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What A Week (nf)


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Last Thursday when I left for town a OPP cruiser was coming into our subdivision which is very unusual. I returned about a half hour later there were a few more along the road adjacent to the seasonal houses along the lake. I know all of the people that live here so I stopped and asked one of the officers if there was a break in. He replied yes and did I know any of the people how owned the houses, to which I started to give him the names. He asked me if I would walk along with him and we found another 4 homes and three boat houses broken into as well as numerous sheds. I gave him the names of the owners and phone numbers so they could be contacted. After about an hour I suggested that they might want to take a look at the block south of us that also runs along the lake, and left to have lunch. When they checked they found another 7 homes broken into.


Friday I got a call from the camp I work for which is 5 min from our house, seems that the managers home was broken into while he and his family were sleeping and the 1st floor and basement ramsacked. I told him I would check the seasonal trailers in the park and found 5 broken into , all along the area closest to the lake. So more time spent with the police on Friday.


This morning (Sunday) there was another cruiser by a neighbors house away from the lake. Seems like they also were broken into while they were asleep Saturday night. I checked the police press release for our area and found the about 15Km from us 49 trailers were broken into at the A.W. Campbell conservation area.


We have lived here for 25 years without incident, no worries, no problems but now everyone I talk to is paranoid, not only about being broken into but what will happen to them if the catch the person(s) and try to stop them. I find it a sad commentary on society when you have to be afraid of what will happen to you if you decide to defend your property. Yeah, Yeah I know the scenario leave the police handle it, but lets be realistic. In our county it takes over an hour to drive from one end to another. At night there are only 2 cruisers on the road so how much help can you possibly get even if they ever get to you. If these people are ever caught ( which is unlikely ) and they are younger they will get community service or probation. If older maybe 90 days of incarceration...oooh what a deterrent. End of rant!

Edited by Garyv
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Well, that bites Gary.

Sounds like they did their homework, so to speak.

Wouldn't ya just luv to catch one of them in the act, with a baseball bat in your hands????????????

Swift shot across the kneecaps(officer, I really don't know, it was dark, I heard a noise, saw a form) lol.

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In our county it takes over an hour to drive from one end to another. At night there are only 2 cruisers on the road so how much help can you possibly get even if they ever get to you.


Yup a freind of mine was driving home from work a few months back about 11.00pm. She lives out in the country and anyway a dog ran out infront of her which caused her to be run off the road. THE DOG WAS KILLED AND HER CAR WAS Totaled. She was injured and the front end the her car had been smashed up as she hit a tree and her leg was stuck under the dash. About ten minutes later a farmer comes out sees his dog dead on the side of the road and then he starts to go off at her. Here she is injured in a car because of this farmers dog and he is going crazy. She was frightened out of her wits.......She managed to call 911 It took and hr and a half for opp to get to her an hr and a half.......That is just downright discusting.


Anyway she is well THANK GOODNESS


farmer ended up paying all costs but its HAS scared her for life.......


Sorry to hear about the breakins.

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Gary that's disgusting! :angry: You live in such a beautiful place, with people who just want their lives and homes to be safe, it disgusts me. :angry: I hope the cops find them, that's a lot of loot to try and sell off, I would suspect. If people would just stop buying the stuff, maybe.... :unsure:

My neighbour had his car stolen on Xmas Eve, right in front of his own house... the cops found it 2 days later, imbedded in someone's house, a right off! :angry:

It's always been there and I don't think it's going to be going away any time soon.


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Wow thats scary stuff ! Sounds like its time for a little community watch action ... with taht much activity in one neighborhood you would think somebody must have seen something !


I hope its taken care of real soon bud !

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Just to jog your memory Gary...anyone see a cube van in the neighbourhood. "so and so's moving/construction/etc on the side of it" That's what they were doing around here. Van doesn't get any interest by passers by as they just think that John Doe is having work done on their house/getting a delivery etc.

