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Watch your lead foot boys and girls n/f


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The Opp have already started heavy enforcement of the highways inpreparation of the long weekend with pretty much zero tolerence on speeding, got a nice ticket last night on the 35 north going home from work at the usual commuter/rush hour speeds of 100 or so, while the officer was friendly and polite i was informed that there were crackng down heavily for the first long weekend.

so slow down wear your seatbelt get an xtra large tims and enjoy your ride to the cottage

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I am a great supporter of making our roads safer. The problem that I have is that is not necessarily what is accomplished. It is easy pickin's to set up radar and pull over and ticket a steady steam of 20 - 25 clicks over traffic. What is not done, in my opinion, is target those that are really putting us and our loved one's lives in danger. The overly aggressive drivers who tailgate, make unsafe lane changes, pass at speed on the inside, weaving in and out of traffic to get one, two , three car lengths ahead, running red lights, those that insist on eating, talking on the phone, applying makeup, searching for the ideal CD for the occasion............it goes on and on. Until we patrol the highways relentlessly, take away their privilege to drive and make it financially crippling for these idiots when we catch them, unfortunately we will not accomplish much.

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get an xtra large tims

So as long we stay at or just below the posted speed limit and are buckled up we can slurp back on a large cup of joe blocking our view of the road ahead and pile the car into the slower vehicle and that is safe?


Coffee, eating, cell phones, speeding, no seat belts are all unsafe driving performances. :stretcher:


I wish all a happy, safe and memorable long weekend. However thanks for the reminder about the crackdown and sorry to hear about your ticket, maybe your post has saved someone some aggravation or even a life.

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Yeah some clown near London doesn't get it apparently.... He got nailed for 150+ on the 401 two weeks ago. Got his car back this week and then got stopped last night for doing 160 on yes you guessed it the 401.


His picture should be in the dictionary under either stupid, or perhaps above the law LOL.

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Even last weekend on the 400 up to Barrie (Friday mid day) and Sunday on my way back (same time) there was a lot of OPP out. I have no issue spending another 20 min. longer in the car with 2 small kids as long as we get there safe.

when it comes to guys like the one you mention on the 401 the police should enforce that he/she MUST have a working governor installed on the vehicle IMHO.

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A guy in Toronto last night was drunk and doing an estimated 120k in a 60k zone when he lost control, crossed the center median, hit a van and then several other vehicles. Two people in his car were killed, 2 more critically iunjured and several other innocent folks were injured plus 1/2 a dozen vehicles smashed up.


The punk that caused all the trouble walked away with only a sprained ankle and has been charged with impaired driving.


Too bad the coppers didn't grab him about 30 seconds earlier........

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They even got one of their own! :o


An OPP officer is charged with going too fast in his cruiser.


Peterborough County OPP Const. Lloyd Tapp was in provincial offences court this week facing two charges of racing.


The charges were laid last April and stem from a March 25 incident.


Court records state Tapp, 43, is charged with driving at least 50 km/h over the speed limit along Hwy. 115, just south of Peterborough.

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A guy in Toronto last night was drunk and doing an estimated 120k in a 60k zone when he lost control, crossed the center median, hit a van and then several other vehicles. Two people in his car were killed, 2 more critically iunjured and several other innocent folks were injured plus 1/2 a dozen vehicles smashed up.


The punk that caused all the trouble walked away with only a sprained ankle and has been charged with impaired driving.


Too bad the coppers didn't grab him about 30 seconds earlier........



Actually he was not charged with impaired as he was not over the legal limit, he was however driving at about 120 or so and an inexperienced driver with only a G-2 lisence so should not have had any alcohol. The two that died were not wearing seatbelts :( Very sad indeed.


The thing I notice is that they do the "crack down" on long weekends when it's hard to go the limit let alone over it, but not a cruiser in site when I go to work in the morning. They were out this afternoon on my way home for the first time this week.


I sure hope that plane is worth the money, but the jury is still out....easy to spot the bad drivers, not so easy to nab when they are not enough crusiers out to pull them over.


I'm just glad Friday is my day off and I'll be staying home.


Be safe all of you....



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Anybody who still thinks blitzes & "racing laws" are about anything other than revenue generation probably still vote Liberal every chance they get.


I thought one of Fantino's first press releases when somebody was stupid enough to give him another job was that there wasn't going to be anymore blitzes? I guess somebody has to pay for his airborne toys.

