lodge booths in total...most booths covering the lower end of the market, say like a Kipawa.


Anyone know of the major US fishing shows? Might be time to take a look.

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All shows and exhibitions like this are on the decline. The cost is a lot for some companies to bear for the actual return on the investment. Company I used to work for did the Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, mall shows and other Home Shows all the time, now they do none. The public has become tired of the same old thing year after year after year, another drawback of an aging majority. As some said on other related threads, why drop 30 to a hundred bucks on just getting in and getting there when they can spend that money at a local shop?


As for lodges can you imagine the cost for them to set up a display? Transportation, lodging and meals would be a lot to dish out. Those that went before have probably decided to make their presence at the Sportsmens Show instead, the Granddaddy of them all and most guests of the Fishing and Boat Show will go to the granddaddy anyway. Don't forget the power of the internet, we no longer have to go to a show to find out what is out there, how much they charge and what openings are available, we can sit in a big comfortable chair and surf the offerings and travel the world with a beer or coffee in hand.


For viewing new tackle we now have the big stores like BPS, LeBaron and for most Ontarians a short hop across the border fills that need and we save money when we fill the tank up in U.S gallons as a bonus. The shows are dying, their time has come and gone. However, I just might go to the Sportsmens Show this year if I have the time and something or someone encourages me to do so.

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lots of negativity? well for 12 bucks i thought it was just great, altho i didnt go there to find any deals of the century, i did go to meet some fishing idols and ask any questions i wanted to some pro's, got to sit in on the many seminars that ran all day, for 12 bucks the knowledge you can obtain is priceless? heck even the parking was free and you people still complain like crazy. last year the boat show in jan was how much to get in and how much for parking just to look at boats? some things were a deal other were not but hey signed dave mercer shirt 15bucks, fish tv jacket 30 bucks, signed fish tv duffle bag 10 bucks...and was i the only sucker to buy a sham wow! lol even the beer was only 6 bucks! at the AC/DC concert beer was 13 bucks each and shirts were 40 each, parking was 20. GREAT TIME FOR 12 BUCKS.

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name='BUSTER' date='Feb 16 2009, 07:52 AM' post='306948']

lots of negativity? well for 12 bucks i thought it was just great, altho i didnt go there to find any deals of the century, i did go to meet some fishing idols and ask any questions i wanted to some pro's, got to sit in on the many seminars that ran all day, for 12 bucks the knowledge you can obtain is priceless? heck even the parking was free and you people still complain like crazy. last year the boat show in jan was how much to get in and how much for parking just to look at boats? some things were a deal other were not but hey signed dave mercer shirt 15bucks, fish tv jacket 30 bucks, signed fish tv duffle bag 10 bucks...and was i the only sucker to buy a sham wow! lol even the beer was only 6 bucks! at the AC/DC concert beer was 13 bucks each and shirts were 40 each, parking was 20. GREAT TIME FOR 12 BUCKS.



I'm going now!! Based on your positive review.

You've reminded me what it's all about. Seeing stuff you might not see elsewhere, getting out for the day, magic.

Thanks man.


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I'm going now!! Based on your positive review.

You've reminded me what it's all about. Seeing stuff you might not see elsewhere, getting out for the day, magic.

Thanks man.


thanks :thumbsup_anim:

bring bottle of water and a lunch.

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We have one here in Cleveland also, and like Sebastian mention the cost of space is a factor. My local tackle shop has their own show in their store. They bring in their own speakers geared to what most of his customers are truly interested in. Some of the big name local talent. Mostly geared to bass fishing and Lake Erie, walleye, steelhead.


I also think he is about right with the 5k number, a big number to a smaller local shop, and if you are not going to profit that much from it?


It allows him to save money the week of the show and pass the savings on to his customers. No worrying about keeping the store open and staffing at the show, costs of set up and displays at the show, travel time, although his shop is within a 15 minute drive to the show.


I haven`t been to the local show in years, it was a better plan for me and my buddies to get together and take a drive to NetCraft in Toledo, Bass Pro in Auburn Hills Mi, and Cabela`s in Dundee. Admission fees and parking to the show covered the price of gas.


The show here was the place to go if you were planning a trip, looking for a new place to go because the one here not only had a lot of Canadian camps, but places from most states from here to Florida. The internet has had an effect on that.


Seemed like our show just started to look more and more like a flea market that you had to pay to enter.

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i understand that getting to a show that is not all that great is a dissappointment....but spare a thought for us in the middle of nowhere where BPS, Lebarons...etc...are ta least 2000kms away....lol. Mind you...the fishing up here makes up for the lack of good tackle stores. :thumbsup_anim:



YEP!!! Big-Smiley-animated-animation-grin-.gif

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I gotta agree... I didnt do much shopping, for me, personally the show is a great chance to get to see some people, clients , OFNrs and otherwise. I think the seminars which were always on, were worth the price of admission. As for not getting any deals, if that's all your looking for Im not sure that that's the main point of the show, I always thought it was to showcase new products and the like. I aggree its not as big as it used to be, but I still had a great day!


Also... I dont think the organizers of the show set the price for the beer and water....

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Just to make sure the newbies aren't confused, I've gotta hammer home bigugli and JohnBancon's point.


This really is not the show scuro2 seems to think it is. The old one has been amalgamated into the Toronto Sportsmen's Show, March 18-22 2009 at the Direct Energy Centre.


The currently ongoing Spring Fishing & Boat Show is only the 2nd ever by a new crew who are starting from scratch. From what I've seen they're really improving their game as they go along. It takes a while to get anything this big really up and established from square 1.


You'll notice that big players tend to avoid start-ups until they've established themselves, and can demonstrate numbers to justify exhibitor costs. Smaller businesses will jump in for the the first few rounds because they have to do more outreach to become known. Nothing weird here.


Oh, and to add to Buster's deals (good going, BTW!), for my $12 admission, I got:


1) 3.5 hours of Gord Pyzer, Big Jim, Mike Desforges, Doug Brownridge & Jarod Dean brain dump - including a long Q&A session - in an intimate group setting (under 25 people)


2) face time with TJ & Monique, Bly & CCMT, Buster, Fishindevil, Ecmilley, JohnF & his acronym artist friend, Nautifish, and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone here


3) hugs from TJ - I'm finally a real OFNer! <sniffle> :lol:


4) a Facts of Fishing-branded prepaid Subway card from Dave Mercer (thanks again, Dave!)


So what if Yamamoto senkos weren't 10 packs for a twoonie - the show's about seeing people and learning stuff, and we got that in spades. :thumbsup_anim:

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