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Election Day


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Don't care who, what, why. Spoil the ballot or leave it blank. Just get out and vote. It isn't a perfect system, but today you have a say. Many of our forebears, and some of our friends, have given their lives to uphold our rights. Don't let them down.

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This is the first time since I've been eligible that I will not be voting. In the past I've put my support behind all 3 major parties and have been screwed by them all. Your vote makes no difference at all. Harper, Dion, Layton.....it don't matter. They're all just puppets and despite what you are lead to believe, I can guarantee that things will not change no matter who gets in. We are made to feel like we make a difference and we are made to feel guilty if we don't. Western democracy ain't all it's cracked up to be and every year we slip further and further into a full blown dictatorship. They make the rules to suit themselves, they determine their own pay, etc., etc. the list could go on forever.


If you feel that things will change with someone new at the helm then hey, knock yourself out at the polls and vote. After watching these a$$holes break promise after promise year after year for my entire life I actually feel we are doing our children a gross disservice by making them believe that they are making a difference. :wallbash:




"The biggest crooks around are the ones that are making all the rules for the rest of us". Rebel With A Cause - LAJ

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Very well said BIGUGLI.


Yesterday my family and I celibrated 40 years of FREEDOM and living in this great country after escaping for political reasons from the former Czechoslovakia, all that I can say is in the 40 years that we have lived here I have never missed voting since I could.


In Canada the power and ability to prosper is available to you and is in your hands but you have to stand up and go for it, and going for it means that you speak up if you don't vote you do not have the right to complain about anything at all!!



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Over the years I’ve voted for a party, an individual, strategically, pragmatically, and holding my nose in some cases. But I voted. Was any seat I voted for won or lost by a single vote? No. But I do it anyway. If nothing else, it gives me the right to Biitch till the next time around. If you don't vote! ' Your a Moron"

Edited by holdfast
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Since 1914 nearly every man in my family has served in the armed forces to defend both Great Britain & Canada, and some of them died doing it, and one of the things they fought for was the right to vote.


I don't always like the choices we have, but at least I vote for who I think is best and always thank my family for giving me the freedom to do so.

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This is the first time since I've been eligible that I will not be voting. In the past I've put my support behind all 3 major parties and have been screwed by them all. Your vote makes no difference at all. Harper, Dion, Layton.....it don't matter. They're all just puppets and despite what you are lead to believe, I can guarantee that things will not change no matter who gets in. We are made to feel like we make a difference and we are made to feel guilty if we don't. Western democracy ain't all it's cracked up to be and every year we slip further and further into a full blown dictatorship. They make the rules to suit themselves, they determine their own pay, etc., etc. the list could go on forever.

If you feel that things will change with someone new at the helm then hey, knock yourself out at the polls and vote. After watching these a$$holes break promise after promise year after year for my entire life I actually feel we are doing our children a gross disservice by making them believe that they are making a difference.  

"The biggest crooks around are the ones that are making all the rules for the rest of us". Rebel With A Cause - LAJ




I dont like what the three major parties are saying, but i will still be voting. There are other options on the card.

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This is the first time since I've been eligible that I will not be voting. In the past I've put my support behind all 3 major parties and have been screwed by them all. Your vote makes no difference at all. Harper, Dion, Layton.....it don't matter.................


If you feel that things will change with someone new at the helm then hey, knock yourself out at the polls and vote. After watching these a$$holes break promise after promise year after year for my entire life I actually feel we are doing our children a gross disservice by making them believe that they are making a difference. :wallbash:


I'm often tempted to ignore elections as an exercise in futility but then I have to remind myself of something obvious. It won't get better if we all just give up. If you feel deeply that the top three have dropped the ball, then vote for one of the others. That vote will be a statement, hopefully that's all, and sooner or later the real leaders will get the message and step up, at least for a while.


Guiding a country these days is a pretty complex undertaking calling for broad knowledge and impressive diplomatic skills. Unfortunately the void created by the lack of those abilities has been filled with deceit and skulduggery. Perhaps an obvious swing to the fringe parties despite their apparent shortcomings and inexperiece will send a message to the right people to get involved or just to clean up their act. Of course one can only hope the right people come to their collective senses before we have a repeat of the NDP fiasco of a few years ago, but I'm sure they all remember that time, too. In fairness to them, they tried, but they didn't have the experience or skill to buck the big political machines in the day to day chicanery. And it sent several messages. Unfortunately the wrong one was received. We all decided that it was a mistake to turn away from the red & blue and we bent over and invited them to have their way with once again. We responded to the situation the wrong way. In hindsight we probably should have stuck to our guns until the good people rose to the top again.


