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What do you say when you hook a fish?


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I say "There is a fish" followed by "that's what we came for" or "that's what I am talking about"


when fishing a tournament with friends only and they are in earshot (within a mile) I just yell as loud as I can usually "YEAH!!!!" followed again with "THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT!!!"


When fish aren't biting I just yell a bit "COME OOOOOOOONN FISH!"

Edited by Cudz
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in the river...There we go!!!!!followed with a Fish On !!!

On the boat...WAKE UP!!!!!!! FISH ON !!! ( sometimes i use the boat one even if there isnt a fish on ....just for fun ....it amuses me to see people wake from a dead sleep and try to get to a rod

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Steelheading when I first notice a bite starting. I usually go "you know you waaaannntttt IT. Once I set the hook and fight it for about 20 seconds then I go FISH ON. I really have to learn how to say that is a bunch of different dialects though because lots of times people don't seem to understand me. So they leave their lines in the way which then affords them opportunity to hear a multitude of swear words that I know directed at them... which they do seem to understand because they finally do then get their lines out of the way.


If I am bass fishing I turn to whoever else is there and say now you are down by how many ever fish they are behind. This is only because I always catch the most bass and it is always helpful to remind the other angler who is king of the river LOL.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I have more fun driving my partner crazy after just casting by asking "did you see that" and he will say "what" and I will remark "ANOTHER EXCELLENT CAST". :clapping:


After doing this a about a dozen times throughout the day it gets annoying but very funny at times.

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funny, now that I think about it, I tend to say lots of different things....


when fishing with bait...and getting lots of nibbles, I say.."come on..eat it!...eat it!...didn't your momma ever tell you not to play with your food?.......that's better...I'm in!!!!"


when fishing with lures for pike for example....." oh ya!...that one hammered it!"


when big water trolling and the action is fast and furious with rods popping off everywhere...just holler out what ever rod is going off...."inside dipsy!!!!!"....."watch the rigger!!!!"..." who's up?"


when drifting the river for steelies in the boat and doing lots of bottom boucing.." there's one for sure this time!"


couple other things come to mind...."that one gorfed it"........" he just inhaled it that time!"

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