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Happy Mothers day to ME !!!!


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4 weeks ago today my 85 year old mom had a "relatively" mild heart attack and was taken to hospital by ambulance. It wasn't real serious as far heart attacks go, but at her age they wanted to be sure and cover all the bases.


She spent 24 hours in emergency at Toronto East General and then the next 2 weeks in ICU while they did different tests and stabilized everything. It was determined she had a valve that wasn't working properly, plus one of the large arteries leading into her heart was 80% blocked, so she was transferred down to the heart experts at Toronto General.


We had a long meeting with the surgeon who explained everything in great detail and answered every laymens questions we had. As with any operation on older folks there's always the chance things can turn bad in a hurry, but Mom decided she wanted to risk it in order to try and get back to a somewhat normal life, which wouldn't happen without this procedure.


Things went well with the valve, but when they tried to repair the blocked artery, it "blew completely apart"......surgeons own words.....and she immediately lost 3 pints of blood thru the ruptured vessel, her heart stopped, and so did her breathing.


Only by the unbelievable skill of the 2 surgeons and their nurses, they were able to stop the bleeding and repair the vessel, and with the use of CPR and whatever else, they restarted her heart and kept her with us.


Several very long hours later we were able to have another long talk with the surgeons who explained everything that happened and how they fixed it. He has hi hopes that things will turn out good for her and she'll be able to return to a normal life in the near future.


If you haven't gone thru watching a parent in such serious jeopardy it's hard to explain the feeling, but it's been a pretty tough time on all of us. I couldn't even count all the wires, needles and tubes that she had sticking in her, plus 2 breathing tubes in her throat. They've been gradually removing everything from her in the last few days and yesterday they took her from ICU and transferred her to a regular room.


Today we went to visit her like we have everyday for a month and I got the best surprise of my life. She was actually sitting at the table reading a book when we walked in. It's hard to believe that only a few days ago she was so sick, and then today she's sitting in a chair and nearly every tube, needle and other ugly device has been removed from her.


What a wonderful feeling for me to see her like that.


It may be Mothers Day, but I think really it was MY day. :thumbsup_anim:


She's still got a long way to go, but to progress so far in a week and then get outta bed and into a chair is one HUGE step in the right direction.


I couldn't possibly find all the words it would take to describe what a fabulous place Toronto General Hospital is. Absolutely every thing about that place is 110% and I've never seen a group of people more dedicated to healing a patient than I have in the last 2 weeks. Every single person from the bottom of the rung, to the surgeon at the top treated my mom as if she were the most important person in their own lives.


Anyways folks, sorry for the long winded post, but I'm just feeling in a very happy mood right now and wanted to share my good news.


........now I just keep my fingers crossed.

Edited by lew
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Very glad to here it Lew and what a surprise to have her feeling better on today your right it is your mothers day.


We are off to moms right now with the roast, potatoes in tow but you know what I have to make when I get there I can wait 45 min from now we will be havin the feast.

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Good to hear she's on the mend Lew ! Nothing worse than sitting there feeling helpless when a loved one is down.


Don't leave us in the dark next time ya big lug ! I've got TWO shoulders Bud !





Edited by irishfield
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Scary account there Lew. I'm so glad your mother pulled through it so well.


Reading through it, and getting to the part where you saw her sitting there reading, I'm sure I noticed a smile poking through the tears of joy.


It was indeed a Happy Mother's Day.

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Thanks for the well wishes folks & I'll pass them on when I get down to the hospital.


I'm gonna be taking Mom for a jog around the corridors in her wheelchair today :)

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Lew, glad to know that everything is going to work out for Mom. It is truly amazing what medical science can do to repair broken hearts.


You should have told us early on, many shoulders for you to lean on, and we would gladly be there with you.



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That's fantastic news Lew :thumbsup_anim: Mother's are so special and mine was over yesterday for dinner. She's had a heart attack and a stroke several years ago but came out of both unscathed, thank God.


I hope you have many more years to spend with your mom.


Happy Mother's day to you for sure :clapping:



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