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Please don't fish around cottagers' docks


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On a side note regarding courtesy, any anglers who are not profishent with casting accuracy or technique etc... should probably not fish docks, when I see a shiny expensive boat, I wont flip a heavy jig to -even though my accuracy is very good-I wouln't want my boat chipped!, I will throw a Senko or interally weighted tube! when I'm fun fishing I'm less inclined to fish docks.Its really about courtesy and common sense!

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BabyHerc Posted Today, 08:10 PM

I will fish around whatever dock holds fish. Sorry buddy. Keep goin' north if you don't want to see other people when you reach your cottage.



Please let us know exactly when and where y'all get a place on the lake so we can come fish yours... I'm sure you won't mind a bit eh? :rolleyes:

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I Also have to agree with the rest of the group, if their are people out and or on the dock I will stay away but what drives me crazy is the cottege owners that think that they own the Lake and the water around their dock.

Last summer my son and I were in a canoe paddeling and it was getting very rough while we fished around the dock so we ended up just holind onto the dock for a bit, the owner came out screaming at us and using profanity that would make a trucker blush threatning to call the police so I told her that I was a vessil in distress and need assistance and would be off in a bit her response was to start throwing a stick into the lake so her dog would fetch!


Repect is a two way street and some cottagers ruin it for the rest just like some fishermen.



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Please let us know exactly when and where y'all get a place on the lake so we can come fish yours... I'm sure you won't mind a bit eh? :rolleyes:


if i ever get a cottage you are more then welcome to fish my dock i dont own the water freaking pot stirrer

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I will fish around whatever dock holds fish. Sorry buddy. Keep goin' north if you don't want to see other people when you reach your cottage.


I think the guys point could be that its a big big big lake. There is a ton of structure and fish around and he has about the only dock. Be friendly; leave the guy in peace if he is visibly around. Your about as welcome and effective as a door to door salesman at his cottage or a boat to boat salesman at your boat while your fishing.



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i fish a ton,more than most im sure,i have ill admit fliped some docks in my day,never have i had a mean word said to me and if people are there ill ask (just out of respect)i really can't see any problem with it,they don't own the water,nor the launch,nor the fish.


I have a buddy that owns 3 docks which always holds 1/2 decent buckets,he has 2 very nice boats and the only thing ive ever heard him say was boy some lads pulled a few buckets out today under my big boat.

i asked him what he said to them and he laughed and said ...never said a word i have no right to tell these lads where to fish,its not my lake.....


well thats Hawg Hunters 2 cents

P.S-man this could go on and on and on LOL


Taker easy all and stay safe

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I've never thrown anything at any one and I know we do not own the water or fish. But when I am standing there with my 4-year old on the dock fishing and people (who are adults in age) are tossing lures at us, well then I have a problem with that. hence my 1st post in this thread. I've never gone running out to tell people to go away as that would be foolish on my part. But like the 1st post says, please don't fish it while people are there in the water or on the dock. It's just rude. How would you like to get hooked, have your child hooked and or step on a hook in the water at your cottage? I don't think you would like it to much...

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The problem is, docks are on the shore line, some small lakes have the entire shore line full of docks. Trolling the shore line is what a lot of guys do especially if you don't know the lake.


And to be honest where I live there are more and more Americans and wealthy Canadians buying everything in site and they really don't like anyone on the water especially humble fisherman. If they had their way and could purchase water they would buy all the water and do everything possible to keep us off.


I agree that there are certain courtesy rules to follow while fishing a dock, as said swimming sitting on your dock ect.. but if no ones in site it's fair game, if your irritated inside your house looking out the window that's your problem (people fish ours all the time) but honestly you sound like one of the asses that instigate the problems instead of just relaxing like you should be, or move to Alaska where you can guarantee complete privacy minus the Grizzly Bears that could potentially fish off your dock without your consent.

Edited by GbayGiant
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I will fish around whatever dock holds fish. Sorry buddy. Keep goin' north if you don't want to see other people when you reach your cottage.



I'm with most of the others... if there'r no one on the dock/water, go ahead and fish. But if obviously there'r ppl sitting there, or in the water swimming or what not, then show some respect and move on. It's not that end of the world if u get 1 less possible fish in that day.



Say, when u go to a beach/park relaxing with ur wife/gf, then some guy come in with his beach mat and lay down right beside next to your wife/gf, when there're miles of the beach/park available around, will u like that? The beach isn't yours and the sand isn't yours.

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If common sense doesn't tell someone not to fish near kids swimming, nothing we do here will have any effect. I have fished docks and never when there were people or pets nearby. It is illegal in Ontario to do anything that may interfere with an angler. Anyone who tosses things in the water is subject to arrest under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. I do like the idea of a few javex bottles on heavy weights and ropes...no way to troll inside of that line.

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By any chance does your ole Lady sunbath and your the jealous type. As for me Im too shy to pull up infront of a dock that is occupied, boaters or anywhere else where they can here me talk or I here them, unless there is a 20 minute workout happening with Bess and the girls.