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Actually he was not charged with impaired as he was not over the legal limit, he was however driving at about 120 or so and an inexperienced driver with only a G-2 lisence so should not have had any alcohol.


Thanks for the update Mo, I guess they've changed the charges cause on this mornings news it said he was charged with impaired.


Guess it doesn't really matter though to all those who's lives he destroyed.

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One less cruiser here, cop smashed it up last weekend.


The problem with the racing law is that it was written by cops for cops and the politicians never read it all before passing it. There is all kinds of stuff in there that nobody knows about.


Its like the biker law, if we held cops and politicians to the same standards as Hells Angels we wouldn't have any.

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a friend of mine got pulled over last year for speeding, in a fire truck! on his way to a call, apparently the cop didn't think it was to serious a call, the ticket eventually disappeared mysteriously........

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a friend of mine got pulled over last year for speeding, in a fire truck! on his way to a call, apparently the cop didn't think it was to serious a call, the ticket eventually disappeared mysteriously........

same happens with EMS from time to time... go figure...


Law's are in place for a reason, broken all day long and only a few get to decide what is right and what is wrong. flip a coin if you get a pass or not...

*boy my cop friends are going to get me now considering a few are here* :wallbash:

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As mentioned previously where are these so called law enforcement officers on a daily basis. Considering the tax money we pour down their coffers we get very little in return. You almost never see them during the daily commute when it seems the idiots abound.


Just my rant for the day

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Actually he was not charged with impaired as he was not over the legal limit, he was however driving at about 120 or so and an inexperienced driver with only a G-2 lisence so should not have had any alcohol. The two that died were not wearing seatbelts :( Very sad indeed.


Very sad combination: alcohol and speeding...


Now that the driver has been drinking and driving, will the insurance company decline his coverage or not? What if he was a full G in the same circumstances: alcohol in blood but under the legal limit, what would the insurnace company do?


I always found this fact confusing: for full G, one is still allowed to drive after having a small amount of alcohol in his blood, but if he's involved in an accident, "impaired driving" charges are possible.

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Very sad combination: alcohol and speeding...


Now that the driver has been drinking and driving, will the insurance company decline his coverage or not? What if he was a full G in the same circumstances: alcohol in blood but under the legal limit, what would the insurnace company do?


I always found this fact confusing: for full G, one is still allowed to drive after having a small amount of alcohol in his blood, but if he's involved in an accident, "impaired driving" charges are possible.



To answer everyone's questions, you can lay a charge 2 years after an investigation. This guy will most likely get dangerous driving causing death....as for his licence, he'll get driving contrary to conditions and because the Ministry takes alcohol related offences seriously he'll never get his licence again ....


as for the "small amount of alcohol in his blood, but if he's involved in an accidence "impaired driving" charges are possible" you can be charged with impaired driving even if you don't blow over .08 as well as if you don't cause an accident....

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As mentioned previously where are these so called law enforcement officers on a daily basis. Considering the tax money we pour down their coffers we get very little in return. You almost never see them during the daily commute when it seems the idiots abound.


Just my rant for the day


Not sure if you've ever worked a shift as a Police Officer during rush hour......


But i can tell you the reason you never see one during rush hour is because they're busy dealing with more important issues....peak time for priorty calls are from 10:00 AM to probably 0300 in the morning....



the OPP have 7 officers a platoon in the Aurora Detachment covering the the 400, 404, 407 and 401....maybe that's why...there would be more but caledonia is demanding more officers

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as for the "small amount of alcohol in his blood, but if he's involved in an accidence "impaired driving" charges are possible" you can be charged with impaired driving even if you don't blow over .08 as well as if you don't cause an accident....


Wouldn't then be safer to also not allow any alcohol for full G drivers if they drive? I mean, if someone knows he's allowed some drink and still can drive he'll probably take his chances more easier than when knowing that it's not legal to drink and drive.

Afterall, the law states about alcohol concetration in blood, which is the result of a combination of factors from which the most important are probably one's body mass, qty of alcohol and qty of food ingested. Without lab tests, is hard to guess how much is one's "load". Let alone that different people have different levels of alcohol tolerance.


This relative "freedom" is rather creating confusion and eventually leading to more trouble than just saying "alcohol and driving is against the law for everybody".

Edited by Danubian
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