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Banning cell phones & GPS in cars ??


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the world is a different place than it was 15, 10 even 5 years ago.


my concern, as someone born in a country whose people were on a leash by govt, is the erosion of our freedoms. this may be a small little thing but where does it end?


it's about personal responsibility.

That's part of the problem, just like you can't legislate common sense, you can't legislate responsibility, it's always someone elses fault, why shouuld I or anyone else have to look out for someones inability to drive without having aphone glued to their head.

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According to the bill windshield mounted GPS is still legal, according to the HTA they never were legal.


The interesting thing is that there is a cell phone issue when less than 8% of the public have them, if you were to imagine what it would be like with 50 % of the public using them maybe its a good idea to address the problem sooner than later.


When we use the roads we put a lot of trust into a lot of people we don't know and it would be nice to know they're looking out for us.

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Alot has already been said, but I'll through my hat in anyway....I think that cell phones are a distraction and it's a great idea to ban them. It's been that way in Quebec since the spring. Unfortunately, enforcement is next to impossible. People continue to use them, and continue to drive poorly as a result. People have to accept the idea of not using them, and apply it on their own. Simply making a law won't do it. Much education is needed, and we are probably a generation away before it becomes widely accepted. There will always be an initial backlash because people think that there rights are being taken away. It was that way with seat belts, helmets on bicycles and helmets in hockey.

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My point is how can you get a ticket for driving and talking when police,hydro,city,bell,rogers all drive around with laptops on the front seat, if your going to ban cell phones then be for banning everthing i dont think of it as my rights being taken away , i think its a joke that a cop driving and staring at a laptop can give a ticket to someone talking on the phone...its a joke.. why isnt laptops being banned from being in the front seat?????? and yes they are told to not drive with them open but i see it all the time, i drive minimal 40hrs a week now and 70 hrs a wk in summer for work only, then add the time i do personnel driving.. and yes i use my laptop as a tool while working everyday i have it on the front seat and a printer/scanner/fax wireless internet camera and cell phone now tell me that isnt more of a concern to you than someone talking on the phone....why is it that the everyday citizen gets hit with a ticket but utillities and police have super abbilities to multi task? ya ya we can get charged too but you cant see the base of my front seat like you can see my hand to my ear? i do like the idea of telling work i couldnt answer my phone because i was driving! ill use that one alot when this comes into play.

Edited by BUSTER
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I agree that something needs to be done about cell phone users while driving, but what they really need to do is ban people who drive small cars (CIVIC's being the worst it seems) from thinking they are in race cars. Those are the real danger to everyone.


Just because you have rims and a huge stupid looking spoiler, doesn't make you fast! :lol:

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Just because you have rims and a huge stupid looking spoiler, doesn't make you fast! :lol:


Noooo....... but if you are looking at the huge spoiler on the back it means he isn't going as slow as you are.... LOL sorry couldnt pass it up and I am just a redneck in a pick up so don't pay me no mind.


I would add on the serious side though that pulling over to use the cell phone is illegal here in the States because of the amount of people that pulled over into the emergency lanes to talk were getting rear ended by people avoiding/ using the emergency lanes. I use blue tooth on the phone and can honestly say that I am a safer driver listening to Tom Tom give directions from house to house than checking a map every few turns.




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I use blue tooth on the phone and can honestly say that I am a safer driver listening to Tom Tom give directions from house to house than checking a map every few turns.

You have a Tom Tom?

I have a Wife Wife that tells me where to go.


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Okay, for what it's worth and not it's much since it's JMHO. I don't think there is a single person here who hasn't had a near miss or observed one involving some one talking on a cell phone while driving. I agree that we can't legislate away idiot behavior on our roads that is always going to be there. I saw a guy a couple of weeks ago on the QEW at 120 kph in a construction zone with his left signal on constantly. He was using a Bluetooth and was gesturing frantically with both hands while talking. He is obviously an idiot and no amount of laws will change that. However I think that the legislation will curb the behavior of enough people to make a difference and make my morning commute a little safer and more efficient.

Edited by hammercarp
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And I do recall a few years ago that this was in the news and police were threatening to pull people over if they saw people doing this. Thats my point. My other point is that even if they did pass the law cops would still be doing it.


Sorry, still don't see where you are going with this. There will always be discretionary powers for police and others, sometimes it is abused, most often it is not, sounds somewhat similar to us all, doesn't it.......get over it!


If you want to join up and serve the general public, go and take the ATS course............you might realize what even the most preliminary tests our police have to go through is all about.....

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Noooo....... but if you are looking at the huge spoiler on the back it means he isn't going as slow as you are....


Exactly! I don't think of my vehicle as a race car, unlike a lot of the "Civic Nation".

I am not doing 160 swerving in and out of traffic, thinking I am cool.

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I say don't ban a thing. Let all the dumbass's kill each other......just to thin them out a little!!


Survival of the fittest?




Yes, but it's yours and my family that is on the roads with the dumbass's........

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Well .. I thought about this thread today as I drove down the 401 and called in (not really sure if I was breaking a law yet) to the OPP to report a 6 foot length of 4" x 4" between the two outside lanes .. just waiting to cause a death .... I say use yer noggin ... and rememebr its better to be tried by twelve than to be carried by six.

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Sorry, still don't see where you are going with this. There will always be discretionary powers for police and others, sometimes it is abused, most often it is not, sounds somewhat similar to us all, doesn't it.......get over it!


If you want to join up and serve the general public, go and take the ATS course............you might realize what even the most preliminary tests our police have to go through is all about.....


WoW John, I like you! What a go. A bunch of whiners because the Law wants to take their Toy away. Any Idiot can see that cell phones are a distraction that can kill my kids. Every kid has a cell phone and now theyre going to drive. Text messaging eh, whats next. I SAY BAN IT ALL. As far as the Cops. THEY HAVE MORE COMMON SENSE THEN YOUR AVERAGE CIVILIAN. Stop whining about the cops

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I'm not "whining" about the cops. I do agree that cell phones etc have the potential to cause accidents. But if a law is passed it should be for everyone not just us no common sense having civilians. As for them having more common sense........no comment. I'm not trying to start a debate here, this is just my personal opinion.

Edited by Mattitude
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