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I'll bet you probably know the people involved Gary.

Small community like the one you live in.....has to be someone who lives in the area.

I doubt an outsider would chance hitting so many places if they don't know neighbourhood

and the people living there. Hard to know who's awake, asleep, at work, on their way home, etc.


Definitely sounds like more than one person to hit so many places in such a short time frame.

They would need someone to keep watch.


Sorry to hear of all the break-ins. :(

I hope the jerks get caught in the act by the police,


or......maybe......your community could use the services of a cleaner. ;)

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Unfortunately...that you can be charged with...pre-meditated! My f-in-law used to hook power to his cottage door knob and darn near went to jail for it.

That is unfortunate Wayne........McGiver the door knob for reason....ingenuity+...I like that very much.

I agree with Carp..someone just had to be a local.......We've only beeen in our small town 3 weeks or so and everyone wants to know who you are and what you do for a living etc...

That indeed is sad news Gary.......

I have heard of and have been warned of b&E's in our neighbourhood as of late too......I no longer have a gun, but keep a baseball bat at the front door. I'd have no problems using it at all.....inscribed on the bat are the names of every dude who owes me money from the construction industry. The backdoor, thats where we stack the firewood for daily useage...some are just about the right size to nail anyone comm9ing through.

Pricks they are......just prey it doesnt turn into a Toronto type thing where it becomes home invasions and the families are terrorized.

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Makes me want to puke everytime I read something like this, just thinking about these punks wandering around and taking whatever the he!! they want, and knowing that when they get caught, almost nothing will come of it !!


Work all your life to afford the things you want, then they just help themselves to it.


There was a recent story about some Canadian punk who was caught stealing in the States 18 years ago and got caught and sentenced to 160 years in jail with no parole, and now he wants to come back here where he knows he'll probably be turned loose.....and probably go steal from somebody else again.


HUGE sentences for thieves may, or may not deter others from robbing innocent folks, but at least while their rotting in a cage, THEY won't be stealing other peoples hard earned belonings and terrorizing whole communities.


Canada is a nice place to live, but it's time we started to get tough on criminals.........VERY VERY tough !!

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Sadden to hear this Gary.

I know this stuff happens all the time but for the life of me I can not see how another person could go into some else's home while they were sleeping and steal from them.

Hope they get caught before a victim gets hurt, sounds to me like there might be more than a couple people involved in this.

Had a guy here a few years back booby trap his barn after numerous break ins and the thief lost a lower leg from a shotgun blast and the guy was in a lot of hot water for it.



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PUCKING LITTLE FRICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I agree with BITEME 100%! the upstairs of the house we live in was broken into in broad daylight while I was home! Nothing made me more mad then to see those punks standing there right in front of me when I caught them redhanded! I chased them to beat one of them, but he got away! Then I called the cops but nothing came out of it. And what made me more mad is that the people that live upstairs didn't do anything about it! :angry: They didn't follow up with the cops or anything! It makes me wonder.... :huh:

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A good friend of mine that lives no more than 3 minutes away had his home broken into while he was on vacation last week. Luckily a nieghbour was up and the cops were in the house 3 minutes after the robbers. I really hope they got a beating.

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well i hope they catch them and the law gives them what they deserve :dunno::angry: ,its hard to believe that not one of those places had an alarm,and it sounds like it was a precision operation and what about the time frame that must take time to get all that stuff,out of there did they come by land or water,it sounds like someone who lives there or used to live there ,...hhhmmmmmmm :angry::glare:

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Canada is a nice place to live, but it's time we started to get tough on criminals.........VERY VERY tough !!



Could not agree any more...

I'm So sick of the light sentences, young offenders act, and general Soft hand approach...

If tougher sentences are not a deterent then at the Very least it keeps the dogs off the street longer.


Besides...if tougher sentences are not a deterent then what is?

We can't keep moving forward the way we are now....

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