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I never fish docks out of respect for the cottagers plain and simple...that and I have Children so I understand 100% were your concern comes from.


Let me pose this question to those who fish the docks.

How many of you will get out and remove the hook you snag on a latter, pole, or board on that dock?

For those of you that will by all means continue your a good soul

For those of you that say screw you its my right to fish any dock I please, and if I get strung up, oh well I got to close...

Just think about the kids who swim at that dock, climb those latters, and swim against those poles, and boards...if you have any children or half a heart you may think twice next time.


I personaly know someone whos kid had to get 9 stitches on her little 6 year old foot and almost drown after getting her foot stuck to the side of her Grand parents dock becasue some :asshat: felt their rights were more imortant then the property owners saftey.


C'mon guys Its common sence...people, their guests, their children, and their pets SWIM there.

There is litteraly so much water out there why not play it safe and think about the other guy?


We're anglers right?

One thing that pisses us off more then anything is people not respecting us such as.... Jet ski's that get to close when they have the whole dam lake to use yet they use us as pylons...is this really any different?

With so much area to fish, why encroach on the cottage owners...

Try putting the shoe on the other foot, and see if you still feel the same?


I know that I'll never do it again because of that little girls ordeal...it opened my eyes for sure.

And for the record I am not a cottage owner I just think that fish under the dock is not worth it.

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Throw a piece of chain link fence under your dock. By the end of the season you will have a nice collection of bass lures.



Most of the docks around here have Christmas trees concreted into 12" masonry blocks around here for Crappie structure, they just love to eat those expensive crankbaits! :Gonefishing:

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Throw a piece of chain link fence under your dock. By the end of the season you will have a nice collection of bass lures.


My uncle did this with an old matress when we were kids on the big rideau! worked like a charm! lol



I agree with this all together, when i was a kid swimming at the cottage, during the old OV pro bass days. I had a fisherman cast and hook the back of my leg while i was out in front of my dock snorkeling, thanks to him i ended up with a few stitches and a tetanus shot. And yes he must have know i was there there were around 8 other kids in the water near me.


If you are respectful of the cottagers then i'm sure there would be no problem.


As for BITE ME, your calling this guy a pot stirrer with a name like that?

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As for BITE ME, your calling this guy a pot stirrer with a name like that?



Na, Pete (BITEME)is a great guy!... and he and I were just exchanging a little friendly abuse. ;)


He does own a damn ugly straw hat that he has to wear way to often for some reason though...



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What i'm asking is to be a human being and have some decency. When people are on the dock, why would you troll by? Or worse, stop and cast. Or even worse, troll by (and/or cast) when tehre are kids swimming.


Its your right and i can't stop you....but seriously are you proud of that? There's LOTS of water to fish.


I'm clearly not alone....MANY on this site feel the same way. So just know when you're fishing off a dock (esp. with people there) that you're likely irritating some people. I can't blame people on crowded lakes. When you buy a cottage there, you know what you're getting. But when the majority of my shoreline is undeveloped.....


GbayGiant....nice of you to call me an jerk. Are you 12 yrs old?

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What i'm asking is to be a human being and have some decency. When people are on the dock, why would you troll by? Or worse, stop and cast. Or even worse, troll by (and/or cast) when tehre are kids swimming.


Its your right and i can't stop you....but seriously are you proud of that? There's LOTS of water to fish.


I'm clearly not alone....MANY on this site feel the same way. So just know when you're fishing off a dock (esp. with people there) that you're likely irritating some people. I can't blame people on crowded lakes. When you buy a cottage there, you know what you're getting. But when the majority of my shoreline is undeveloped.....


GbayGiant....nice of you to call me an jerk. Are you 12 yrs old?


Well did you read all the replies or just the negative ones?


I think the board members did very well with a vast majority agreeing with you not to fish docks with people present. I really did expect more negative comments than you actually drew... especially with you being a newbie and nobody actually knowing you.


There are always going to be some negative replies and unfortunately there will be ignorant boat owners that will fish or troll your dock while people are present.


Some fishermen aren't as skilled as others and may not be able to catch decent fish anywhere else but docks.


... and since we don't know which lake your cottage is on or exactly which cottage it is... you can't really take the replies to this thread too personally... can you?


There's an old saying "Sticks and stones..."

... and internet sticks and stones don't pack near the wallop real life ones do... do they?

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Well did you read all the replies or just the negative ones?


I think the board members did very well with a vast majority agreeing with you not to fish docks with people present. I really did expect more negative comments than you actually drew... especially with you being a newbie and nobody actually knowing you.


There are always going to be some negative replies and unfortunately there will be ignorant boat owners that will fish or troll your dock while people are present.


Some fishermen aren't as skilled as others and may not be able to catch decent fish anywhere else but docks.


... and since we don't know which lake your cottage is on or exactly which cottage it is... you can't really take the replies to this thread too personally... can you?


There's an old saying "Sticks and stones..."

... and internet sticks and stones don't pack near the wallop real life ones do... do they?


Not at all. From what i can tell most on the site either agree or at least understand (which i appreciate). Tone is lost on the internet.

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