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Camp Jiggy Jiggy - First Spring Trip in!


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Well.... first non snow into camp this year, and we had great weather the whole weekend!! It was mainly a work weekend, we put up 2 sheds, two gazebo's, moved the satellite dish to a better spot, put the dock in, moved a boat to the other side of the rapids, brushed some bush out at the back of camp, and put new bunk beds in....


We managed to get everything in the boat and got that 2/3 s of the way in so we didnt have to make so long trips with the bike...




And got out for the evenings fish. Fishing was really slow, only 2 small pike and two small bass... but the water is super cold and I think everything is still in the spawn anyway...




The next day we took a trip into a bigger lake nearby that we hadnt had a boat on yet, its about an hours four wheeler ride in. It was nice to see lots of moose sign everywhere, and Monique gets to apply for a tag up here in the fall!!!




We cam across this antler shed in the middle of the trail...




Launching the boat.




Its still two weeks behind us up there for leaves, at home all the poplars are out, but up there, not a leaf to be seen.




Nice set of rapids leading out of the lake on the northern end...




We did manage a few smaller pike with some of the Spoons I got from Hammerhead Lures. I did some underwater video for a lure library im doing for them, hopefully ill have that up soon as well.






The scenery on this new lake was fantastic






A lot of partridge survived the winter, we saw quite a few over the weekend, so that a good sign for some decent hunting in the fall as well.






There were still patches of snow in some spots along the trail.




Got home late and threw the laptop on the wood pile to check the email...




Time for supper!!! Some nice pike.... too bad none of the Bass were big enough!!






Heres the prefab shed we put up and turned into the shower house.








And finally a crapper that not under a screen tent.. lol




It was a very satisfying weekend, lots a work done, kudos to my bud Tookie for helping me out so much, it would have taken me all summer to get that done.... (he helps with motivation.. lol)


Everythings all ready for next weekend, taking a mortgage out for gas, and taking the wife and kids up....

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Coming along well by the looks of things, looks like a great place. Seen lots of moose signs and many grouse also over here TJ. Sure looks like there will be lots of game come fall. I've already seen about 10 grouse, 2 moose and plenty more moose crap. Now I just gotta get out and get a feeding of fresh fish, hopefully this weekend.

Edited by Deano
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Boy I wonder how much money a weekend in there would bring in for the next OFC auction. I'd start the bidding at $250


Makes me really miss the outpost cabin in Diamond Lake. This is the first year in about 10 that I don't think I'll get there fishing.

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Hey BOSS one question my sell would not work up there but you got a puter??? Well I guess that was the service Gary brought me.


I love the place its coming along awesome TJ I guess I will have to take the long haul again and check it out instead of fishing your back yard this weekend coming.

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Beautiful photo's too. Lucky begga LOOKS ABSOLUTLEY beautiful up there i am sooooooooooooooooooooo Jealous. :P


Thanks!!! I cant wait for the next weekend!


Nice, the "Kibble" pic was cute too! :canadian:


Monique get to apply for her first tag up there this year.... I better get on that!!



Looks like things are coming along splendidly TJ. I love the shower, that's neat. Did you keep the antler>


The shower is very important.. lol... One of the things about camping is being grungy all the time... I like to smell pretty for the mosquitoes!!


Great photo's looks like a great place to spend a few weeks on.


I have a feeling were gona be there alot in August, which luckliy is our slowest time of year!



Coming along well by the looks of things, looks like a great place. Seen lots of moose signs and many grouse also over here TJ. Sure looks like there will be lots of game come fall. I've already seen about 10 grouse, 2 moose and plenty more moose crap. Now I just gotta get out and get a feeding of fresh fish, hopefully this weekend.


We fished alot, and only cam up with small pike mainly, one big enough to eat, Im hoping its cause of the late spawn up there.. I did find two sposts, one close to camp and one far that LOOK very promising for pickerel....



Jeez TJ I am jealous. I love the laptop pic. Had to throw that in there eh?haha cant stay away.

What a beautiful place.


Thanks Mike, unfortunaley in my line of business, the internet cant be very far away... This camp has all the remotentesss of a fly in, but Im juts on the edge of cell service that they put in matachewan, mainly for the mines I think...


Looks like Heaven is growing!!! Great report TJ. How far is it from home?


As the crow flys its 170 km "Due North", driving time is 3 hours and then a 4 km 4 wheeler ride in.


Boy I wonder how much money a weekend in there would bring in for the next OFC auction. I'd start the bidding at $250

Makes me really miss the outpost cabin in Diamond Lake. This is the first year in about 10 that I don't think I'll get there fishing.


LOL... $250... ya better find a better guide than me....


Looking better every year TJ. Is that an Elk shed? Maybe just the camera angle but it looks a bit long for a moose shed.


It was a moose shed.. a young bull.. theres no elk near elk lake.....


....Things is looking "swell" TJ. It's come a long way from "bush lot". :clapping:


Thanks bud.... I think im done with building improvements now.. now its time for improvements to trails and exploring!!!!

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I think AWESOME would best describe it TJ Your putting together a pretty incredible hide-a-way for you & your crew up there !!


Thanks Lew, its about as quiet and peacefuul as you can get... in the last three years we have only bumped into about 4 boats, and one 4- wheeler crerw that came in on the trail thinking it was going to someones moose stand... lol... you should have seen thier faces when they saw the stuff I had in there......



Looks like a great camp TJ.




Great stuff TJ! It's coming along quite nicely. The internet access kinda spoiled it though....LOL. Awaiting the next installment of "Life at Camp Jiggy Jiggy"


I guess I shouldnt show ya the Express Vu (Cant miss Dave or Karl!!!) or the solar lights that light up the place at night....



Great pics great report :thumbsup_anim:




Hey BOSS one question my sell would not work up there but you got a puter??? Well I guess that was the service Gary brought me. I love the place its coming along awesome TJ I guess I will have to take the long haul again and check it out instead of fishing your back yard this weekend coming.


In the north the only data system you can get is with Bell... Rogers is very crappy for service up here, especcially in the remoter areas.


Great find that shed is TJ. Place is looking like heaven forsure.

Are you losing weight :huh:;):P:D


That horn is the only shedding being done.... so piss off.... lol

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the place is looking better all the time tj. that lake you went to is a real gem, if i were you i would hit it again ;) is that a moose or elk antler? if its elk, didnt realize they were up there. cant wait to get up that way, we leave on july 23 for the golden eagle.



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Ill have a g2g one of these days... lol.. ill have to get Kirk or Marty to write me up an iron clad waiver of liability....

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