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Well the phone rang at 4:45am this morning from a metro toronto cop and his partner on rutine patrol,they found my car at a tim hortons just west of midland ave,and kingston rd.....sitting in the parking lot,all locked up and no keys to be found !!!!!....they said it appears to be not smashed up or anything,and said that things are strewn about inside the car....and my first question was is my GPS,on the dash...and of course they said NO...DAM !!!! so they will be getting it towed to the impound garage so they can do fingerprints,and stuff,then i guess it goes to get a key made for it from a dealership,and then i get it back !!!! so we wont know too much till then if theres any damage or what was done to it,so now i hurry up & wait till i talk to the adjuster this morning sometime...but man im suprised that they found it so fast,job well done to torontos finest !!!! like the cop said to me on the phone this morning they had enough of a joyride,and wanted a coffee,before the split...he said tim hortons,all over the place is a popular spot for thieves to dump vehicles,in the parking lots ,so thats been quite the 24hrs,LOL..LOL. now when i go back to work i might even pass whoever did it right in the hallway and not even know it !!!! man im ticked about that for sure,well its not over yet so maybe i will have a lucky break and they can still nail the S.O.B !!!! thanks for all the helping words from everyone,you guys are great,thanks shawn :thumbsup_anim::clapping: oh ya i might need a ride to scarbro,anyone heading in there from the shwa !!!??


hahahahahahah, aaaaahahahahahhahaha


come on, i bet the only cars found that fast are found at a timmies, i wonder why



just kiddin, sorry coppers out there, but u gotta admit the irony is a little funny,


glad they found ur car fishindevil, hope all is good


i heard that encoded keys can be quite expensive to replace






  walleyejigger said:
hahahahahahah, aaaaahahahahahhahaha


come on, i bet the only cars found that fast are found at a timmies, i wonder why



just kiddin, sorry coppers out there, but u gotta admit the irony is a little funny,


glad they found ur car fishindevil, hope all is good


i heard that encoded keys can be quite expensive to replace



Overheard a conversation at my dealership that the key for one of our cars with the remote lock control in it is about $150. Our other car (GM) has plain keys with just the sim chip (or whatever) embedded and I believe they're close to $100.




Good advice FnA! Changing your locks will definately make you feel more secure. Alternatively, you could book a few days off work and sit in your front hallway with Mr. Louisville a wait for them to show up!

Might help take your mind off the GPS!


Alternatively, you could book a few days off work and sit in your front hallway with Mr. Louisville a wait for them to show up!





My truck got broken into last year and over $2,500 worth of electronics and tools were taken....

I wish I had ANY piece of info at all, that would help me and my Louisville take care of business!


Glad to hear that they found your car, and it wasn't smashed up!

Hopefully things will get settled for you.

After all, this is why we have insurance!


That's great news Shawn, well except for the GPS. That should be covered under you policy tho. I sure hope they find the S.O.B.'s. Keep us informed.




Great news Shawn! Hopefully everything is ok with it and any insurance claim that has to be made goes smoothly!


I had my side window smashed, car stereo, golf clubs, baseball gear etc stolen. I found out after work (it was parked at a TTC parking lot). I filed a police report at around 6pm. The next morning at 8 I got a call from 42 Division, saying that they had my stuff and to come in to identify it. By 10am the next morning, I had all my stuff back! Apparently they broke into 5 cars, stole a bunch of stuff and then broke into another car and stole it. They stopped the stolen vehicle and voila...all the stuff they stole was in there.


That's GREAT that they found your car!! Glad to hear it's still in one piece. Hope they nail the little :asshat: to the wall.


Your GPS will tell these kids where you live. Depending on model, and when you have it turned on, it may also tell them where your boat, storage unit, etc etc are - even if they're not saved as waypoints. Mine knows the last umpteen tracks it took, whether or not there were waypoints involved, and it'll spill its guts at the drop of a USB cable. Hope you had a computer backup of your waypoints.


Did you have one of those Esso Speedpass type deals on your keychain? How about markings on keys (post office? storage unit?) saying what address and door/box number they open?


If it were my car, I'd immediately book her into the dealership for new locks & ignition cylinder. Would also be getting whatever electronic procedure to make her reject the stolen remote control & key chip.


I'm with tjsa...keeping your keys clipped where you can see them is a good idea. I have a metal bolt snap on my keyring. It's about the size of my larger keys, so it doesn't stick out or get in the way. Nice to have your keys be able to grab onto something when you need a hand free. I keep my wedding rings on the clip when I'm working inside a system on location. No worries about dropping keys in the lake - they're clipped inside my boat bag when I'm walking on docks.


LOL.. I always drop cars I steal off at Country Style... cops never go there...


Thats so weird man. I'm surprised I did not see your car this morning. I was there around 15 minutes to 5 this morning. Didnt even notice the cops but them again its common here. I like I told you before have had 2 trucks stolen from my driveway here. One never recovered and one recovered beaten to hell. Make sure you tell the insurance you need a full tuneup and Diagnostics on that car. Those guys for sure did not baby it. Good news you got it back.

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