And I'm sure the "good people" are out there, as dismayed as you and I with what's going on, but feeling powerless to do anything without a show of support, solidarity among the victims of bad governance and sleazy politics.


We've all stood back too long letting the politicians have their way with us. What with the folks who ignore the process, those who don't pay attention to the results except to grumble and those who are blindly (dare I say naively) partisan we pretty much deserve what we get. It's time to make your government accountable, not just at election time, but all year long. Call them on it when they make and break impossible promises. Speak up when you see things going astray and if there are enough voices each time, sooner or later the results will show. We can't give them a free hand for several years at a time and then slap them on the wrist at election time. The damage is already done by then and we invariably replace one bad government with another. We need to become a country of watchdogs barking at the first sign of trouble. Start demanding accountability the day after the election and every day until the next election. And don't expect instant results. It took a long time for politicians to screw up the country as thoroughly as they have and it could well take even longer to fix it, but shouldn't we at least try? There's no place left to emigrate to any more. We're the last resort so we'd better get it right, and soon.


Get involved!!! It's your country and the legacy that your kids will inherit.


Sorry for the diatribe. I just wanted to get that off my chest. :wallbash:


Happy Election Day everyone



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I gave them all the hell i could with those little pencils!




D'ya s'pose in the pursuit of fiscal responsibility they pay extra to have balloting pencils custom made. I've never seen such scrawny little units.



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D'ya s'pose in the pursuit of fiscal responsibility they pay extra to have balloting pencils custom made. I've never seen such scrawny little units.




Just their cute subtle way of showing us that we're getting the short end, REGARDLESS!

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Cliff, I heard that many times before... don't vote, no right to complain... but this is what I believe... if you pay yer taxes, you have all the rights you need to complain. Voting is not a requirement for whining! LOL

Plan on hitting the polls on the way home from work tonight... eager to find out who we're gonna blame for our wows for the next little while!


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Do vote NDP if your desire is to be unemployed! Jack's mandated his party to stop tax cuts to big business, lower individual taxes (yah right) and put the burden of taxation onto business.

Uhmm.. Jack, who do you think employs all the workers? Jack is a recipe for pain here in this country...

BTW - had you read the Green Party's platform, you would know that they are fiscally CONSERVATIVE. Their plan, in a nut shell is to move the tax burden from the individual, at payroll source, to a carbon based tax, so more of a pay as you go situation than everybody pays, that we live with now.


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Ok lets think about this...


- Harper is a pussy and will do nothing about anything

-Dion wants the stupid carbon tax

-Layton is about the family

-green party will probably limit fishing more then it already is


so I say vote NDP :)

With unemployment and the threat of inflation due to the massive amount of cash thrown into the markets do you think the NDP has what it takes to manipulate our economy or dig us a grave? When I think of conservative the years of Brian Mulroney come to mind and we all know the problems we had durring those years. Liberals fixed some of his problems and were smart enough to pay down the debt otherwise we would be in deeper trouble than we are, too bad they showed their ugly greedy side. I say bring back Martin to the liberals and give Harper to the Greens and send Dion to the USA. Then vote Ross Perot as president.

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This will be a huge fight believe me but what have the conservatives done lately other than nothing. Also the ideas about helping families is the best one yet.


And to voice my opinion about the States GO OBAMA :) :) :)


Also Wild where did you get your profile animation, its funny

Edited by Pikehunter Jr.
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I say vote in the Marijuana Party. They'd be so laid back they'd forget to spend any money on needless trips and inquiries and our taxes would go down immensily. LOL


As for the PC's..... anyone that telemarkets on a national holiday, during dinner, should be blown off the face of the earth.

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I say vote in the Marijuana Party. They'd be so laid back they'd forget to spend any money on needless trips and inquiries and our taxes would go down immensily. LOL


As for the PC's..... anyone that telemarkets on a national holiday, during dinner, should be blown off the face of the earth.



Are you kidding? Do you have any idea what the peperoni pizza bill would be after 4 years!

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