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fisherman shooting


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Came across this in the Brantford Expositor this morning.

The Ontario Provincial Police, County of Brant Detachment are investigating a shooting of two men who were fishing in a land owner’s pond on the 13th of May 2008 at 6:50 P.M. The two victims were fishing at Whitemans Creek when they ventured to a private pond. The two victims were fishing in the pond when the landowner confronted them with a shotgun. The two victims turned and started to run away when the land owner shot them. One of the victims continued to run into a bush area but the second victim fell to the ground. The landowner reloaded the gun and kept it pointed at the victim lying on the ground. The second victim returned and was physically assaulted by the landowner. The two victims then fled the scene and contacted the police.



The two victims were checked by County of Brant Paramedics and neither needed to attend the hospital. Frank Meszaros 59 years of age from Rest Acres Road in the County of Brant faces the following charges



Six counts of Breach Firearms Regulation


Point Firearm




Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

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When we read of these stories we always tend to side with the writer.


BUT, Nowhere does it say about the fact that these two dudes had been messing with Frankie's wife for the past two years nor was there a mention of the 3 empty gallons of methanol found in close proximity of Frankie's prize bass pond. Frankie made the mistake of using a controlled weapon. ie. You can never be charged with pointing a Louisville slugger.


I also would have defended my family and property.

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LOL, I still have a scar on my butt where a piece of rock salt caught up to me when I was a kid and got caught stealing apples. Hurt like heck but sure made for a good story after the fact.


Don't know if this land owner was using rock salt or not but shooting at these fishermen probably wasn't the brightest thing to do, not these days anyway, should have been him calling the police. I wonder how many times he has had to ask people to leave his property (assuming it is properly signed). Could be that there are two sides to this story? Sounds a little extreem that he would just walk out there and start shooting.

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It was the lead story on CHCH news last night, apparently their waders saved them from any serious injury. As well, they had fished there 20 times before according to the victims.

http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/370805 link to the story



the article does not say they fished there before. Where does it say that they fished there 20 times before? TV I guess.


There is a lot more to this story for sure...those guys who got shot sound like asses.



Edited by forrest
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I know exactly where this pond is and have fished there before, grew up in Brantford. As for signage it wasn't marked when i was younger and the last time i drove by the was a red dot sign hung on the fence as of lately i am not sure. Anyone want directions to a pond with some nice specs in it PM me and bring your kevlar.

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sounds to me like the fella just finally hit his boiling point, just by the posts it sounds like everybody and their brother fishes this mans pond. it takes alot of money and time to have a nice pond, and im sure he is probably sick of everyone taking from him, i'd be ticked too.


now the way he went about it is clearly wrong, but sometimes in anger people dont always think things through real good. i dont think anybody wins in the situation, just puts a black eye on all sportsmen for tresspassing and bad for the land owner as well.



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QUOTE(Jason B @ May 17 2008, 10:10 AM) 202873[/snapback]
The guy charged is a real ass to start. I've been confronted by him while fishing whitemans. He's in court the 17th so maybe i'll go give that pond a try.


Now that is funny. :D:clapping::D


What about his half brother Ned...the one with the lazy eye?

Edited by scuro
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There is a quarry pond I know of right off the side of the road that has a parking spot, no signs at all marking that it's private. So one day I venture in to give it a fish, since there's no sign that it's not a public fishing spot. Well soon enough the guy came out with a shotgun telling me to leave. I informed him that if it's private I apologize but he had no signs to mark that it was a private area in any way. In fact the parking spot at the side of the main road pretty much invites you to fish it. I hear others have had the same experiences from the guy. Jesus, instead of wasting your time running out with a shotgun why not put up a $2 sign that says NO TRESPASSING or something of that sort.


I have a good mind to go back and just call the cops on the guy for threatening me with the gun. With a video camera for evidence of course.

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Feel for the 2 guys getting hit by what was called "birdshot" by CH news. But hey, if indeed they were trespassing then they got what they deserved. :jerry: I was confronted by a farmer when I was a kid, we were stealing cherries from his orchard. He surprised us when he came out of nowhere with a shotgun over his shoulder, took the bag of cherries from us and told us not to come back! Then said that we were dumb for picking the cherries from the perimeter trees as they were sour anyhow and were for baking pies. :oops: Kids will eat anything though and I loved sour stuff like lemons and green unripe grapes and apples.


When my brother was a kid he got a shotgun full of rock salt in the butt for stealing corn, he like myself, never trespassed onto a farmers field again. Lesson learned. :w00t:


All that said, yes he the "owner" should give in and post it as private property. A warning shot over the head would be a better idea than filling the guys with shot. Crap! He could have hit them in an eye! ;) Be interesting to learn the outcome of this.

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I have to disagree with people saying the trespassers deserved it.


I think the guy should be tried for attempted murder along with all the other charges.


Call the police and let them deal with the trespassers, at no time was the owners life in danger enough to use a weapon for defence. One good thing will come out of this for sure is the land owner will never own a gun again.

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Cops don't come to a trespass or theft of crops call on a farm, the landowner is expected to handle it themselves by asking the trespasser to leave or the thief to pay. When a trained cop confronts someone they don't leave the gun at home or in the car because they don't know what kind of lunatic they might be dealing with so why should a landowner be expected to confront people.


Have you ever seen a cop hot after a bad guy? Some cops get so exited chasing a minor traffic offense they are dangerous, so when you put the same pressure on an untrained landowner you can expect this kind of thing.

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I dont get it? if these two guys had broken into someones home or garage and were stealing something and got blasted with birdshot, most would have said good job to him, but since they were stealing fish out of his pond many are shaming him? is it not his property and were they not poaching? its not like he was loaded with deer slugs it was birdshot. i bet the two think twice before raping somebodies pond again. poaching is poaching whether it's keeping oos fish, spotlighting deer or fishing in someones pond without permission.


i still believe he handled it wrong, but without hearing his side of the story i dont blame the landowner.



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Cops don't come to a trespass or theft of crops call on a farm, the landowner is expected to handle it themselves by asking the trespasser to leave or the thief to pay. When a trained cop confronts someone they don't leave the gun at home or in the car because they don't know what kind of lunatic they might be dealing with so why should a landowner be expected to confront people.


Have you ever seen a cop hot after a bad guy? Some cops get so exited chasing a minor traffic offense they are dangerous, so when you put the same pressure on an untrained landowner you can expect this kind of thing.


1) yes we do show up for trespassers and crop thefts

2) we are not allowed to chase for traffic offences unless it's an impaired driver


This :wallbash: causes me to do this...people think they know everything that police officers do but in reality they know a lot about nothing....


anyway do we know if the land owner told them to leave? if he did and they refused they have the right to remove them from his property with as much force as necessary...look at bouncers.... however letting off a few rounds at them is a little much

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From the posted news article;


"When they turned around and started to run away, he shot them both in the back with birdshot."


This guy wasn't defending anybody or anything. This will only give more fuel to the anti-gun crowd and no responsible gun owners should be defending him.


Just my $.02 worth. (However...there is always another side to every story and I might still change my mind)

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